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Preparing for the New Funding Model Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening and PSM Lusaka, November 2013. Context. 70-80% of the grants value in health commodities HIA2 countries more advanced PSM systems
Preparing for the New Funding Model Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening and PSM Lusaka, November 2013
Context • 70-80% of the grants value in health commodities • HIA2 countries more advanced PSM systems • Impressive gains made in the last couple of years in building PSM infrastructure (must keep momentum!) • Increased demand (ART scale-up, change in guidelines, new diagnostic technologies, expansion of treatment centers, adherence support, QA, etc) • More volumes to manage but constrained PSM systems (timely & efficient procurement, storage in periphery, last mile distribution, decentralization, coordination of pharmaceutical and laboratory activities etc) • NFM competing priorities – PSM/PSS needs visibility and support to respond to program needs
Objective of the session Discuss on: • PSM preparations for the NFM • Progress and challenges, support needed • a roadmap for developing (or updating) Pharmaceutical Sector Plan to inform future investments
Principles of the new funding model • Bigger impact: focus on countries with the highest disease burden and lowest ability to pay, while keeping the portfolio global • Predictable funding:process and financing levels become more predictable, with higher success rate of applications • Ambitious vision: ability to elicit full expressions of demand and reward ambition • Flexible timing: in line with country schedules, context, and priorities • More simple:for both implementers and the Global Fund Principles of the new funding model
Preparing for the new funding model 5 areas to prepare for the new funding model Plan ahead 1 Strengthen national strategies 2 Involve key groups 3 Consolidate information and use updated data 4 Ensure inclusion of PSM component in the Concept Note 5
NFM: Health Product Management requirements across the grant lifecycle PSM arrangements Procurement planning 1 Assumptions 5 NSP and standard treatment guidelines Assessment Tool Procurement reviews, OSDV and RSQA 3 2 Country Dialogue Grant making Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Concept Note ADCD ADCD ADCD 4 PIP Reporting Performance assessment • PSM coordination mechanism • Health product management • Supply chain strategy/ • Health Systems Strengthening
Health Product Management requirements: Country Dialogue PSM arrangement assessment • Health products - related Requirements • Mapping of PSM arrangements • Mapping of Laboratory arrangements and capacity • During the Country Dialogue these processes are to be used as part of the foundation for Concept Note development Procurement planning 1 Assumptions NSP and standard treatment guidelines Country Dialogue CT • Rationale • The Country Dialogue process is meant to ensure that requests to the Global Fund: • Are integrated into the broader disease strategy and National Strategy for Pharmaceutical System Strengthening • Build upon the lessons learned from past grant implementation • Are inclusive and reflect inputs of diverse stakeholders, including the regulatory authorities, supply chain stakeholders and lab authorities
Health products management requirements: Concept Note PSM arrangement assessment • Concept note narrative • Programmatic gap tables • Modular tool • Pharmaceutical and Supply Chain and of National Laboratory capacity – intervention areas Procurement planning 2 Assumptions NSP and standards treatment guidelines Concept Note • Rationale • The Concept Note replaces the proposal process, and is a more iterative process between the Secretariat and the CCM. Key differences include: • Procurement plan is integrated in the modular tool • PSM arrangements presented with system strengthening costed activity plan
Health Product Management requirements: Grant Making • PSM-related Requirements • Finalized estimated needs (quantification aligned with program targets) • Defined PSM arrangements to address the systems gaps and sustain the delivery of products 3 Grant making • Rationale • Grant-making is a process of collaboration between the Secretariat and the PR to refine the Concept Note and translate it into a disbursement-ready grant. • Refine details of activities and implementation to ensure they represent value-for-money • Customize grant activities to address identified capacity needs and/or risks upfront rather than after grant signing • Conduct comprehensive assessment of the PR using a single tool, rather than multiple tools applied at different times during grant lifecycle • Ensure appropriate selections of indicators and realistic target setting rather than setting them prior to Secretariat review
What to do between now and submission of the Concept Note? Countries Work on defining a Pharmaceutical System Strengthening Strategy (with costed implementation plan and short/long term priorities) aligned with HSSP Define the system for estimating health products’ requirements Ask for TA and contact PSM Specialists in the Global Fund for guidance Global Fund Options for flexibilities (extensions and/or other provisions) to deal with challenges related to timing Country-specific discussions GF- Country Programs- Partners recognizing the different country-specific situations Support Countries to prepare for the Concept Note Partners TA in: Pharmaceutical System Strengthening (PSM optimization; RUM; QA;PV etc) Quantification for HIV, TB and Malaria medicines PSM Preparation for the Concept Note
Preparing for the new funding model 5 areas to prepare for the new funding model Plan ahead 1 Strengthen national strategies 2 Involve key groups 3 Consolidate information and use updated data 4 Ensure inclusion of PSM component in the Concept Note 5
Recap 1. PSM preparations for the NFM • Start now. Identify with the CCM/PRs timelines for applying • Do you have a Strategic Plan for PSM/PSS? Ready for funding? • What are the immediate, medium and long term needs for investment? 2. Progress and challenges, support needed • Did you evaluate recently your current state of the Pharmaceutical System? Gaps identified? Evidence? • If not enough evidence, ask for support (joint assessment by partners, TA, knowledge sharing etc) 3. A roadmap for developing PSS to inform future investments. • Nominate a working group; ask for support; think about TIMELINES! • Consider working in parallel – Strategy for PSS aligned to HSSP, if time is short, identify priority interventions in key areas. • Make an action plan for interventions. Cost it! Identify contributions; Use it in Concept Note! Finalize PSS strategy next.
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