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Towards a L1 Pixel track trigger for CMS: preliminary thoughts & foreseen strategy

Towards a L1 Pixel track trigger for CMS: preliminary thoughts & foreseen strategy. Aurore Savoy-Navarro, Paris-Diderot/CNRS &INFN-Pisa. Introductory remarks.

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Towards a L1 Pixel track trigger for CMS: preliminary thoughts & foreseen strategy

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  1. Towards a L1 Pixel track trigger for CMS: preliminary thoughts & foreseen strategy Aurore Savoy-Navarro, Paris-Diderot/CNRS &INFN-Pisa

  2. Introductory remarks • Since now 3 years some of us (starting with S. Kwan & ASN at LPC/FNAL and discussions in particular with I Shipsey, J. Butler, W. Smith) are revisiting the possibility /interest to introduce a L1 track trigger based on the pixel information. • This was first foreseen and studied in CMS by the PSI team and especially R. Horisberger and collaborators; it was followed by several simulation studies performed until 2009. • The idea is indeed not new because this was well developed at the Tevatron at FNAL by both CDF (L2-SVT in conjunction with L1-XFT) and more challenging even in BTeV. • In these brief preliminary presentation we intend to present our views on how to develop such a L1 pixel TT focusing here on the hardware part and the impacts on the design of the new ROC for phase 2. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  3. Hypotheses of work • Develop this triggering system in a continuous upgrade and non-disruptive way from now on until Phase 2 • Following the evolution and continuous upgrade of the Pixel detector from now, through Phase 1 and up to Phase 2; • Indeed the pixel detector will be ugraded following the same basic design (more layers & new pixel sensors) plus new FEE/readout electronics, in 2 main steps (see next slide) • while the outer Si tracker will stay as it is till Phase 2, where it will be replaced by a new detector based on a new design fitting with its new L1 key-role. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  4. An important question that motivates all this past and ongoing activities is • Can CMS survive until Phase 2, without a L1 track trigger i.e. until the new outer tracker is installed (around 2024)? • Some people believe this is possible thanks to improving the performances of HLT • Some others believe it is worth to see what could be done before Phase 2, using the pixel tracker. • Another fraction of people are exploring in any case the benefits to also include in the L1 TT for Phase 2, the Phase2 Pixel detector. This talk reflects the opinion underlined here above in red. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  5. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN TIMETABLE: Proposed strategy following the LHC and CMS detector upgrades

  6. Key elements in this R&D activity 1) Study of the Pixel detector characteristics • asset of the pixel device: its continuous upgrade allows experiencing in a quite realistic way the evolution of these performances comparing all-along real data and MC simulations 2) Feasibility studies with the development of a L1-like TT algorithm (not full reconstruction or HLT-like) 3) To be installed on a Lab benchmarking platform for optimization and better estimate of trigger performances (efficiency, rejection power and latency) 4) Preparation of a sectorial demonstrator that will address all the integration issues especially from the point of view of the FEE and readout electronics and could at a certain stage be installed and run in-situ without disturbing the data taking. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  7. Present status on Point 1) & 2) • Ongoing studies reported at TTI, DPG-Pixel (DanekKotinski) meetings have been achieved with the present Pixel device and 2011-12 data/MC simu comparison • Are pursued with simulation studies and Phase 1 and will use the data taken in the first coming run period to understand the impact on pixel performances of the new LHC conditions • MAIN outcomes: our studies are based on - a gradually increasing Luminosity to reflect the real case (35,70, 140) - Our algorithms are based on Pixel CLUSTER and not Pixel HIT Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  8. Present status on Point 1) & 2) con’td • We explore 2 approaches for the L1 Pixel TT algorithms: - Push or standalone (Chang-Seong’ssimu talk yesterday) - Pull: the Pixel track trigger segment is driven by the calorimeters (e or tau trigger) &/or the outer tracker (especially for b-triggering) (see several presentations on PiXTRK trigger at TTI, TPSWG) Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  9. Pt 3) Going to Lab benchmarking platforms Event display developed on the Lab benchmarking platform at FNAL when implementing the PiXtrK algorithm here tested with Zee events Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  10. Getting to Pt 4: Benchmarking platforms • These platforms serve as demo-&-learning frameworks with • various Processing Units (PU) in order to: • Develop a realistic real-time L1 algorithm (data formatting/handling, pattern recognition & track fitting) • Compare PU’s scenarios • (FPGA, GPGPU, INTEL Xeon Phi, AM) • Get realistic estimate of the needed latency & integration issues in the overall trigger system, • Implementing the L1 algorithms we are developing. Collaborative efforts started with Industry/Engineers on: MPC new PU’s technologies for developing ultrafast real time & highly performing algorithms Modelling/optimizing the architecture of large systems Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  11. Lab Demonstrator - Benchmark Platform Simulation will run on a heterogeneous platform: Host system + coprocessors: GPGPU’s / Xeon Phi’s/FPGA’s • Option 1: all FPGA processing • Option 2: FPGA+soft GPGPU cores (GPGPU implemented on FPGA) • Option 3: FPGA + GPGPU and/or Xeon Phi (Nvidia / Intel cards) Courtesy R. Iope) Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  12. Lab Demonstrator - Benchmark Platform • Option 1: parallel processes that analyze ROC data fully implemented on FPGA logic (not sure if it will work) • Option 2: feasibility studies based on FlexGrip(FLEXibleGRaphIcs Processor for general-purpose computing) • a fully CUDA binary-compatible integer GPGPU optimized for FPGA implementation • Option 3: full support from Intel Xeon Phi experts (Intel Software & Services Group) under negotiation • Technical support from Intel engineers for the implementation of the benchmark platform’s host system also under negotiation • new technologies: 100G network cards, photonics interconnection, storage based on SATA-Express & ultra-fast SSDs, etc Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  13. Data formattingTranslate bits data from FEE (ROC) into geometrical data for P.R. & track reconstruction at FED output.Use current pixel device as “training camp” Implies full understanding of the FEE readout chain: WORK DONE FOR current FED 2 DATA (next slide) Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  14. Lab Demonstrator for one vertical sector Based on the use ATCA platform Compare performances for L1 algorithm a-la-PiXTRK (as an example) with all FPGA/VHDL, FPGA+GPU, FPGA+Xeon Phi. Use current FED2 data as formatted (previous slide) in LUT format in FPGA to start with. Option 2&3: FPGA+GPU or INTEL Xeon Phi Option 1: All FPGA Processing FPGA New PU Data formatting Data formatting New PU FPGA FED input data FPGA FPGA FED input data New PU FPGA New PU P.R. + L1 PiXTRK P.R. + L1 PiXTRK Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

  15. Outcomes on the design of the FEE Chip for Phase 2 • This complete framework apart from possibly providing an earlier pre-HLT or L1.5 track trigger based on the pixel tracker will provide in addition: • Instrumental inputs for the design of the new Phase 2 ROC chip (digitization, sparsification & clustering), its associated readout system (FED and associated advanced Processing units) and its integration in the overall DAQ and trigger system of CMS for Phase 2. • Apart from showing the interest of including this tracking device in the overall L1 TT scheme. • All based on a real life experience with current device and its upgrade evolution Our aim is to set-up a task force in this direction and already several teams are interested or have joined. Towards L1PixelTT-ASN

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