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ARRAYS. Take 10 ages Calculate avergaes How many Variables you need?. Like Int age1, age2, age3……age10; What if you have to calculate 100 ages So this means we want some technique to handle this. Arrays. It reduces the size of a program
Take 10 ages • Calculate avergaes • How many Variables you need?
Like • Int age1, age2, age3……age10; • What if you have to calculate 100 ages • So this means we want some technique to handle this
Arrays • It reduces the size of a program • Sequence of objects(elemnts) of same data types. • Represented in Memory by a consecutive group • These locations are referenced by a single called array name • Each element is referenced by its position • The position is an index from 0 to n-1
Name memory C[0] 24 C[1] 59 C[2] 35 C[3] ... C[4] ... C[5] ... C[6] ... C[7] ... C[8] ... C[9] ... Storage of an array in memory Index
Types of Arrays • One dimensional Arrays • Also known as list or a linear array • Consist of only one column or one row • Multi-dimensional Arrays
Declaring one-dimensional Arrays • In C each array has • name • data type • size • They occupy continuous area of memory
Declaration of Arrays arrayTypearrayName[numberOfElements ]; For example , int age [ 10 ] ; double temp[24]; intabc[5]; • More than one array can be declared on a line int age [10] , height [10] , names [20] ; • Mix declaration of variables with declaration of arrays inti , j , age [10] ;
Referring to Array Elements Array name e.g. age index number age [ 4 ]
.write a program to input values into invidual elements of an arry during program execution .display the values of array. no loop statement should be used in the program . main() { int temp[5]; clrscr(); cout<<"enter value 1st element of temp.? "; cin>>temp[0]; cin>>"enter value in 2nd element of temp .?"; cin>>temp[1]; cin<<"enter value in 3rd element of temp .?"; cin>>temp[2]; cin>>"enter value in 4rth element of temp.?"; cin>> temp[3]; cin<<" enter value in 5th element of temp.?"; cin >>temp [4]; cout<<"values in aray temp are :'<<end1; cout << temp [0] << end1; cout<< temp [1]<< end1; cout << temp [2]<<end1; cout<< temp [3]<<end1; cout<< temp [4]<<end1; }
Program which initialize an Array and then prints the elements on screen. • #include<iostream.h> • void main() • { • float a[5]; • a[0]=9.9; • a[1]=12.0; • a[2]=13.1; • a[3]=8.3; • a[4]=10.5; • for(inti=0; i<5; i++) • { • cout<<”Value in a[“<<i<<”] = ”<<a[i]<<endl; • } • }
Program takes input in an Array then print out it on screen. void main() { Intabc[5]; for(inti=0; i<5; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } cout<<”Output in reverse order: ”<<endl; for (inti=4; i>=1; i--) { cout<<”Value in a[“<<i<<”] = ”<<abc[i]<<endl; } }
Program calculate Sum of all entries of Array. { floatabc[5], sum, avr; sum=avr=0.0; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { sum=sum+abc[i]; } avr=sum/5.0; cout<<”Sum of Array Value= ”<<sum<<endl; cout<<”Average of Array Value= ”<<avr<<endl; }
.write a program to enter temperatures for seven days into a one _dimensional array "temp".compute the avarege temperature and display of array and calculated average temperature on screen main() { float temp[7],sum=0; int1=0; clrscr(); while (1<=6) { cout <<"enter temp.of day "<<i+1<<"?"; cin >>temp[i]; sum=sum+temp[i]; i++; } cout<<"naveragetepmerature:"<<sum/ 7. 0 ; }
Program finds out the Max value from Array. { floatabc[5], max; sum=avr=0.0; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } max=abc[0]; for (inti=i; i<=4; i++) { if(abc[i] > max) { max=abc[i]; } } cout<<”Maximum Value is= ”<<max<<endl; }
Program to input in two Arrays then calculate their Sum and store that in a third Array. float ar1[5],ar2[5], sum[5]; sum=avr=0.0; cout<<”First Array: ”<<endl; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } cout<<”Second Array: ”<<endl; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } for (inti=1; i<=4; i++) { sum[i]=ar1[i]+ar2[i]; cout<<ar1[i]<<” + ”<<ar2[i]<<” = ”<<sum[i]<<endl; } }
Program to input integers in an Array then take any integer’s input and find out the location of entered integer in the Array. { floatabc[5], p, n; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { cout<<”Enter the Value in element ”<<i; cin>>abc[i]; } p=0; cout<<”Enter any Number: ”; cin>>n; for (inti=0; i<=4; i++) { if(n==abc[i]) { p=i+1; break; } }
if(p==0) • cout<<”Number not Found”; • else • cout<<”Number found at Position= ”<<p<<endl; • }
Example1: Using Arrays for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) { cin >> age [ i ] ; }
Initializing an Array int age [ 10 ] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } ; int age[ 10 ] = { 0 } ;
Initializing an Array int age [ ] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 } ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) ‘ i ‘ will have value from 0 to 9
Program which initialize the values in an Array then Print them out. • #include<iostream.h> • void main() • { • float temp[5] = {66.2, 23.6, 67.9, 55.4, 102.0}; • for(inti=0; i<=4; i++) • { • cout<<”temp[“<<i<<”] = ”<<temp[i]<<endl; • } • }
Copying Arrays • Data types should be identical • Size should be same int a [ 10 ] ; int b [ 10 ] ;
Copying Arrays To copy from array “ a ” to array “ b ” : b [ 0 ] = a [ 0 ] ; b [ 1 ] = a [ 1 ] ; b [ 2 ] = a [ 2 ] ; b [ 3 ] = a [ 3 ] ; … … … … … … b [ 10 ] = a [ 10 ] ;
Copying Arrays for ( i =0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) b [ i ] = a [ i ] ;
Array Declaration data type name size