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Results from EU project Eurohydros. Modeling hydrogen using the Oslo CTM2 model . Modeling H 2 in the troposphere and stratosphere. H 2 chemistry included in both troposphere and stratosphere .
Results from EU projectEurohydros Modeling hydrogen usingthe Oslo CTM2 model.
Modeling H2 in thetroposphere and stratosphere • H2chemistryincluded in bothtroposphere and stratosphere. • Emissions: Retro CO scaled (0.6ppb/ppb) and forest fires from Global Fire Emission Database (GFEDv2). • Deposition: Eurohydrosdeposition (soilwork shop 2009) polewardof 30N/30S, butslightlymodified. • NorhernHemisphere: Min/max at 1Feb/1Aug (10-4m/s) • v(NH) = 3.52 + 2sin( [-1/2 + 2(day-32)/365]*pi ) • Southern Hemisphere: Min/max at 1Aug/1Feb (10-4m/s) • v(SH) = 3.52 + 2sin( [1/2 + 2(day-32)/365]*pi ) • Tropics: 3.52x10-4m/s • v is halvedevery 20cm ofsnowdepth. • Modification: polewardof 60N and whensnow < 40cm, v is reducedaccording to Price et al 2006 (halving v at 273K, and again at 258K).
Zonal mean distribution • H2 + OH large in summer (sunlight) cause stratospheric minimum at high latitudes/altitudes. • Minimum at 32km (high latitudes) in winter is residue from summer, transported downwards. • Clear interhemispheric gradient at the surface.
Surface distribution • Clear interhemispheric gradient, due to the soil uptake. • Large values in very polluted areas, and due to biomass burning.
Zeppelin – a closer look Obs: 2006 1 outlier removed Obs: 2007
Mace Head – a closer look Obs: 2007 3 outliers removed Obs: 2008 1 outlier removed
Pallas – a closer look Obs: 2007 Obs: 2008
Summaryon H2modeling In general goodagreementat remotesites. But missing sourcesclearly ”identifiable” occationally at somesites (Mace Head, Ile Amsterdam), for others more frequently (Voeikovo). High latitudes NorthernHemispherecontinent H2 is underestimated at all seasons (e.g. Pallas). • Possiblereasons: • Soiluptaketoohigh at mid-latitudes, so depleted H2 is transportedpolewards • Unresolvedemissions at high latitudes. • A global scaling for H2/CO may be wrong; differentsourcesmay have differentratios, or it may be latitude dependent.
H2 scenario studies HYMND5.5 Possible future effects on methane (climate) and ozone (pollution) of the transformation to a hydrogen economy
Motivation • Hydrogen fuel cells proposed as a promising alternative or replacement of conventional fossil fuel engines. Use of fuel cells in road vehicles where hydrogen is oxidized to produce electric power has been anticipated to expand substantially in the coming decades.
Time frame and geographical coverage needed to be defined Main decisive factor: Availability of emission scenarios Europe, year 2030
HyWays (2004-2007) - an integratedproject to developthe European Hydrogen Energy Roadmap • Timeframes 2020, 2030 and 2050, • The 10membercountriesstatedspecificresults: • Preferred hydrogen production, infrastructure and end-usetechnologies, greenhouse gas emissions • Integratedinto a proposal for an EU Hydrogen Energy Roadmap for theparticipating areas.
Findings Substantial emission reduction can be achieved in a cost effective way. Security of supply is improved and new economic opportunities are created. Despite these advantages, initial barriers prevent hydrogen from entering the energy system at a sufficient pace in case no further policy incentives are provided. The Action Plan provides concrete actions that need to be taken with priority in order to overcome smoothly the initial barriers
Emissionsector • Hydrogen fuel cells have been proposed as a promising alternative or replacement of conventional fossil fuel engines. Use of fuel cells in road vehicles where hydrogen is oxidized to produce electric power has been anticipated to expand substantially in the coming decades.
Hyways roadmap scenarios +baseline scenario used in the TREMOVE model to calculate tank to wheel emissions of ozone precursors and greenhouse gases. The TREMOVE model estimates the transport demand, the modal split, the vehicle stock turnover, the emissions of air pollutants and the welfare levels in 31 European countries under different policy scenario up to 2030.For HYMN simulations:Assumption that the Hywaysroadmap for 10 countries were applied in 2030 in all 31 countries provided in the TREMOVE.
