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Professional Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers

Professional Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers. Acquire knowledge on curriculum. Have vast concept on subject contents. Idea about the nature of your students. Prepare lesson plan regularly. Have clear conception about the principle and teaching methods and techniques.

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Professional Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers

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  1. Professional Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers • Acquire knowledge on curriculum. • Have vast concept on subject contents. • Idea about the nature of your students. • Prepare lesson plan regularly. • Have clear conception about the principle and teaching methods and techniques. • Realize your own profession and always prepare to do your professional duties. • To gain scientific attitude. • Demonstrate empathy, affection and patience to your students. Didar-Millennium School/Teacher and His/Her Profession

  2. Barriers to professional duties of a teacher • Inadequate preparation for teaching. • Ignorance to his/her own profession. • Avoidance to increase professional knowledge and skills. • Lower social dignity. • Low salary. Didar-Millennium School/Teacher and His/Her Profession

  3. Know your students • Physical condition • Morality • Physical and mental problem • Socio-economic condition • Family condition • Ability of learning • Current level of knowledge, skill and attitude. Didar-Millennium School/Teacher and His/Her Profession

  4. How can I identify my weakness • Self reflection • Evaluation by my students • Evaluation by my hubby. • Analyze the achievement of my students. • Discuss with related persons (e.g. parents) Didar-Millennium School/Teacher and His/Her Profession

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