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Neutrino oscillations and astrophysical fluxes. CHOOZ (reactor). solar. atmospheric. at Earth. c = cos θ sol , s = sin θ sol , θ sol ~ 35 o x = sin θ atm = cos θ atm , θ atm ~ 45 0 Δ m atm =2.5 10 -3 eV 2 , Δ m sol =7 10 -5 eV 2. For astrophysical sources L>kpc :
Neutrino oscillations and astrophysical fluxes CHOOZ (reactor) solar atmospheric at Earth c = cosθsol, s = sinθsol, θsol~35o x = sinθatm = cosθatm, θatm~ 450 Δmatm=2.5 10-3 eV2, Δmsol=710-5 eV2 For astrophysical sources L>kpc : Δm2 L/2E » 1 Beam dump when all ms decay: Other scenarios: neutron decay Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Gelmini et al, PRD70, 2004 Neutrino production: top down Decay of neutrons in sources Decay or annihilation of supermassive relic of Big Bang 1024 eV = 1015 GeV ~ MGUT (monopoles, topological defects, vibrating strings…)Resonant UHE neutrino interactions on relic neutrinos (Z-bursts)Guaranteed neutrinos: GZK nsUHECR produce ps nsns from CR interactions in the Galactic plane Can explain EHECR Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Near Infrared COBE / DIRBE Infrared COBE / DIRBE Photomosaic - Lausten et al. Gamma Ray Optical Neutrinos Radio continuum 408 MHz – Bonn, Jodrell Banks & Parks X-Ray 0.25, 0.75, 1.5 keV – ROSAT / PSPC >100 MeV – CGRO / EGRET ? ANTARES ? The Galactic Plane Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Theorical hypothesis Equilibrium between CR, B and ISM. Propagation Electromagnetic interactions • Energy losses • Diffusion on magnetic field and galactic winds • Reacceleration • Decays • Spallation • Neutrinos from pp collisions Galactic plane ~ 1 kpc Halo 1 – 20 kpc 8.5 kpc 15 – 20 kpc The Galaxy Halo Sun Ring + bar Galactic center Bulge spiral arms Sun 1 pc = 3.3 ly Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
g observations • EGRET observed a diffuse emission 100MeV-10 GeV from Galactic Centre region (300 pc): excess > factor 10 around 1 GeV • INTEGRAL: resolved 91 point sources. 90% of ‘diffuse’ flux can be due to point sources <100 keV • Milagro: discovery of TeV emission (astr-ph/0502303) 4.5s excess from |b|<5˚ and l[40˚,100˚] Covered pond with 2 layers of PMTs, from relative timing 0.75˚ shower direction resolution, gamma-hadron discrimination based on shape of Cherenkov light emitted by showers FMilagro(>1TeV)=5.1 ·10-10 cm-2 s-1 sr-1 Steeper than EGRET alone 2.51 0.05 2.61±0.07 Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
red = from 0 Figure: Strong, Moskalenko, and Reimer, astro-ph/0406254 g observations Extreme models g =-(2.4-2.9) (hard electron disfavoured) ns follow primary spectrum (p decay dominates over interactions) New model in Strong, Moskalenko, and Reimer, astro-ph/0406254 INTEGRAL: flux from point sources Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Model HEMN Hard electron modelE-2.9 γ=2.94 GeV γ=2.4 GeV Model HN TeV TeV For E-2.4 20 years of ANTARES to have 88% discovery prob Gamma from π0 Nu mu + anti nu mu Extreme Models Hard nucleus model E-2.4 Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
High matter density and activity compact radio source Sgr A* possibly associated to black hole ~3 106 Msun in the center Sgr A East SNR 95% 68% Sgr A* Sgr A East Chandra & Radio Galactic Centre HESS TeV-g spectrum in disagreement with the other experiments Variability? localization? HESS 1 arcmin around Sgr A* HESS (6.1s 4.7h/9.2 s 11.8 h) Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005 astro-ph/0408145
High Energy Stereoscopic System Four 12 m diameter telescopes running since ~ 1yr in Namibia (16 in the future?) Eth 100 GeV Cherenkov light is emitted by showers induced by high-energy gamma rays This light is very faint - about 10 gs/m2 at Eg=100 GeV - and the duration of the light flash is only a few nsec. Large mirrors, fast photon detectors and short signal-integration times are required to collect enough light from the shower, with minimal contamination from night-sky background light. g direction < 0.1
p0 The case of RXJ1713.7-3946 Open problem: elusive p0produced in accelerated nuclei collisions with SN ambient material. Still not a clear evidence BUT…CANGAROO claim Galactic point Sources Enomoto et al, Nature 2002 Controversial Reimer et al., A&A390,2002 Incompatible with EGRET
H.E.S.S.: full remnant CANGAROO: hotspot Index 2.2±0.07±0.1 Index 2.84±0.15±0.20 preliminary RXJ1713.7-3946 No cut-off in the HE tail of HESS spectrum favors p0 decay scenario respect to the case of em processes Study of electron density and B can help NB CANGAROO measures the spectrum for the NW part of the rim, HESS for the entire region RXJ1713.7-3946 Seen by HESS
