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英檢測驗與閱讀教學. 南台科技大學應用英語系所 周碩貴 May 23, 2008. 大綱. 一、演變中的技職英語教育 二、談英檢測驗 — 以 GEPT 為例 三、從培養學生的閱讀能力出發 四 、 以閱讀 整合基本能力的教學. 1991. 1996. 1997. 2002. 2003. 一、演變中的技職英語教育 台灣社會變遷與技職外語教育. 4. 政府積極投入期. 3. 應用外語科系普遍設立期. 1. 共同英語教學期. 2. 應用外語科起步期. 第 1. 2. 3. 項略 4. 政府積極投入期 (2002 以後 ) (1/2).

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  1. 英檢測驗與閱讀教學 南台科技大學應用英語系所 周碩貴 May 23, 2008

  2. 大綱 一、演變中的技職英語教育 二、談英檢測驗—以GEPT為例 三、從培養學生的閱讀能力出發 四、以閱讀整合基本能力的教學

  3. 1991 1996 1997 2002 2003 一、演變中的技職英語教育台灣社會變遷與技職外語教育 4.政府積極投入期 3.應用外語科系普遍設立期 1.共同英語教學期 2.應用外語科起步期

  4. 第1. 2. 3. 項略4.政府積極投入期(2002以後) (1/2) (1)公布高職新課程 (校本位課程) (2)相關攜手計畫,預修大學課程 (3)辦理各項外語活動如歡樂列車、全方位英語能力競賽 (4)積極推動學生英語能力檢測

  5. 適合高職生

  6. 二、談英檢測驗—以GEPT為例

  7. 檢測程度及檢測對象

  8. 測驗項目及成績計算

  9. 各項成績通過標準

  10. 題型簡介: 聽力測驗、閱讀能力測驗

  11. 題型簡介: 寫作能力測驗

  12. 題型簡介: 口說能力測驗

  13. 語言訓練測驗中心網站: http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw 初級練習網站 http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/geptpracticee.htm

  14. 閱讀能力測驗題型一:詞彙和結構 • Ann says the party will be ____, so I suggest you wear a nice dress. • familiar B.formal C.fluent D.funny Mr. Li teaches mathematics at a public high school in Taichung. He  ____ there since 1995. A.is B.was C.will be D.has been From http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/geptpracticee.htm

  15. 閱讀能力測驗題型二:段落填空 Jane lived near the sea, and she often went down to the beach to sit on the sand. Being by the sea was like being in a different    (7)   . In front of her was the deep blue water; it slowly moved    (8)    her and then moved away again. Sometimes it came up very quickly and then her feet were covered by the salty water.     (9)     her, soft white clouds continually floated across the pretty blue sky. Noisy white birds were flying over her head as well.     (10)    they dived down suddenly to catch a fish, and then they flew right back up into the air. Jane often sat by the sea for hours to enjoy this special place. From http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/geptpracticee.htm

  16. 閱讀能力測驗題型三:閱讀理解 Dear Uncle Paul, Greetings from the United States! Mom, Dad, Joey, and I are having a great time! The plane ride was really long, but I didn't mind because they had good movies. Joey cried a lot, though. When we got to Los Angeles, Uncle John and Aunt May picked us up at the airport. Yesterday, Uncle John drove us into the mountains to see snow! I touched it, and it was really cold! I'm glad it doesn't snow in Tainan! Mom says we're going to stay here until the weekend. Then we'll go to San Francisco and then back to Taiwan. Dad says we might stay in Taipei for a few days, but we'll be back in Tainan before Grandpa's birthday. Tell Grandpa we hope he feels better!                                                                    Love,Amy

  17. 11. What is Amy’s letter mostly about? A. Their vacation B. Joey’s actionsC. Her feeling of snow D. Her Grandpa‘s Testing main ideas 12. Where do Amy and her family live? A. In Taipei B. In Tainan C. In Los Angeles D. In San Francisco From http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/geptpracticee.htm Testing literal comprehension

  18. 三、因應台灣的英語文學習環境:從培養學生的閱讀能力出發三、因應台灣的英語文學習環境:從培養學生的閱讀能力出發 台灣(EFL) (ESL) 《英語帝國》p. 90

  19. What do we teach in EFL reading classrooms? Vocabulary (decoding strategies) Grammar Chunking (reading aloud) Identifying key words Logic relationships Literal comprehension comprehending main ideas Text structure Reading-to-write Monitoring And the list goes on.

