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Filter Types

CBI Platform Introduction: filter development and integration Jingxin Nie Medical Image Computing Lab Center for Biological Informatics The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Filter Types. Static and Dynamic Filter

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Filter Types

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  1. CBI Platform Introduction: filter development and integrationJingxin NieMedical Image Computing LabCenter for Biological InformaticsThe Methodist Hospital Research InstituteWeill Medical College of Cornell University

  2. Filter Types Static and Dynamic Filter Both type of libraries are supported in our platform. Function and Object Only function style filter are supported in the current version platform. Object-based Filter will be supported in next version.

  3. Filter Development Though static library could be supported in our platform, dynamic library is highly recommended for filter develop: Static library with different compiler have certain problems when integrate with other filters. Dynamic call other dynamic library from static library is not well supported.

  4. Filter Development Filter Development is similar to dynamic library development, after which we can get: *.h header files of the filter *.lib library link of the filter *.dll binary dynamic library of filter

  5. MinGW or MSVC Dll created by MinGW and then called by MSVC or vice versa can be well supported only if it’s a standard C dll. C++ type dll could be compatible to our system if it’s compiled by both MinGW and MSVC.

  6. Filter Integration (1) For each filter function which has been “export” in dynamic library, add it to Database.xml E.g. filter: char * cbiChangeImageFormat(const char* imageName, const char* imageFormat) Could be added into database as:

  7. - <Function Name="cbiChangeImageFormat"> <Describe>Change image Format.</Describe> <HeaderFile>cbiUtility.h</HeaderFile> <LibFile>cbiUtility.lib</LibFile> <ReturnType>char*</ReturnType> <OwnerID>1</OwnerID> - <Parameter Name="imageName" Input="1" Output="0" IsInFlow="1 CanBeNull="0"> <Describe>Source image.</Describe> <VarType>const char*</VarType> <InitialType>static</InitialType> <DefaultValue /> </Parameter> - <Parameter Name="imageFormat" Input="1" Output="0" IsInFlow="0" CanBeNull="0"> <Describe>Image format.</Describe> <VarType>const char*</VarType> <InitialType>static</InitialType> <DefaultValue /> </Parameter> </Function>

  8. Database Entry - Function

  9. Database Entry - Parameter

  10. Filter Integration (2) Copy *.h and *.lib file to {app}/include/ and {app}/lib respectively. Copy *.dll file to {app}/dll. Copy the new “Database.xml” to {app}/, replacing the original “Database.xml”. Here {app} means the CBI Platform installation root directory. Now Integration is done.

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