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Icinga – Open Source Monitoring

Icinga – Open Source Monitoring. Bernd Erk – NETWAYS GmbH @ CeBIT 03.03.2010 - Hannover. Agenda. The Icinga Project Project Structure Tools and Plattform Project Status Live-Demo Roadmap Questions & Answers. The Icinga Project. community fork of Nagios ( s tarted in May 2009)

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Icinga – Open Source Monitoring

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  1. Icinga – Open Source Monitoring Bernd Erk – NETWAYS GmbH @ CeBIT 03.03.2010 - Hannover

  2. Agenda TheIcinga Project Project Structure Tools and Plattform Project Status Live-Demo Roadmap Questions & Answers

  3. TheIcinga Project • communityfork of Nagios (started in May 2009) • fourmaincomponents & teams • Icinga-core (Stable) • Icinga-api (Alpha) • Icinga-web(Beta) • Icinga-docs (Stable) • downwardcompatible to Nagios • plugins • configuration • addOns • database

  4. The Project Structure • BiweeklySkype • Mailinglistforcommunication • Ticketing und project-management (dev.icinga.org) Icinga Quality, Testing and Community Support Icinga-Core Icinga-API Icinga-Web Icinga-Docu

  5. Tools and Platform Icinga Quality, Testing and Community Support website and open source ticketing system Icinga-Core C based source MySQL PostgreSQL Oracle Icinga-API based on PHP Icinga-Web based on PHP using ExtJS, YUI, Agavi MVC and Icinga-API Icinga-Doc based on Docbook in english and german GIT GIT GIT GIT

  6. Project Status Update - Core • fetchedNagiospatches to staycompatible • renamedIDOUtils; versionhandlinglikecore • addedIDOUtils as coremoduleduringinstall • introducednew DB Abstractionlayer: libdbi and ocilib • conditionalescalation • addedinitialsupportformoreRDBMs • MySQL • PostgreSQL • Oracle

  7. Project Status Update – API • fetchesinformationfromicinga • sendscommands to icinga • no dependencies to otherlibrariesorframeworks • opportunity to befreefromcomplexdataschemas • availableinterfaces • output: database (PHP-PDO) • input: pipe, ssh

  8. Project Status Update – Web architecture Icinga-Web ExtJS / Agavi / Appkit Your Addon Icinga-API • IDODB • MySQL • PostgreSQL • Oracle Icinga-Core IDMOD and IDO2DB

  9. Project Status Update – Web Features persistentusersettings multiple authentificationadapters BasicAuth LDAP Database easyextendableusingcustomcronks createcustomviews on all monitoringitems state of the art web 2.0 interface

  10. Live Demo Demo

  11. Live Demo

  12. Questions and Answers Here and now - Exhibition hall 9 stand B20 Website: http://www.icinga.org Website: http://www.netways.de E-Mail: bernd.erk@netways.de Blog http://blog.netways.de Twitterhttp://twitter.com/icinga

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