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Professional Impact NJ: The Directory of Instructional Resources

Professional Impact NJ: The Directory of Instructional Resources. Instructor Approval Orientation Lesson #5. Welcome to Lesson #5!. Instructor Orientation Quiz #5 at Instructor Approval Orientation Quiz #5 NJ Registry Career Lattice at NJ Registry Career Lattice

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Professional Impact NJ: The Directory of Instructional Resources

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  1. Professional Impact NJ:The Directory of Instructional Resources Instructor Approval Orientation Lesson #5

  2. Welcome to Lesson #5! • Instructor Orientation Quiz #5 at Instructor Approval Orientation Quiz #5 • NJ Registry Career Lattice at NJ Registry Career Lattice • Core Knowledge and Competencies, Professional Standards for Working With Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Programs at http://www.pinj.org/index.php?cat=core • You may want to have the Lesson #5 Quiz in front of you as you complete this lesson

  3. The Directory of Instructional Resources • Found at www.pinj.org • Online listing of: • PINJ-approved Instructors • PINJ-approved Consultants • PINJ-approved Sponsoring Agencies • Trainings/Workshops offered by PINJ-approved Sponsoring Agencies and Instructors • Links to regionally accredited New Jersey Colleges and Universities offering coursework in Early Childhood Education

  4. The Directory of Instructional Resources • Directors, practitioners, and others may access the Directory of Instructional Resources at www.pinj.org to locate a Professional Impact NJ-approved Instructor, Consultant, or Sponsoring Agency; or a Training/Workshop offered by a Professional Impact NJ-approved Instructor, Consultant or Sponsoring Agency • Individuals may search the database by region, by topic, or by age group served

  5. Standards-Based Training Approved Instructors, Consultants, and Sponsoring Agencies develop standards-based workshops and trainings using: • The NJ Registry Career Lattice and • Core Knowledge and Competencies, Professional Standards for Working With Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Programs

  6. Classifying Trainings • PINJ-approved Instructors, Consultants, and Sponsoring Agencies classify the trainings and workshops they offer according to Professional Impact NJ’s seven Core Knowledge Areas: • Child Growth and Development • Curriculum • Family and Community Relationships • Assessment and Evaluation • Professionalism and Leadership • Program Organization and Management • Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities

  7. Classifying Trainings • One training may address one or more Core Knowledge Area(s) • Professional Impact NJ-approved Instructors, Consultants and Sponsoring Agencies also determine the level of training of the group based on participants’ NJ Registry Level • The Level of the Instructor determines the Level of training she/he may offer

  8. Let’s Practice… • Jot down topics of training sessions you would like to develop or make available� OR • Jot down topics of training sessions you have already offered� The following example will help you practice connecting a training to the NJ Registry Career Lattice and Core Knowledge and Competencies, Professional Standards for Working With Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Settings

  9. You can learn more about these foundational documents by going to: • Orientation Lesson #2: Core Knowledge and Competencies, Professional Standards for Working With Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Settings and • Orientation Lesson #3:The New Jersey Registry Career Lattice

  10. Linking the training to theCore Knowledge Area of theCore Knowledge and Competencies… • Turn to Page 5 of the Core Knowledge and Competencies • Find the Core Knowledge Area(s) that is (are) most relevant to one of the trainings which you listed previously • Decide what levelof training you are providing based on 1) your approved Instructor Level and 2) the depth of knowledge you will be presenting based on the NJ Registry Level of your audience: Basic (audience is on Level I or II on the NJ Registry Career Lattice), Intermediate (audience is Level III, IV, V, VI, VII or VIII on the NJ Registry Career Lattice), or Advanced (audience is Level IX or X on the NJ Registry Career Lattice)

  11. Using the Core Knowledge and Competencies to Rate a Course

  12. For example: You are offering a session called “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Decide which Core Knowledge Area the training best addresses from page 5 of Core Knowledge and Competencies:Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities • This workshop may also address Child Development and Curriculum

  13. For example: “The Importance of Outdoor Play” 2. Turn to Page 45 of the Core Knowledge and Competencies • Read the Knowledge Base of Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities • Now, think about ideas, key concepts, and supporting explanations in this Knowledge Base that might connect with and link to a training session on outdoor play

  14. For example: “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Consider the Instructor Level at which you are approved. • If you are approved as an “Instructor” by the Professional Impact NJ Instructor Approval System, you are therefore qualified to teach Basic and Intermediatelevel trainings

