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FEPA CONGRESS 2016. Viana do Castelo, 30 April 2016. FEPA CONGRESS 2016. Welcome Roll Call and choice of tellers Minutes of the 2015 Congress in Athens 4. Reports of the Board members. FEPA CONGRESS 2016. 5. Financial Statements. 7. Report of the Auditor. FEPA CONGRESS 2016.

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  1. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 Viana do Castelo, 30 April 2016

  2. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 • Welcome • Roll Call and choice of tellers • Minutes of the 2015 Congress in Athens • 4. Reports of the Board members

  3. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 5. Financial Statements

  4. 7. Report of the Auditor

  5. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 • 8. FIP Congress • Changes in the FIP Statutes • Changes in the FIP General Regulations for Exhibitions (G R E X) • - Election of the European representatives at the FIP Board

  6. SUMMARY OF COMMENTS FROM FEPA MEMBERS • ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO FIP STATUTES AND GREX • 1. General comments from the Federations that submitted their opinions: • Most of them are pleased with the initiative of reviewing the FIP Statutes. • However they regret that It would have been more appropriate: • - to develop new documents rather that amending the current ones, • dated 1985 and then modified with a number of specific and sometimes • inconsistent changes. • -to ask member federations for suggestions about the modifications to be • introduced from the beginning. • -to involve FIP Commissions in the preparation of the proposals.

  7. All federations disagree with the amendments regarding Continental Federations. “They have proven to be a significant asset for the growth of philately, hence they should be fully recognized and represented in the FIP Statutes, specifying they role, their rights and obligations”. The changes in this matter will tend to cause divisions among philatelists.” They would leave the FIP looking isolated and inward-looking”. Some federations feel that the amendments concern the situation “as it has been” rather then looking into the future. There is no reference about using information technology as an essential form of communication for the organization, also to stimulate a more active participation of its members and to strengthen their relationship with the Board, In particular through the FIP website. The exhibition processes do not take into account the use of information technology. The regulations seem to put additional (or more restrictive) requirements on both the organizers and the member federations.

  8. 2. MORE CONTROVERSIAL PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: • (Those not mentioned is because are mostly agreed) • STATUTES • This is a general comment involving all articles dealing with the subject of Continental Federations, as it appears that their role is relegated to their own geography, • Beside the confusion in terminology (Continental Federations vs. Associated Members vs. Regional Federations). Then in art 30.4. Board members are “from the Americas, Asia, and Europe”, not from their Continental Federation FIAF, FIAP, FEPA. • “Choice of words seems to be accurate in avoiding a direct relationship between a Board member and the Continental Federation of his/her own geographic area”. • 11.4 Same as above. • 18.4 The appropriate utilization of current IT tools allows deadlines closer to the Congress rather than making them more distant.

  9. Have the current Statutes been duly reviewed for compliance with the • Swiss law? If so, a disclaimer should be added to the official text. If not, • they must be reviewed as soon as possible and the outcome presented to • the member federations, to avoid motions that are based on wrong assumptions. • The overall approach might give an impression of “Censorship”. • However, any provision in this area should respect the sovereignty of the • Congress (i.e. of member federations). • If the Congress implies high travelling costs for members from other • continents, their motions could be presented by the delegate carrying the • relevant proxy. If proposals are beneficial for the FIP, why ignoring them? • 30.3 and 30.4 Continental Federations should be considered as mentioned in 10. • A strict application of the proposed change excludes Australia, New Zealand, • Turkey, Israel, Egypt and South Africa from election to the Board. • 30.5. The current text should stay. The decision on the capabilities and the • qualification of the candidates should be left to the member federations. • 42. These provisions, as those in Art. 30, need to be tuned with the general • definition of Continental Federations and of their role within FIP. • 50. Granting Honorary Membership should be a privilege of the Congress, not • of the Board.

  10. GREX 2.1.2 The new text deletes One Class World Exhibitions without any sound r reason. If future Specialized World exhibitions must include both Postal History and Traditional, it discriminates all other classes. 3.5 Unnecessary involvement causing additional costs, as Continental Federations have already a consultant in place. Are they not trustworthy? Furthermore, jury operations are monitored, in terms of compliance with the FIP Regulations, by the Honorary president, which is normally the president of a Continental Federation. Also the quota of team leaders and jurors taken from the FIP list should offer enough safeguard. 10.2 General preference for using points, not level of medals, which correspond to different levels of points in the various member federations. Most of these documents could be circulated in digital format. Some members ask to review this provision, in consideration of the changed economic situation of most federations. Furthermore the organizers pay already a significant fee to FIP.

