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ASSESSMENT: THE SCOTTISH PERSPECTIVE. ‘Assessment is for Learning’ Carolyn Hutchinson Qualifications, Assessment and Curriculum Scottish Executive Education Department. ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: Looking back. ASSESSMENT REVIEW (1999) AND CONSULTATION (2000)

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  1. ASSESSMENT: THE SCOTTISH PERSPECTIVE ‘Assessment is for Learning’ Carolyn Hutchinson Qualifications, Assessment and Curriculum Scottish Executive Education Department

  2. ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:Looking back ASSESSMENT REVIEW (1999) AND CONSULTATION (2000) • Evolution, not revolution • Assessment, not measurement should be the key concern • A common framework for record-keeping and reporting • Manageable change, properly resourced and supported • Improvements to National Testing process • Due attention to research evidence

  3. ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:Looking back Two main purposes for assessment: • to support learning, provide feedback to pupils, parents and other teachers, and identify next steps in learning • to provide information as a basis for monitoring and evaluating provision and attainment at school, education authority and national levels These two purposes seen as being in tension with one another

  4. ASSESSMENT DEVEL0PMENT PROGRAMMEWhy assess at all? The purpose of assessment in education is to provide all stakeholders with sufficiently dependable information and feedback to inform judgements, choices and decisions about learning, and to inform planning for improvement

  5. ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:‘ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING’ ‘To provide a streamlined and coherent system of assessment that will ensure that pupils, parents, teachers and other professionals have the feedback they need about pupils’ learning and development needs’

  6. ‘ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING’Evidence as Feedback • Develop professional practice and confidence in assessment, so teachers’ judgements are dependable (valid, reliable, comparable) • Quality assure teachers’ judgements locally and nationally, so standards are shared • Monitor national attainment in a way that promotes good classroom practice 10 linked development projects 2002-2004 3 linked strands of work 2004-2007

  7. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Policy into practice Build informed research Create informed policy Grow informed communities of practice

  8. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Linked networks • Assessment Action Group and Programme Management Group • Local Authority Assessment Co-ordinators • Associated Schools Groups • LT Scotland and SQA Development Officers • HEI representatives and evaluations • Consultants • ‘Open Space’ meetings

  9. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Linked networks: professional reflection …self assessment…, far from being a luxury, is in fact an essential component of formative assessment. Where anyone is trying to learn, feedback about their efforts has three elements – the desired goal, the evidence about their present position, and some understanding of a way to close the gap between the two - Sadler, 1989

  10. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Linked networks: professional reflection Peer evaluation: learning intentions • For participants: • to gain insight into the range of questions which might be used to elicit the information needed to evaluate a report or a piece of work • to have an opportunity to practise peer- and self-evaluation after developing such insight • For the programme: • to get advice on the kind of information to include in project guidelines for ASGs in 2005-06

  11. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Linked networks: professional reflection Peer evaluation: success criteria • Participants will: • be clearer about the role of questioning in prompting critical reflection • have made use of enhanced questioning skills to prompt peer and self-evaluation • The AifL team will: • have a better idea of the kind of advice new ASG groups would find useful at the start of their project

  12. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘Linked networks: Self-evaluation • Activities: • individual reading and initial impressions • group discussion of issues arising • group work – interrogating the reports • feedback to whole group • individual activity - self evaluation & response • pairs and trios – articulating understanding

  13. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘The Policy Context 2000-2004 Key ideas: • Learner at the centre • Partnership in learning • Less assessment • Self-evaluation, reflection, professionalism • Evidence as feedback

  14. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘The Policy Context Curriculum and Assessment 1 Nov 04 ‘Ambitious, Excellent Schools’ Education 3-18 • High expectations, leadership, ambition • More freedom for teachers and schools • Greater choice and opportunity for pupils • Better support for learning • Tougher, intelligent accountabilities

  15. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘The Policy Context Curriculum and Assessment 1 Nov 04 ‘A Curriculum for Excellence’ • Successful learners: • Enthusiasm, determination, open minds • Confident individuals • Self-respect, well-being, values, ambition • Responsible citizens • Respect for others, commitment to participate • Effective contributors • Enterprising, resilient, self-reliant

  16. 'ASSESSMENT IS FOR LEARNING‘The Policy Context Curriculum and Assessment 1 Nov 04 ‘Assessment, Testing and Reporting 3-18’ • All schools part of AifL by 2007 • Assessment bank developed and extended as tool for teachers • Local moderation to promote shared understanding of standards • Sample-based SSA to replace annual 5-14 survey from 2005 • Link national and international information • Continuing support for schools and LAs - ‘using evidence as feedback to inform improvment’

  17. Assessment is for Learning in a coherent national system of assessment Formative LA collection and analysis of school’s information to inform provision and improvement HMIE feedback and subject/ quality/improving reports Formative assessment Personal learning planning Involving learners, and parents and other adults, in the learning process Internal External Teachers’ judgements, with local moderation and (electronic) National Assessments as part ofquality assurance Scottish Survey of Achievement P3, P5, P7, S2 National Qualifications International studies HMIE inspections Summative

  18. What is an AifL School? A Place Where Everyone is Learning Together Our pupils and staff help to set their own learning goals Our pupils and staff identify and reflect on their own evidence of learning Our pupils and staff practise self- and peer-assessment ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING Learning and Teaching Curriculum Staff use a range of evidence from day-to-day activities to check on pupils’ progress Our pupils, staff and parents are clear about what is to be learned and what success would be like Using evidence as feedback to inform improvement ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Staff talk and work together to share standards in and across schools Our pupils and staff are given timely feedback about the quality of their work and how to make it better Staff use assessment information to monitor their establishment’s provision and progress, and to plan for improvement Our pupils and staff are fully involved in deciding next steps in their learning and identifying who can help Assessment Our classroom assessment involves high quality interactions, based on thoughtful questions, careful listening and reflective responses

  19. AifL-Assessment is for Learning2005-2006 • Empowering those at the chalkface • Continued (level) funding for LAs and ASGs • Renewed emphasis on teachers’ ownership and involvement through ASG ‘action research’ • Support from LTS development officers for teachers in ASG projects • Local area ASG networking meetings • Universities – evaluation of impact and ITE • LA field officers and moderators for SSA in authorities to support ‘sharing the standard’ • AifL triangle ‘toolkit’ pack for schools • Website, case studies, newsletters

  20. Assessment is for Learning www.ltscotland.org.uk/assess aifl@scotland.gsi.gov.uk www.scotland.gov.uk/publications

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