1000 Base line (-30% CO2) 900 800 Modest policy support, modest learning 700 Mtons/a High policy support, 600 high learning 500 Very high support, high learning 400 300 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Emission reduction potential Annual CO2 emissions from European road transport Hydrogen scenarios:
Assumed reductions in total tank to wheel emissions for road transport in Europe in 2030 The baseline scenario strongly depends on assumptions on oil price, emission reduction targets and alternative motor fuels. Already in 2030 a large reduction of emissions from the road transport is expected. This development is quite similar to the scenarios for road transport used in the EU project Quantify (Hoor et al., 2009).
Hywaysonlygive tank to wheelemissions Whataboutwell to tank ? (Emissionsofpollutants during production, processing transport etc) Hywayslacks Hydrogen emission scenarios (leakage) from bothwell to tank and tank to wheel
Study includingwell to tank and hydrogen Switching to a U.S. hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet: The resultant change in emissions, energy use, and greenhouse gases W.G. Colella, M.Z. Jacobson, D.M. Golden, Journal of Power Sources 2005 Cleaning the air and improving health with hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles M.Z. Jacobson, W.G. Colella, D.M. Golden, Science 308 (2005)
Figuretaken from web pageof
Switching to a U.S. hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet: The resultant change in emissions, energy use, and greenhouse gases W.G. Colella, M.Z. Jacobson, D.M. Golden
Simplification: Negligible well to tank emissions, except for hydrogen
Change in July surface ozone (ppbv) in the 2030 baseline simulation compared to the year 2000 simulation Relative change in July surface ozone (%) in the 2030 baseline simulation compared to the year 2000 simulation
Relative change in July surface ozone (%) in the 2030 hydrogen simulation compared to the baseline 2030 simulation
Impactsonmethane O3 NO • Reductions in CO, NOx, VOCsemissions OH HO2 h, H2O Constitutes a few percent of the loss of OH from the troposphere. CO, CH4, NMVOCs • Changes in H2emissions
The yearly mean global sink of methane (k x OH x CH4) changes by only – 0.01 % for the baseline 2030 relative to year 2000. Small change (-0.025 % relative to baseline 2030) with the introduction of hydrogen. Mainly three reasons: • The European road transport emissions are rather small compared to the total global anthropogenic emissions. • Concurrent reductions of both CO and NOx have opposite effects on global OH levels (Dalsøren and Isaksen 2006). • The reaction rate of OH with methane is more sensitive to emission changes at lower latitudes due to its temperature dependency.
Conclusions We find rather small changes in tropospheric hydrogen, methane and ozone if we introduce hydrogen fuel to road transport in 2030 in 31 European countries and assume no changes in emissions for other sectors or geographical regions. Exception: Surface ozone reductions probably important in heavy polluted regions Important uncertainties • Assumed rather clean well to tank technology and negligible pollutant emissions from well to tank compared to tank to wheel. • Dependent on the assumptions for the baseline 2030 emissions, that is the background scenario for European road transport emissions in 2030 without introduction of hydrogen. The introduction of hydrogen fuel cells is in an early phase in 2030, and towards 2050 there is a strong increase in the expected hydrogen use . Likely that the impacts of hydrogen fuel could be larger towards 2050, (but again this will depend on the vehicle emissions from the rest of fuel types used, emissions scenarios for other sectors and geographical regions, and changes in climate.)
Leading vehicle manufacturers in fuel cell technology—Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation/Opel, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors Corporation, the alliance Renault SA and Nissan Motor Corporation and Toyota Motor Corporation—issued a joint a Letter of Understanding (LoU) regarding the development and market introduction of fuel cell electric vehicles. The signing automobile manufacturers strongly anticipate that from 2015 onwards, a “quite significant” number—a “few hundred thousand units” over the initial products’ lifecycles—of fuel cell electric vehicles could be commercialized. These companies have built up extensive expertise in fuel cell technology; the signing marks a major industry step towards the serial production of such locally emission-free vehicles. As every vehicle manufacturer will implement its own specific production and commercial strategies as well as timelines, commercialization of electric vehicles powered by fuel cells may occur earlier than 2015, the automakers noted. Highlight from recentnews