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Enhancing Seed Availability and Variety Selection in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and Other Indian States

Strategies to ensure availability of quality seed, such as seed rolling plans, incentives for growers, and suitable crop variety recommendations by region. Issues like seed age for subsidies and need for MoUs addressed.

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Enhancing Seed Availability and Variety Selection in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and Other Indian States

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  1. Strategies to make available quality seed of improved varieties/hybridsandMost suitable varieties of major crops for each agro-climatic/agro ecological region KARNATAKA, UTTAR PRADESH, CHATTISGARH, KERALA, MEGHALAYA, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, NAGALAND.

  2. Availability of Quality Seed of Improved varieties Strategies : • Preparation of five years Seed Rolling Plan. • Ensure adequate and timely availability of breeder / foundation seed as per plan. • Training of seed grower farmers. • Incentives to seed growers to encourage quality seed production. • Adequate arrangement for seed procurement. • Time bound programme for seed processing, testing and tagging. • Construction of new processing centers, seed godowns.

  3. Most suitable varieties of major crops for each agro-climatic/agro ecological region

  4. Karnataka

  5. Karnataka

  6. Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone

  7. Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone

  8. Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone

  9. Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone

  10. MEGHALAYA - List of most suitable varieties of major crop

  11. Contd......


  13. Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Wheat in U.P.

  14. Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Wheat in U.P.

  15. Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Chick Pea in U.P.

  16. Issues for consideration • Under CSS scheme distribution subsidy on quality seeds is admissible only on varieties which are less than 10 year old, whereas there are varieties which are released over 10 year but still popular and performing well should also be considered under subsidy schemes • There should be provision of risk mitigation by GOI to public/state seed corporations to compensate loss incurred due to unforseen conditions. • Most of the States have not signed MoU with National Seed PSUs / State Seed PSUs.

  17. STATE SPECIFIC ISSUES • ARUNACHAL PRADESH • ICAR, AP Centre to be involved for recommending agro-climatic zone specific crop varieties. • Need upland suitable glutinous Rice variety for Arunachal. • For farm practices such as jhum, there is a need for research on better performing varieties of rice.

  18. Need for setting up of a seed certification agency in Meghalaya. Need for cold tolerant varieties of paddy in North-Eastern States. Most of the States have not signed MoU with National Seed PSUs / State Seed PSUs.

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