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Analysis of the amendments to the IMMEX Decree Tax considerations. Tax and Legal Services / January , 2011. General aspects .
Analysis of theamendmentstothe IMMEX DecreeTaxconsiderations Tax and Legal Services / January, 2011
General aspects • The current Decree for the Development of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Services Industry («IMMEX Decree») was published in the Daily Gazette on November 1,2006 and amended on May 16, 2008. • On December 24, 2010 a new amendment to the Decree is published. • It enters into effect 90 days after its publication = March 24, 2011. • Articles that entered into effect on January 1, 2011: • Article 33 (amended) • Article 34 (created)
General aspects • Main reasons for the amendment of the Decree • Avoid abuse by the taxpayer that did not have the wright of the preferential tax regime of a typical maquiladora. • Establish «locks» to access tax benefits. • Establihs new customs rules. • Define new products as «sensible» for customs purposes.
BackgroundPE derives from a maquila operation (two taxpayers in Mexico, the maquiladora and the parent company with a PE) Parent company US PE PE M&E Administration and control MEX 1 3 Maquila (IMMEX) Inventory 2
BackgroundMaquiladoras vs. Pitex – Main Differences • MAQUILA • 100% - Foreign ownership • M&E - Provided by contractor • Inventory – Provided by contractor • Control – Provided by contractor • PITEX • 51% - Mexican ownership • M&E - Owned • Inventory – Provided by contractor or owned • Control – Not necessary provided by contractor
Background Maquiladoras vs. Pitex – Tax Benefits VAT Customs Asset tax waiver Income tax reduction Flat Tax credit Safe Harbor option Transfer pricing preferential regime option MAQUILADORA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PITEX Yes Yes No No No No No
Background November, 2006 • Maquila • Pitex • IMMEX
Taxbenefitsfor IMMEX companies • Exemption of Permanent Establishment • Partial or total exemption of Mexican Income Tax in accordance with the October 30, 2003 Decree («Fox Decree») • Tax incentive to reduce the paymet of Flat tax IETU («Calderon Decree») • Preferential tax regime in transfer pricing (article 216-BIS) • VAT 0% rate.
Legal reasons(withintheDecree) • Strengthen the compliance with the obligations set forth in the IMMEX Decree. It is necessary to restrict the authorization of new development programs for companies that have not complied with them. • The ITL establishes for companies that perform maquila operations a tax regime that facilitates its compliance to the maquiladora and the foreign resident. • The ITL establishes that in order to apply the tax regime to maquiladoras, the definition established in the IMMEX Decree must be followed. • It was considered urgent and necessary to adjust the maquila operation definition, in order to include virtual operations, as wells as the requirement that the operation is done with machinery and equipment of a foreign resident. • The maquila operation does not restrict the incorporation of other national or foreign merchandise. • Establish a grammatical precision of the transformation of goods and not its manufacturing by part of a maquiladora company, since the raw materials delivered are not manufactured by the company, but so transformed to a different product with a value added.
Article 2 MITL (lastparagraph) • It is not considered that a foreign resident has a permanent establishment in the country • Derived from the juridical or economic relationships that it maintains with companies that perform maquila operations, that regularily are processed in the country, goods or merchandise maintained in the country by the foreign resident, utilizing assets provided directly or indirectly by the foreign residen or any related company. • As long as Mexico has celebrated with the host country a treaty to avoid double taxation and the requirements of the treaty are complied with, including friendly agreements negotiated in accordance with the treaty in the manner implemented by the parties involved. • In order to be considered that a foreign resident does not have a permanent establishement in the country. The set forth in this paragraph, will only be applicable when the companies have maquila operations and comply with article 216-Bis of the Law.
Article 33 Maquila operation In accordancewiththelastparagraph of art 2 of theMITL maquila operationistheonethatcomplieswiththefollowingconditions.
Service activities that were excluded of the transformation definition Provide, warehouse or distribute merchandise Preparation of kits or material with advertising purposes that accompany the exported products Washing and ironing of clothes Broidery or printing of apparel Armoring, modifications or adaptations of vehicles Recycling and collection of waste Software engineering and design Services that support information technology Subcontracting services of business processes based in information technology
Article 33 Maquila operation In accordancewiththelastparagraph of art 2 of theMITL maquila operationistheonethatcomplieswiththefollowingconditions.
Article 33 Maquila operation In accordance with the last paragraph of art 2 of the MITL maquila operation is the one that complies with the following conditions.
Article 33 Maquila Operation • It is not considered maquila operation: • The transformation or repair of merchandise sold in Mexico and do not have an export pedimento, • Therefore article 216-Bis of the MITL will not be applicable for said operations.
Article 33 Maquila operation • Calculation of the 30% for machinery and equipment (3rd amendment 12/28/2010) • Amount to be depreciated by the foreingner / [amount pending to depreciate (1 property of the foreigner + 2 property of third parties with commercial relationships + 3 property of the maquiladora company + 4 leased to non-related parties)] • Amount to depreciate = MOI – depreciation on tax rates • The MOI is determined with the customs value; or the MOI of the maquiladora company; or with the appraisal for leased goods of Mexican residents. • The amount pending depreciation cannot be lower than 10% of the MOI. • The balances have to be updated with the INPC (last month of the first half of the fiscal year / month of purchase)
Article 34 Maquila operation VAT • New article • For purposes of the VATL it is considetedmaquila operation - The manufacturing operation of companies with a Program made under the Decree • It is considered submaquila • The submanufacturing operation made in terms of the Decree. • It is indicated that the return will not exceed 20 working days, except for Certified companies that will be in 5 days. • It is not clarified the possible double taxation of the VAT, when a Certified maquiladora delivers in Mexico on behalf of the foreign resident.
CONTACT INFORMATION Héctor Silva Tax partner Phone: 011 52 (664) 622-7840 Email: hsilva@deloittemx.com Deloitte se refiere a Deloitte ToucheTohmatsuLimited, sociedad privada de responsabilidad limitada en el Reino Unido, y a su red de firmas miembro, cada una de ellas como una entidad legal única e independiente. Conozca en www.deloitte.com/mx/conozcanos la descripción detallada de la estructura legal de Deloitte ToucheTohmatsuLimited y sus firmas miembro. Deloitte presta servicios profesionales de auditoría, impuestos, consultoría y asesoría financiera, a organizaciones públicas y privadas de diversas industrias. Con una red global de firmas miembro en más de 150 países, Deloitte brinda su experiencia y profesionalismo de clase mundial para ayudar a que sus clientes alcancen el éxito desde cualquier lugar del mundo en donde operen. Los aproximadamente 170,000 profesionales de la firma están comprometidos con la visión de ser el modelo de excelencia. Esta publicación sólo contiene información general y ni Deloitte ToucheTohmatsuLimited, ni sus firmas miembro, ni ninguna de sus respectivas afiliadas (en conjunto la “Red Deloitte”), presta asesoría o servicios por medio de esta publicación. Antes de tomar cualquier decisión o medida que pueda afectar sus finanzas o negocio, debe consultar a un asesor profesional calificado. Ninguna entidad de la Red Deloitte, será responsable de la pérdida que pueda sufrir cualquier persona que consulte esta publicación.