  20. 難 elaborative processes integrative processes metacognitive processes micro- processes macro- processes Text-based tasks Reader-based tasks Figure of reading comprehension processes Taking Irwin’s model as an example Irwin (1991)

  21. Irwin (1991)將閱讀理解劃分為五個層次, 這五個層次分別代表閱讀工作的複雜度。 (一)微視歷程 (microprocesses):斷句、細節性的文意選取等。 e.g. The red balloon slowly disappeared into the blue sky. (1) Chunking The red balloon /slowly disappeared /into the blue sky. (2) Choose the key words and make a sentence: The balloon disappeared. (The bare bones of the sentence above)

  22. (3) Using context clues Smoking is a detriment to your health. It’s estimated that each cigarette you smoke will shorten your life by one and a half minutes. Melissa is so gregarious that she wants to be with other people even when she’s studying. It rained continuously until noon. After that, there were only sporadic showers.

  23. (二)組合歷程 (integrative processes):解讀指涉詞、連結詞、填補局部訊息空缺等。 Example 1 Where was John? He was hungry; he went to the store. Example 2 John: I would like to have a cup of coffee. Mary: It’s already half past two.

  24. (二)組合歷程 (integrative processes):解讀指涉 詞、連結詞、填補局部訊息空缺等。 Example 3 Such ideas that challenge the Arab world's patriarchal order will naturally meet fierce resistance. At the same time, they are sure to provoke debate throughout the Arab world. For the authors of "Towards the Rise" and the Arab women who take heart from their report, that will be a good first step but hopefully not the last. (From Time Thursday, Dec. 07, 2006)

  25. (三)整體歷程 (macroprocesses):形成整體性的文意架構、瞭解(撰寫)大意。e.g. deciding main ideas, identifying topic sentences, recognizing text structure, etc. Main idea and details We're not all born with sunny dispositions, but experts have identified stress-management strategies that anyone can adopt. Avoid situations that you know cause stress, for example. Discuss problems with friends, family or a mental-health professional before they take on a life of their own. Face stress head-on and don't resort to coping mechanisms--smoking, eating more and exercising less--that only add to the strain. You can't avoid stress altogether, but you can learn to keep it at bay. Time, Monday, Jul. 19, 2004

  26. Topic sentence and supporting information I am not particularly eco-conscious. But I am increasingly eco-anxious. Every day, it seems, I hear of some new way the world around me is going aggressively green. Workers in Portland, Ore., are cycling to the office. Ireland has slapped a tax on plastic bags. Incoming freshmen at California colleges are asked to keep their Red Bulls in thermoelectric fridges. David Duchovny says he recycles, has solar power and drives an electric car. Now every time I purchase a single-serving water bottle, I hear the opening theme from The X-Files. Time, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007

  27. (四)延伸歷程 (elaborative processes):形成預測、結合既有知識、形成心理意象、高層次思考、情意反應。 Do you know the title? Flag of France

  28. (五)後設認知歷程 (metacognitive processes): 理解檢視、調整策略、學習技巧 。 e.g. Activating background knowledge, monitoring From the picture below, can you tell what the article is mostly about?

  29. 文章首段三句(Clue two) My condition began when I read of a couple in New York City who had vowed to live a whole year without toilet paper. They were conducting an experiment in environmentally low-impact living as research for a book, they said. For a year they would eschew transportation that emits carbon dioxide, shun foods wrapped in plastic packaging and, most dramatically, conduct the elimination of their waste without the aid of wasteful paper products. From Time, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007

  30. 文章末段三句 When I die, I plan to be placed au naturel in a shallow hole and become fertilizer for a dogwood tree. But there's one thing I won't give up. If he wants my toilet paper, Al Gore himself will have to pry it from my cold, biodegradable hands.

  31. 四、以閱讀整合基本能力的教學 1.閱讀教學要適度配合視聽軟體,使學生習慣英語的發音和斷句,培養聽力的基礎;並宜多要求學生朗讀,以奠定口說基礎。 e.g. http://www.kizclub.com/Sbody.html 2.推論或指涉能力並非生而具有的閱讀能力,需不斷練習培養。 3.辨識段落組織或結構,分辨重要訊息和細節的差異,是閱讀過程中較為高階也較為困難的工作, 需要的教學時間較長。老師可以在此處開始融合閱讀和寫作的教學。

  32. 四、從閱讀整合基本能力的教學 4.要多培養學生在閱讀過程中自我檢視、預測、「冒險」(risk-taking) 的能力,以提升閱讀信心。 5.閱讀後的工作要求(task demands)常被忽略,初期可以要求學生做簡短口頭報告,亦可畫文章結構圖,如此可以協助讀後回憶,亦可培養口語和寫作的組織能力。 6.較為困難的句子或段落,老師要詳為講解,將自己的思考理解過程轉移給學生,培養他們的後設認知理解和檢視能力。

  33. 報告完畢 敬請指教 joe1043@mail.stut.edu.tw 0911-669-079

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