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Direct Causes = 3 G’s. The 3 motives reinforce each other Political : Become a world power through gaining wealth and land. (______________) Religious : spread Christianity and weaken Middle Eastern Muslims. (_____________)
Direct Causes = 3 G’s The 3 motives reinforce each other • Political: Become a world power through gaining wealth and land. (______________) • Religious: spread Christianity and weaken Middle Eastern Muslims. (_____________) • Economic: Search for new trade routes with direct access to Asian/African luxury goods would enrich individuals and their nations (___________)
MERCANTILISM Get as much gold and silver as you can Establish a _____________________ Get colonies COLONIZATION IS A NATURAL OUTGROWTH OF EXPLORATION COLONIES EXIST TO BENEFIT THE “MOTHER COUNTRY”
Who: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS When: __________ • What: Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria • Discovered Americas • looking for westward route to Asia • Met “Taino” – very generous • Columbus’ men treated Taino very harsh • Claimed land for Spain • Taino that resisted were killed • Columbus required Taino to give him Gold – those that did not were killed__ • ____________________________________”
Who: Herman Cortes • When: 1519 • What: ___________________ • Conquered the _____________ (Mexico) • Dona Maria – translator for Cortes • Cortes allied with enemies of the Atzecs • Moctezuma felt Cortes was the Aztec god-king, _____________________ who had promised to return from the east • 1521 – Cortes conquered Tenochtitlan
Who: Francisco Pizarro • When: 1532 • What: Conquistador • Conquered the ______________ (Peru) • Defeated Atahualpa (Inca king)
Good Doors to the Americas were opened A ‘New World’ was discovered Colonies Increased trade Geographic knowledge Christianity spread BAD Natives got diseases that killed them Natives lost their freedom, customs and pride Effects of Spanish Exploration
ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM • 1. Spanish Monarchs allowed officials to demand labor / tribute (cheap labor supply) • “granted” to deserving subjects of the King • 2. In return the Conquistador was obligated to • protect his wards • instruct them in the Christian faith • defend their right to use and live off the land • 3. Encomienda system eventually decimated Indian population • 4. The King prevented the encomienda with the ______________________(1542) supported by de Las Casas, the system gradually died out.
Father Bartolomé de Las Casas • Believed Native Americans had been treated harshly by the Spanish • Indians could be educated and converted to _______________ • Believed Indian culture was advanced as European but in different ways
Colonial Competition • England and France becoming rivals • Fought over land • ________________________ WAR • 1754-1763 • Seven Years’ War • England won • 1763 – Treaty of Paris • English control of North America
Triangular Trade Spanish 1st to begin “Slave Trade” 2 months to travel
Over 10 million slaves were taken against their will on the “__________________________” to the Americas during the nearly 300 years of the Atlantic slave trade.
IRON SHACKLES “Floating Coffins” nearly ½ died during “Middle Passage” due to disease or mistreatment