Microquasars Galactic X-ray binaries with radio relativistic jets Their structure make them similar to quasars but ~106 times smaller Most have bursting activity (hrs-days) Persistent: SS433 GX339-4 • Ljet : jet kinetic power (erg/s) • δ : jet Doppler factor δ= γ(1- β cosθ) • ηp : fraction of jet energy transferred to protons (~0.1) • fπ : fraction of p energy transferred pions • D : source distance Neutrinos from p-g interactions (photons from synchr. emission of electrons accelerated in jet or from accretion disc) Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Predictions Galactic sources Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Isotropic Angular Distribution Bimodal duration distribution long to short bursts 3:1 Gamma-Ray Bursts Vela-4 detects the 1stg emission E>0.1 MeV on July 2nd,1967 BATSE (1 GRB/d, 3° error box, FoV 4 sr) EGRET (1 GRB/yr, 10 arcmin, E>30 MeV,FoV 0.6 sr) 1 arcmin = 1/60 deg Counting rates with time variable from GRB to GRB Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Spectra -1 -2 E0 BATSE observations on GRBs Band et al. Parametri: , e E0 E0200 keV Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Beppo-SAX and afterglows Beppo-SAX (54 GRBs/6yrs, 5’ error box, 40-700 keV, FoV 20 ˚ 20 ˚) Determined in 5-8 h precise GRB position thanks to detection in X (WFC) Xray afterglow discovery:delayed emission even after ~ 1d optical counterparts SN association:GRB980425-SN1998bw GRB030329-SN2003dh position coincidenceand SN like spectrum in afterglow Long GRBs: stellar core collapse into a BH, accretes mass driving a relativistic jet that penetrates the mantle and produces GRB Controversial: observation off-axis suppresses g flux From optical afterglow spectrum redshift cosmological distance Emitted energy (isotropic) 1054 erg Beaming (light curve changes in slope): q = 1/G Eobs = G Eemitted G~102-103 Eemitted~ 5 ·1050 erg Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Current and future missions Delay of satellite data processing and transmission+transmission of alerts The Gamma-ray bursts Coordinate network GCN: Distribution of alerts Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
The fireball model Compactness problem: the optical depth for pair production very high if initial energy emitted from a volume with radius R <c dt ~300 km with dt = variability time scale ~ ms in photons with the observed spectrum this would imply thermal spectra contrary t observations Solution: relativistic motion dimension of source R <G2 c dt and Eobs = G Emitted A fireball (, e, baryon loading <10-5 Msun to reach observed G) forms due to the high energy density, that expands. When it becomes optically thin it emits the observed radiation through the dissipation of particle kinetic energy into relativistic shocks External shocks: relativistic matter runs on external medium, interstellar or wind earlier emitted by the progenitor Internal shocks: inner engine emits many shells with different Lorentz factors colliding into one another, and thermalizing a fraction of their kinetic energy Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005 Review
Active Galactic Nuclei Rotating massive BH with jets along rotation axis with matter outflow + accretion disc Spectra have a thermal part due to synchrotron radiation of electrons in a magnetic field (UV bump at optical-UV frequencies)+non thermal component extending up to 20 orders of magnitude explained by leptonic/hadronic models Neutrino production in pg or pp processes VLA image of Cygnus A Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Upper bounds on X-galactic fluxes Cosmic p accelerators produce CRs, g’s and n’s Ultimate bound of any scenario involving n and g production from ps: diffuse extra-galactic g backgroundE2Fn< 6 10-7 GeV /cm2 s sr (EGRET) Measured UHECR flux provides most restrictive limit (Waxman & Bahcall (1999)- optically thin sources: nucleons from photohadronic interactions escape- CR flux above the ankle (>3 ·1018eV) are extragalactic protons with E-2 spectrum E2Fn< 4.5 10-8 GeV /(cm2 s sr) This bound does not apply to harder spectra or optically thick Mannheim, Protheroe & Rachen (2000): Magnetic fields and uncertainties in photohadronic interactions of protons can largely affect the bound as these effects restrict number of protons able to escape CR rate evolves with z Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Suggested references • Halzen and Hooper, Rept.Prog.Phys.65:1025-1078,2002 • Learned and Mannheim, Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.50:679-749,2000 • Burgio, Bednarek, TM, New Astron. Rev. 49, 2005 (galactic point sources) • http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/astro-ph/pdf/0405/0405503.pdf (GRBs) • Books: Longair, High Energy Astrophysics Berezinski, Neutrino Astrophysics 1995 • These transparencies: http://www.icecube.wisc.edu/~tmontaruli/ Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
nm Neutrino Detection Principle ns are weekly interacting require large target mass and conversion into charged particle Markov/ Greisen idea (1960) Target is surrounding matter M =r Rm S (Em = 1 TeV : Rm = 2.5 km) Events are upgoing Muon neutrinos are the only topology to allow source pointing But since ns oscillate other topologies should be considered that allow to observe upper sky Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
Energy losses Ionization and atomic excitation: interactions with electrons in the media Continuous process mip: particles at the minimum of ionization 2 MeV/g/cm2 Radiative: discrete process and stochastic Bremmsstrahlung: radiation emitted by an accelerated or decelerated particle through the field of an atomic nuclei Energy emitted 1/m2 Pair production:m+N e+e- Photonuclear : inelastic interaction of muons with nuclei, produces hadronic showers Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005
rock Pair production photonuclear ionization bremsstrahlung The target mass Ionization Stochastic losses ~2 MeV/g/cm2(dominate > 1TeV ) critical energy Upgoing muons: much larger interaction volume than what is in the instrumented region Teresa Montaruli, 5 - 7 Apr. 2005