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A Healing “Toolkit”. For Your Cancer Recovery. “Health is a self-help process and not a do it yourself project” Thelma Jones, MD. FACP . DISCLAIMER
A Healing “Toolkit” For Your Cancer Recovery Thelma Jones, MC, FACP – Options For Wellness
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness “Health is a self-help process and not a do it yourself project” Thelma Jones, MD. FACP
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness DISCLAIMER “Nothing I am saying: 1) Is designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, 2) Is meant to contradict your health care provider. People will hear different things about what works and doesn’t work. Feel free to come to your own conclusions. We share certain characteristics. Each person is unique, has their own story and requires individual guidance. These are general guidelines and not specific. Always follow the advice of you health care practitioner.
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness CANCER A disease of modern living Lifestyle factors Cancer can be viewed as a chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Causes of Cancer • Are… • More attributable to environmental factors… • (what we eat and how we think) • …than attributable to genetics
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Causes • Inflammation • (Cause of most illness) • External and Internal toxins • Nutritional deficiencies and/or excesses • Stress
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Causes - External • Household cleaners • Air • Tap water • Chlorine • Inflammatory chemicals in fat • Pesticides • Mercury
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Causes - Internal • Our thoughts
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Obesity • Inflammatory chemicals in fat tissue
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Nutrition “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” Hippocrates
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Diet + Supplements Nutrition
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Nutritional… …excesses and/or deficiencies contribute to 85% - 95% of all illnesses
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Foods to Avoid Sugar Feeds Cancer Increases Inflammation Increases insulin
Foods to Avoid • White foods • GMO’s • Trans-fats • Non-organic • High fructose corn syrup • Dirty dozen • Packaged foods • Dairy • Gluten • Acid Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness
Foods to Eat • Decrease inflammation • Anti-oxidant • Help immunity Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness FOODS TO EAT Organic (Pesticides are carcinogenic) Gluten free Dairy free Alkaline Colored diet Cruciferous vegetables Certain fruit (berries) Mushrooms Raw foods
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness FOODS TO EAT Juicing Turmeric Eggs Grass-fed meat (hormone free) Fermented Soy (controversial)
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness NUTS Almonds Brazil nuts Cashews Hazelnuts Macadamias Pecans Pine nuts Walnuts
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness STRESS Anything under which we feel we have no control. It is a matter of perception in the eyes of the beholder Good and Bad
Stress • Major contributing factor to the onset and worsening of most illnesses. • Increases inflammation which causes most illnesses. Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Changes Neural Pathways Changes our perceptions Sense of appropriate control
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Helplessness Adversely affects cancer and the spread of cancer. Victim Cancer patient versus a patient with cancer Study – Rats shocked
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Trauma In the preceding two years. Trauma is not necessarily predictive of cancer
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Depression Is a state of inflammation
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Grief and Fear Grief hormones on the immune cells
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness EFT Relieving stress with EFT may reduce inflammation
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Nutrition and EFT Are epigenetic twins You are influencing genes from outside the cells.
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Nutrition and EFT Change genetic expression like turning off a switch
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness STUDY 500 Genes Prostrate cancer Lifestyle changes Stress and Nutrition
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Supplements • Replace what stress depletes • Decrease stress • Replace nutritional deficiencies • Handle toxins
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Supplements Vitamin D is a Big Topic It is a Hormone Made from the action of sunlight on the skin Deficiency plays a major role in the causation of cancer, heart disease dementia and asthma in children
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Supplements Vitamin D is a Big Topic All parts of the carcinogenic process Decreases inflammation Decreases insulin resistance Helps immunity D + K
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Supplements Vitamin D is a Big Topic Ideally over 50 50 to 70 Over 80 may kill cancer cells (controversial) Varies from summer to winter
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Iodine Deficiency plays a role in cancer causation Turns off cancer genes Turns on apoptosis (programmed cell death) Cancer cells are immortal
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Iodine Iodine receptors in Thyroid Breasts (Reversal of fibrocystic breasts) Ovaries
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Iodine Can be measured and appropriate replacement Controversial – My belief based on scientific evidence Selenium There are contraindications
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Supplements supplement the diet
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness RESVERATROL Brand Specific In red wine Potent anti-inflammatory Anti-oxidant Anti-Aging: Decreases the risk diseases of aging (chronic) Major Player in the Prevention of Cancer
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness GREEN TEA Possibly the #1 Cancer Fighting Beverage
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Green Tea Enables the immune system to search for and destroy cancer cells and helps repair DNA
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Green Tea • Increases cell death apoptosis • Anti-inflammatory • Anti-oxidant • Detoxifies poisons and carcinogens • Polyphenols • EGCG • May lower PSA levels • May decrease tumor growth • May inhibit the growth of breast cancer • May decrease spread to the lungs • May decrease risk of pancreatic cancer
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Green Tea • Japanese Research • May increase the concentration of certain chemotherapy agents • May show synergistic affects with chemotherapy • May reduce toxicity of chemotherapy
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness CURCUMIN Potent anti- inflammatory Anti-Oxidant A Major Player
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness DIM Helps the Formation of Healthy Estrogens
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness • Brand Specific Supplement • Increases interferon naturally which part of the immune that fights cancer • Important: Viruses may play a role in causing cancer • Cornell University Study • Increases natural killer cells
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Other Important Supplements Magnesium Zinc Fish oils Mushrooms CoQ10
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Supplements And Chemotherapy Controversial
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Brand Matters
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Empowered To Influence Health
Thelma Jones, MC, FACP - Options For Wellness Skype or phone conversations available with Dr. Thelma Jones Free supplement evaluations for this audience 15% an initial conversation for this audience