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Comprehensive Overview of Vascular Histology by Dr. Altdorfer

Explore the intricate anatomy of blood vessels and lymph vessels, from arteries to capillaries to veins, including functions, layers, and pathologies. Learn about vessel types, functions, and key features.

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Comprehensive Overview of Vascular Histology by Dr. Altdorfer

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  2. HISTOLOGY OF THE VESSELS 1) Bloodvessels 2) Lymphvessels

  3. Definitions: 1) Artery: 2) Vein:

  4. ?

  5. Arteries - higher pressure  thicker walls, smaller lumen than accompanying veins.  Three concentric layers: tunica intima - tunica media -tunica adventitia (capillaries) (arteries!) (veins!)

  6. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5

  7. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5 +Vasa vasorum, nerves

  8. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins

  9. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins Windkessel function

  10. + vasa vasorum

  11. Atherosclerotioc plaque with haemorrhage

  12. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins

  13. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5

  14. Medium sized vessels V A A V

  15. End arteries

  16. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins Resistance vessels, sphincter vessels

  17. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5

  18. Arteriole

  19. Precapillary arteriole

  20. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins Exchange vessels

  21. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5

  22. Capillary functions: exchange (diffusion; pinocytosis - transcytosis)secretion -endothelin – 1.-nitric oxide (NO = EDRF)-conn. tissue elements, etc.

  23. e.g. in muscles Fluid exchange e.g.: small intestine (resorption), endokrine glands, kidney Sinusoid: wide lumen Liver, spleen, endokrineglands, lymphnode Hepaticsinusoid liver

  24. Preferentialvessels

  25. Barriers: Blood-brain barrier (BBB)

  26. Elastic arteries Muscular arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Medium-sized veins Large veins in the adventitia: vasa vasorum! Capacitance vessels

  27. +Vasa vasorum, nerves (max. 5 +Vasa vasorum, nerves

  28. Postcapillary venules

  29. Venulen

  30. Medium sized vessels Medium-sized vein Medium-sized artery Muscular vein

  31. Valves in the veins Endothel-duplications Valve Skeletal muscle pump • Thrombosis, embolism, infarction • Thrombophlebitis • Cardiac bypass graft operation

  32. Large vein

  33. Special blood vesselsglomerulus – portal veins

  34. Receptors: carotid body (glomus) and sinus

  35. 1) Bloodvessels 2) Lymphvessels

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