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Beyond Representation?. Massumi on Terrorism and Natural Disaster. Fear (The Spectrum Said). Media ecology als politiek : hoe grijpt politiek in ons leven ? Opwekken van angst als een van de nieuwe technieken van de macht . . Fear (The Spectrum Said). Fear (The Spectrum Said).
Beyond Representation? Massumi on Terrorism and Natural Disaster
Fear (The Spectrum Said) • Media ecology alspolitiek: hoe grijptpolitiek in onsleven? • Opwekken van angst alseen van de nieuwetechnieken van de macht.
Fear (The Spectrum Said) There was simply nothing to identify with or imitate. The alerts presented no form, ideological or ideational and, remaining vague as to the source, nature and location of the threat, bore precious little content. They were signals without signification. All they distinctly offered was an “activating contour”: a variation in intensity of feeling over time. They addressed not subjects’ cognition, but rather bodies’ irritability. (p.32)
No representation, what is happening? It was less a communication than an assisted germination of potentials for action whose outcome could not be accurately determined in advance – but whose variable determination could be determined to occur, on hue. (p.33)
Feeling • ‘A politicaluncertainityprinciple is pragmaticallyestablished. Itpracticallyacknowledgesthat the systemic environment withinwhich power mechanismsfunction is metastable, meaningprovisionallystaglebutexcitable, in a state of balalncebutready to jog.’ • ‘The threat as such is nothingyet – justlooming’. • Threat is the future case of a change in the present’.
Feeling • ‘Threat is a futuritywith a virtual power to affect the present quasicausally.’ • Threat is the cause of fear in the sensethatittriggers and conditionsfear’soccurence, but without the feariteffects, the threatwould have nohandleonactualexistence, remainingpurelyvirtual. (36).
Feeling • James: Fear strikes the body and compels it to action before it registers consciously. • ‘We don’t run because we are (consciously) afraid, we feel afraid because we run’. (36). • The fear is a dynamic ingathering of action assuring the continuity of its serial unfolding and moving the reality of the situation, which is its activation, down the line of fright. The experience is in the fear, in its ingathering of action, rather than the fear being the content of an experience. (37).
Thought • ‘If the event is recounted, the narrative will place the objective unfolding of the occurrence on a parallel track with its subjective registering…’ • ‘The personal history of the narrating body will have to negotiate this duality, presenting a public face allied with the content, defined as objective, in contradistinction to the subjective content, defined as private.’ (39).
Ontsnapping? • ‘Having fear as a subjective content against the background of fear revirtual becomes a way of life.’ (41) • Vicious circle. • Ontsnapping: • Analyse van de werking (inzicht) van macht of constructie van nieuweaffecten?
Ontsnapping? • For action and emotion to be in resonance with each other, there must be a superior individual that encompasses them: this individuation is that of the collective. (Simondon) • Volgende les. • Disciplinairemaatschappij vs. Society of Control. • Change of affects.