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Imprinting. By Ashley Rolling Hills 2006. "Imprinting" Ñan Óí áoúå and béd. Imprinting is wïen a bñrd acts like the first thing it ãees.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imprinting By Ashley Rolling Hills 2006

  2. "Imprinting" Ñan Óí áoúå and béd. Imprinting is wïen a bñrd acts like the first thing it ãees.

  3. There are twú kinds oì imprinting "sexual," (a bñrd must learn the Ñharacteristics oì its ãibôing,) and "finial,“the Óíst knoÚõ kind, (when yo£ng bñrds learns the Ñharacteristics oì their parents.)

  4. Imprinting is wïen the bñrd acts like the first oèóect it ãees. Soúõ after hatching a bébŸ bñrd Ñan ãtart ãeeing things and wñll act like the first oèóect it ãees, (hoùefully its parents.)

  5. It is béd fÉü bñrds to imprint oõ humans Óícause then the bñrd wñll noœ Óí abôe to ãurvñÌí in the wñld Ìíry ¤íll.

  6. As yo£ Ñan ãee imprinting is a äesult oì instinct and I think it is an amazing thing.

  7. Bibliography Learning Wïo is Yo£r Moœher; Silvœa CardÄ´o, and Renato Sabétini;2001; http://www.cerebomente.org.br/nl4/experimento/lorenz/index-lorenz.htm Imprinting (Psychoôoîy); author unknoÚõ; http://www.en.oganij.com/en/Imprinting+%28psychuolg%29.html • Imprinting; http://www.backyardnature.net/birdprnt.html • Imprinting Simulatioõ; • http://www./~mcclella/expesim/introimprint.html

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