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NTCCC Fall 2013 Convocation September 13, 2013. Garry Tomerlin Deputy Assistant Commissioner , Community and Technical Colleges. Presentation Goals. Community College Legislative Update Career and Technical Education THECB Priorities Communication.
NTCCC Fall 2013 ConvocationSeptember 13, 2013 Garry Tomerlin Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Community and Technical Colleges
Presentation Goals • Community College • Legislative Update • Career and Technical Education • THECB Priorities • Communication
Enrollments at public 2-year colleges have increased 66% since 2000 775,455 Enrollment Trend at Public Community & Technical Colleges 2000-2012 732,112 467,041 447,998 2000 2012 Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 3
Public two-year colleges increasingly provide the pathway for Texas students to enter postsecondary education
1 and 2-year credentials have increased over the last 5 spring semesters 61%
Higher Education Statistics • During the Regular Session, THECB staff tracked 657 bills related to educational funding and policies. • Of these, 155 were ultimately signed into law by the Governor
The Legislature adopted the “return-value” model for state technical colleges (SB 1) 100% of funding to the Texas State Technical College System is allocated based on the additional state tax revenues generated by former students: • Cohorts of graduates, transfers and leavers are matched with UI wage records for five years • TSTC “value-added” determined based on: • Former students wage premium over a calculated base wage; and • An economic multiplier for indirect value • Values-added are adjusted and funding allocated proportionally among TSTCs
Formula Funding for 2-Year Colleges experienced modest increases Community Colleges
The Legislature adopted outcomes-based funding for public community colleges (SB 1) 10% of community college formula funding allocated based on student success outcomes after $500,000/per year is appropriated to each community college district for core operations; the remaining 90% is allocated based on enrollments Adult Basic Education and English as a Second Language Successful completion of an ABE or ESL sequence. (Implementation pending new data collection) 1 Students completing common core will be counted in this category 2 STEM includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, or Allied Health
The Board and community college leadership must collaborate to refine and improve outcomes funding Rider 23 Methodology for Student Success Points Allocation for the 2016-17 biennium. The Public Community/Junior Colleges and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall jointly develop recommendations for an allocation system for student success points for the 2016-17 biennium. The allocation system should allocate funds to college districts for improvement in student achievement. The allocation system shall be developed in a manner that compares the performance of the college district to itself using the allocation for student success points in the 2014-15 biennium as the baseline for comparison. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall report these recommendations to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor no later than August 1, 2014.
The Legislature adopted a credit hour cap on Associates degrees to stem excessive credits earned by students Average time to a Associate Degree: 4.3 years Associate degrees capped to no more credits than required by licensure or accreditation for that particular degree field—in most cases 60 SCH. Statewide Average Credits to Associates Degree 2012 Graduates Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
The Legislature revised the high school curriculum to provide increased flexibility for school districts and students (HB 5) • Requires a student to choose one or more of the five endorsements upon entering the 9th grade • All endorsements require four math credits and four science credits • Distinguished level of achievement requires an endorsement plus Algebra II (required for Top 10% automatic admission) • Reduces the number of EOC assessments from 15 to 5 • High school counselors are critical to ensuring that students are provided meaningful information about the benefits of choosing certain graduation plans and endorsements.
Our future workforce will demand even more postsecondary trained and educated workers U.S. Workforce Projections by Required Education Level, 2020 In 1973, only 28% of all U.S. jobs required postsecondary education/skills. By 2020, 65% of the jobs will require this level of education or training. Source: Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce; data in charts rounded.
The future workforce in the United States faces a shortage of workforce credentials Difference Demand vs. supply – 2020 projections Millions 19.5 +5.9 13.6 No high school diploma 44.1 43.3 +0.8 High school graduate 30.7 Some college, no degree Includes Postsecondary Workforce Certificates 29.1 -1.6 19.6 Associate degree 17.7 1.9 Bachelor’s degreeor higher 58.0 56.5 -1.5 Demand Supply Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mckinsey Global Institute analysis
HB 2036 creates the 2036 Commission charged with evaluating future education and workforce needs of Texas
Aligning Education to Workforce Needs: 83rd Legislative Recap
Aligning Education to Workforce Needs: 83rd Legislative Recap
SB 441 directs the Texas Workforce Commission and THECB to develop expedited workforce programs The Texas Fast Start Program calls for the TWC and THECB to collaborate with Texas public community and technical colleges to identify and develop methods to support competency-based, rapid-deployment education delivery models. • A Fast Start Program must: • Focus on current and future needs of Texas employers • Enable completion of workforce certificates and degrees at an accelerated pace in local/regional high-demand field • Incorporate competency-based learning techniques • Provide pathways for veterans, high school graduates and current workforce members seeking retraining
The Board has created a special task force to focus on community and technical college issues Membership: Dr. Dennis Golden, Chair Dr. Durga Agrawal Mr. Munir Lalani Charge: Improve Board communication and collaboration with community and technical colleges. Assist the Board in bringing a more concerted focus on issues pertaining to strengthening two-year colleges and improving student success.
The THECB has created a new Two-Year College Stakeholder Committee • Responsibilities of the Two-Year College Stakeholder Committee will include: • Formulate a five-year comprehensive statewide Strategic Plan for community colleges; • Provide the Legislature with data/information that deals with unique community college finance issues; • Build collaborative relationships that will allow the state to leverage the results of the many community college improvement initiatives now underway when those initiatives can demonstrate beneficial impact. Each community college governing board may nominate one trustee or regent to the committee. Five nominees from community colleges will be selected to serve.
The new TSI assessment will be the first of its kind in the country and align with existing developmental education reform efforts • Aligns to the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards. • Aligns to nationalABE standards and will diagnose accurate placement. • Includes diagnostic component to identify specific student weaknesses. • Board approved no-cost contract with The College Board. • Computer-Adaptive Assessment. • Low cost for institutions ($11). The new TSI assessment will help differentiate between those who are within at least two years of college readiness and those who are at adult-basic education skill levels. This will enable institutions to better align intervention strategies with student needs to produce better student outcomes. 23
Each community college appointed a liaison to interact directly with agency staff on community college issues The liaisons participated in a one-day session at agency to meet key staff and learn about agency initiatives and programs. The liaisons are included in all communications between agency and community colleges to ensure information is shared and processed accordingly.
The agency has created a Deputy Assistant Commissioner position to help support the community college sector Dr. Garry Tomerlin
Questions 26