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SPONSORS PLAN. Who do we work for ?. Fundamarin , works to help the indigenes from the tribes located at the ancient territory of The Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, like the ijkas, koguis and wiwas.

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  2. Who do weworkfor? Fundamarin , works to help the indigenes from the tribes located at the ancient territory of The Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, like the ijkas, koguis and wiwas. The lack of opportunities, the colonization and the neglect attitude from the government to their needs have led the community to a serious alimentary crisis. Those affected by the crisis are principally the children. After a visit made to the Sierra, with a team of doctors, we could established that if we don’t help the community now they will disappear and also their valuable traditions and great wisdom.

  3. Our Invitation... Fundamarin ONG invites you to be a part of this program, the Sponsors Plan, by learning more about the culture on the indigenes community and their struggle to prevail, so you would see, as we do, the necessity of working towards their well-being and their continuity through the years.

  4. Thewaytohelp… The aim of the Sponsors Plan is to mitigate the effects of the crisis by providing the children with not only nourishment but also making sure that they grow keeping their traditions and their relationship with the environment. The best way to help the indigenes is by providing a monetary contribution. With the founds Fundamarin makes sure they get the proper help to grow healthy and also assure the last of a lifestyle from which our civilization could learn a lot.

  5. The Sponsors Plan provides, to people around the world, the opportunity of giving a hope to the children who live at La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. With the donations we assure the preservation of the authentic and traditional cultural patrimony of the indigenes, because the support does not want to change their habits; Sponsors through Fundamarin are giving them the tools to live with dignity and make progress inside their communities.

  6. Howtodonate… You can help us donating a certain amount of money to support a child month by month: 1 Month Us $40 3 Months Us $110 6 Months Us $220 A Year US $450 Bank of Colombia (Bancolombia) Cta : No 304-213264-41 Thank You very much!!!

  7. Please, don't hesitate in contacting us if you want to join our cause or if you have any questions Calle 97No. 19ª - 56 Bogotá, ColombiaTelefax (571) 2364217 - Cel: 315 750 1585Fundamarin@hotmail.com – www.fundamarin.org

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