  11. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 8- Election of the FEPA representatives at the FIP Board

  12. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 9. Regulations for Electronic Literature Presentation Giancarlo Morolli

  13. 10.Review of the 2016 FEPA events and those planned for the next years. 2016 3RD CONTINENTAL EXHIBITION Egypt FEPA Recognition NORDIA 2016-04-29 Finland FEPA Recognition EUROSPACE 2016 Czech Rep. FEPA Recognition LUBRAPEX 2016 Portugal FEPA Support BALKANFILA 2016 Albania FEPA Recognition ROSSICA 2016 Germany FEPA Recognition ODESSAPHILEX 2016 Ukraine FEPA Recognition GMUNDEN 2016 Austria FEPA Recognition EXFILNA 2016 Spain FEPA Recognition 11th SCHOOL OF YOUTH TRAKOSCAN  Croatia FEPA Recognition Exhibition "TRAKOSCAN 2016" Croatia FEPA Recognition 2017 FINLANDIA 2017 Finland FEPA Patronage HIBRIA 2017Austria FEPA Recognition NORDIA 2017 Denmark FEPA Recognition 2018 PRAGUE 2018 Czech Rep. ? ISRAEL 2018 Israel ?

  14. Brief summary of the FEPA Exhibitions: FEPA PATRONAGE Continental Exhibitions open to all FEPA Members and invited Federations from other continents.  The awards are recognized at Continental level.Size of the Exhibition: minimum 1000 frames The FEPA Board will appoint a FEPA Consultant. Contract of Agreement: a contract or agreement shall be signed between the Member Federation and the FEPA Board Jurors: 80% of the jury must be fully accredited by FIP or FEPA. Exhibition Contribution: 5.000 Euros. 2.500 Euros if the frame fees are 30 Euros or lower (50% reduction over the standard fee).To be publicized and marketing at www.fepanews.com and in the printed magazine “FEPA News”.

  15. Brief summary of the FEPA Exhibitions: FEPA SUPPORT Continental Exhibitions open to all FEPA Members and invited Federations from other continents or Multilateral Exhibitions with the participation of invited FEPA and/or non FEPA Members. The awards are recognized at Continental level Size of the Exhibition: minimum 500 frames The FEPA Board may appoint a Consultant if requested by the Organizer Federation. The terms of the FEPA Support shall be confirmed in a letter of Agreement given by the FEPA Board. The jury members can be accredited by their FEPA member Federations at a minimum of national level. However for having results recognized at Continental level, 80 % of jurors has to be accredited FEPA/FIP. Exhibition Contribution: 1.000 Euros To be publicized and marketing at www.fepanews.com and in the printed magazine “FEPA News”.

  16. Brief summary of the FEPA Exhibitions: FEPA RECOGNITION Multilateral Exhibitions with the participation of invited FEPA and/or non FEPA Members, or National Exhibitions or Competitions of international interest recognized by FEPA. The awards are recognized at National levelSize of the Exhibition: as per requirements The FEPA Board may appoint a Consultant if requested by the Organizer Federation. The terms of the FEPA Recognition shall be confirmed in a letter of Agreement given by the FEPA Board.The jury members must be fully accredited by their FEPA member Federations at a minimum of national level.Exhibition Contribution: 500 Euros (250 Euros for Youth Exhibitions). To be publicized and marketing at www.fepanews.com and in the printed magazine “FEPA News”.