  15. For example: “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Determine the NJ Registry Level of your audience. • If you are offering this training to professionals who are mostly entry-level assistant teachers in a child care program, most of these assistant teachers will fall at Level I or LevelII on the NJ Registry Career Lattice

  16. For example: “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • You therefore need to offer a Basiclevel training to this audience • Turn to pages 46-47 of the Core Knowledge and Competencies • Decide which skills would be relevant to this topic

  17. For example…“The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Under Level IA and IB the training can address the following skills: “a) identify physical activity standards; b) recognize and report potential hazards; h) support developmentally appropriate essential daily health habits”

  18. For example…“The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Under Levels IIA, IIB and IIC: “b) implement health and safety practices to reduce injury and illness; d) record appropriate health information regarding day-to-day issues; f) incorporate health, safety, nutrition and physical activities in the daily curriculum”

  19. Descriptions of Trainings • Professional Impact NJ-approved Instructors, Consultants and Sponsoring Agencies should identify the Core Knowledge Area and Level of the Training • ONLY Professional Impact NJ-approved Instructors, Consultants and Sponsoring Agencies may use the PINJ Core Knowledge Area and Level of Training on their own agency or organization certificates of completion • A template of a certificate is available from Professional Impact NJ

  20. Submitting a Training to the Directory of Instructional Resources • PINJ-Approved Instructors, Consultants and Sponsoring Agencies may submit a training or their training calendars at www.pinjregistry.org

  21. The Title of the Training Session • Must clearly communicate the subject of the training session • Must reflect language in the Core Knowledge Area definition, Knowledge Base, and skills Select one of the topics you were thinking of at the beginning of this lesson. Develop a working title for this training.

  22. The Description of the Training Session • Should be 50 words or less • Should include the PINJ Core Knowledge Area and Level of the Training • Must clearly communicate at least three (3) learning objectives for acquiring and applying knowledge • Must reflect language in the Core Knowledge Area definition, Knowledge Base, and skills Continue to work on the training, developing a working description.

  23. The Importance of Standards and Objectives • The Core Knowledge Area and learning objectives will be the major connection to the Core Body of Knowledge • They will assure that you are delivering a standards-based training session • They will focus the training session on the participants’ acquisition of the skills associated with each Core Knowledge Area • They are the keys to a quality training

  24. Developing the Objectives for the training session • For each training, you need to develop at least three (3) objectives that state what the participants will learn in the training session • Objectives should address what skills associated with each Core Knowledge Area’s Knowledge Base the participants will learn �Write at least one objective for this training, specifying what skill the participants will learn

  25. Developing the Objectives for the training session • If you are including more than one Core Knowledge Area, repeat the process for each Core Knowledge Area

  26. “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Description: “This training will introduce participants to outdoor play as an essential part of a young child’s day. It will address the impact of outdoor play on a child’s growth and development, examine Licensing regulations for outdoor space, and offer some activities that can be implemented outdoors.” • PINJ Core Knowledge Area: Health, Safety Nutrition and Physical Activities • Training Level: Basic

  27. “The Importance of Outdoor Play” • Learning Objectives: • The participants will discuss a child’s growth and development and how outdoor play can foster fine and gross motor skills, social skills, and imaginative play • Participants will examine Licensing regulations for outdoor space based on the current NJ Office of Licensing Manual • Participants will obtain and be given the opportunity to share activities that can be implemented outdoors which foster growth and development

  28. Reflective Activities • Instructors are encouraged to include at least one reflective activity in the training • Reflective Activities help learners to: Think about their own lives and how it relates to what they are learningStop to think deeply or below the surface about something that they have experienced and how it relates to what they are learningThink back on other learning situations and relate them to what they are learning nowLook at themselves and what they are learning and develop self-insight

  29. Reflection Activities could include: • Writing • Drawing • Making collages • Making posters or charts • Building 3-dimensional sculptures • Imagining • Describing • Group discussions • And more�

  30. Creating a Participant Evaluation Form • Trainings offered by a PINJ-approved Instructor, Consultant or Sponsoring Agency must include an opportunity for participants to evaluate the training session anonymously • The evaluation form must include a place for the trainer's name and the date and location of the training session • The evaluation must have a section which includes a rating of how well the training ‘s learning objectives were met • PINJ offers a template of a participant evaluation form.

  31. This is the end of Lesson #5. • Please download, print, and completethe Lesson #5 quiz at Instructor Approval Orientation #5

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