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CHORUS Physics Workshop, 7 June 2004, Rome

Kinematical selection and FC analysis for oscillations. Luca Scotto Lavina. CHORUS Physics Workshop, 7 June 2004, Rome. PRDC recontruction, CS, SS and bulk scanback [4,35] fiducial volume cut 1.0 cm fiducial volume border cut. Stopped in bulk. First 0mu definition

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CHORUS Physics Workshop, 7 June 2004, Rome

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  1. Kinematical selection and FC analysis for oscillations Luca Scotto Lavina CHORUS Physics Workshop, 7 June 2004, Rome

  2. PRDC recontruction, • CS, SS and bulk scanback • [4,35] fiducial volume cut • 1.0 cm fiducial volume border cut Stopped in bulk • First 0mu definition • For each track in PRVTPRTK: • read MUON-ID = q(JSMTR+3) = = q(JMUTR+3) • If MUON-ID>0, the track is a spectrometer muon • If there is no muon, the event is 0mu No spec muon in PRTK Production of .man files and charm.kin file 1.5 cm fiducial volume border cut Events in 0mu.list Second 0mu definition Based on MURECO flg_mu<4, IP cut respect to vertex, 2 cut This definition includes the first one Montecarlo chain used for 0mu channel Events generated in emulsion Location program SatoMurat and Golden selection Selected events SatoMurat: SatoMurat_mc-ver04.cpp Selection: goldenMC-0mu-04-02-02.awk

  3. MC charm 0mu, 1 prong (Full statistics) 7131 events generated in emulsion with D+, Ds, c  1 prong Location efficiency + 0mu request = = (1.65 ± 0.15) % Selection efficiency = = (20.2 ± 3.7) % 0mu request = · 1.043 = 4.4% If I consider only the first 0mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 7.5%

  4. MC charm 0mu, 3 prong (Full statistics) 9078 events generated in emulsion with D+, Ds, c  3 prong Location efficiency + 0mu request = = (2.18 ± 0.15) % Selection efficiency = = (50.8 ± 3.5) % 0mu request = · 1.043 = 5.7% If I consider only the first 0mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 11.4%

  5. MC  e,h 6831 events generated in emulsion with   e,h Location efficiency + 0mu request = = (12.8 ± 0.4) % Selection efficiency = = (23.9 ± 1.4) % 0mu request = · 1.043 = 61.7% If I consider only the first 0mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 94.2%

  6. MC  3h 1552 events generated in emulsion with   3h Location efficiency + 0mu request = = (17.6 ± 1.0) % Selection efficiency = = (52.6 ± 3.0) % 0mu request = · 1.043 = 67.9% If I consider only the first 0mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 94.3%

  7. MC   1765 events generated in emulsion with    Location efficiency + 0mu request = = (4.2 ± 0.5) % Selection efficiency = = (25.0 ± 4.9) % 0mu request = · 1.043 = 12.1% If I consider only the first 0mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 16.8%

  8. MC  CC 2233 events generated in emulsion with  CC Location efficiency + 1mu request = = (34.5 ± 1.0) % 1mu request = · 1.043 = 85.7% If I consider only the first 1mu definition, based only on spectrometer muons: 1.043 = = 90.1%

  9. Summary of efficiencies

  10. Nmax(e,h)expected events Nmax(e,h) = N0 loc · r · rA · BR(e,h) · sel N0 loc = 23678 r = = · = 0.53/0.31 = 1.71 rA = = 1.06 ± 0.07 BR(e,h) = 0.673 sel = (23.9 ± 1.4)% Nmax(e,h) = 6903

  11. Nmax(3h)expected events Nmax(3h) = N0 loc · r · rA · BR(3h) · sel N0 loc = 23678 r = = · = 0.53/0.31 = 1.71 rA = = 1.20 ± 0.12 BR(3h) = 0.152 sel = (52.6 ± 3.0)% Nmax(3h) = 3884

  12. Nmax()expected events Nmax() = N0 loc · r · rA · BR() · sel N0 loc = 23678 r = = · = 0.53/0.31 = 1.71 rA = = 0.35 ± 0.09 BR() = 0.174 sel = (25.0 ± 4.9)% Nmax() = 616

  13. Background: NcharmC1 0expected events NcharmC1 0 = N1 loc · r · rA · BR(DC1) · sel N1 loc = 95450 r = = 0.03 rA = = 0.048 ± 0.006 BR(DC1) = 0.65 sel = (20.2 ± 3.7)% NcharmC1 0 = 18

  14. Background: NcharmC3 0expected events NcharmC3 0 = N1 loc · r · rA · BR(DC1) · sel N1 loc = 95450 r = = 0.03 rA = = 0.063 ± 0.006 BR(DC1) = 0.35 sel = (50.8 ± 3.5)% NcharmC1 0 = 32

  15. Background: NWSK 1prongexpected events NWSK 1prong= · sel N0 loc = 23678 ANC 0 = 0.142 sel = = = 3.60 · 10-5 Using WHINTER NWSK 1prong= 6.0

  16. Signal and background expected without post-scanning cuts Using Feldman & Cousins (NOMAD) approach we obtain: Sensitivity (zero events observed): P < 2.8 · 10-4

  17.  of the signal  = angle between parent particle and the mean of all primary tracks c = angle between parent particle and the mean of all primary tracks, but the mean is done without the most far track from the parent    c

  18.  of the BG  = angle between parent particle and the mean of all primary tracks c = angle between parent particle and the mean of all primary tracks, but the mean is done without the most far track from the parent D D    

  19. c cut c > 1.8 rad BG reduced to 15% Tau reduced to 70%

  20. Signal and background expected applying c cut Using Feldman & Cousins (NOMAD) approach we obtain: Sensitivity (zero events observed): P < 2.7 · 10-4 Oscillation limit: P < 2.9 · 10-4

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