  17. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 11. Request for FEPA Recognition from Members Federations

  18. 12. FEPA News Magazine Front COVER Spanish POST AD Content/impressum POST SLOVENIA AD Message president CROATIAN POST AD ?? ASTRO BERLIN SEMINAR Spring Stampex 2016 Milanofil 2016 Jury Seminar in Germany FEPA Board Meeting HUNREV 2016 Open Day at the Austrian Federation Collecta Fair Ljubljana NORDIA 2016 EUROSPACE 2016 AD MACAO POST LUBRAPEX 2016 FEPA CONGRESS 2016 BALKANFILA 2016 ALPE ADRIA 2016 HUNFILA 2016 ECTP ESSEN PIRAEUS PHILATELIC SEMINARS PARISPHILEX 2016 ROSSICA 2016 Euroscout Wien česko-slovenská Binational News from Cyprus: New Board

  19. News from Slovakia: New Board News from Greece: George Sparis News from Portugal: New Board News from Hungary: New Board Advert HUNGARIAN POST ODESSAPHILEX 2016 GMUNDEN 2016 EXFILNA 2016 TRAKOSCAN 2016 FINLANDIA 2017 Newsletter HIBRIA 2017 Advert Macao FEPA Congress 2017 NORDIA 2017 EXFILNA 2017 Best Practice:FESOFI Youth Youth : 10 Years of the School of Young Philatelists "TRAKOSCAN" Fepa awards Literature Corner: PHILATELIC LITERATURE SREV Literature corner FEPA Awardees and Runners-up FEPA MATTERS - Picture Postcards FEPA MATTERS - INFORMATION FROM THE UPU Fepa Board FEPA Calendar Advert SOLER Y LLACH Back cover: advert Postiljonen

  20. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 13. Fepanews.com

  21. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 14. Motion presented by the Hellenic Philatelic Federation to increase from 6 to 7 the members of the FEPA Board

  22. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 14. Next FEPA Congress

  23. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 15.FEPA Awards

  24. FEPA Medal 2015 for Exceptional Service to Organised Philately Francis Edgar KIDDLE (Great Britain), in memoriam FEPA Medal 2015 for Exceptional Philatelic Study and Research Michèle CHAUVET (France)Les tarifs helléniques des lettres internationales 1861-1878. The runners-up for Exceptional Study and Research were:1. José Antonio HERRÁIZ, Manual de las tarifas postales de España y sus territorios de Ultramar. Volumen I. 1716/18492. Lajos HORVÁTH (Hungary), Postal history of Subcarpathia up to 20143. Calin  MARINESCU (Romania), Revenue Stamps used In the Romanian Postal Service 1872-1915 FEPA Certificate of Appreciation 2015 for Outstanding Activities for the Promotion of Philately Philatelic Society of Sofia „Petko Karaivanoff“, Sofia (Bulgaria) Briefmarken-Sammler Verein Gotha 1890 e.V., Gotha (Germany) Circolo Filatelico Bergamasco, Bergamo (Italy) Grupo Filatélico Avilesino, Avilés (Spain) Club Filatelico Lugano, Lugano (Switzerland)

  25. 3.    Calin  MARINESCU (Romania)Revenue Stamps used In the Romanian Postal Service 1872-1915

  26. supporting the organisation of exhibitions at national and international level Briefmarken-Sammler Verein Gotha 1890 e.V., Gotha (Germany) This association is among the oldest and most active philatelic organisations in Germany. It has held numerous public events such as philatelic exhibitions and also published philatelic literature, most recently the very successful 114th German Philatelists Day in 2015 

  27. Philatelic Society of Sofia „PetkoKaraivanoff“, Sofia (Bulgaria) This Society has over its 90 years’ history contributed strongly to the growth of philately in Bulgaria, founding the first philatelic library in the country, promoting youth philately, and supporting the organisation of exhibitions at national and international level

  28. FEPA Medal 2015 for Exceptional Philatelic Study and Research Michèle CHAUVET (France)Les tarifs helléniques des lettres internationales 1861-1878,published by JF-B Philatélie, Paris, 2015 This original research on the rates of international correspondence in the first two decades of adhesive stamps in Greece provides a systematic and detailed analysis of the different types of services concerning about 40 countries. It also presents a collection of the official documents supporting the research, the result of keen searches in the several public and private archives, where they are dispersed.

  29. FEPA Medal 2015 for Exceptional Service to Organised Philately Francis Edgar KIDDLE (Great Britain), in memoriam Francis Kiddle’s service to international philately was expressed in several ways and was recognised with a number of important awards. Francis served as chairman of the Philatelic Literature and later of the Revenue FIP Commission. He was a keen supporter of FEPA initiatives, as UK international representative, as organiser, juror, secretary and president of international juries, up until the last year Europhilex 2015.

  30. FEPA CONGRESS 2016 16. Any other matters


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