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Researchers say that studying using the same old Rote learning system is no more effective.
Researchers say that studying using the same old Rote learning system is no more effective. Rote learning is sometimes disparaged with the derogative terms parrot fashion, regurgitation, cramming, or mugging because one who engages in rote learning may give the wrong impression of having understood what they have written or said. It is strongly discouraged by many new curriculum standards.
The New Age Learning skills involves Creative Memory Techniques. Creative memory doesn’t rely on repetition to remember facts, but on associations between easy-to-remember information and to be remembered lists of data, based on the principle that the human mind much more easily remembers data attached to spatial, personal, or otherwise meaningful information than that occurring in meaningless sequences.
Welcome to the World Of Creative Learning
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE The 8 major intelligence types, which we all possess but under-utilize as we are unaware of how to utilize it.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP AMBIDEXTERITY Something as simple as practicing to use both hands simultaneously can get our brain to produce astounding results.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP SMART MAPPING Radiant Thinking begins here. A great scientific method of Note Taking, Planning & Problem Solving. Hours of Revision are now effectively cut down to minutes in front of a Smart Map.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP CONCENTRATION Most youngstersand some adults too have this problem. But by using simple techniques, it can be easily corrected.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP MEMORY TECHNIQUES Using the most advanced techniques adopted the world over. Enables the user to work smarter, not harder. Makes memorizing formulae, equations diagrams, text, numbers… easy.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP NEUROBICS Neurobic Exercises, which helps prevent memory loss, increases mental fitness and keeps the brain agile, active and healthy.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP SPEED READING Normal reading is at approx. 60 - 80 wpm. Imagine how much faster you could finish your subjects if you could read at a speed of 300 wpm.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP ACCELERATIVE LEARNING A technique that enables you to know exactly when, what, where and how to study effectively.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP ALPHA STATE A technique that relaxes your body completely, but keeps your mind alert. One of the key factors for better performance & memory.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP BRAIN FOOD Simple, scientifically proven tips that feed & stimulate our brain.
SKILLS TAUGHT IN THE WORKSHOP IQ MUSIC Scientifically proven. Certain music increases IQ, balances emotions, keeps you in a frame of mind to work effectively.
BRAINMARK MIND SOLUTIONS conducts various workshops on different subjects. However, BRAINMARK is specialized in designing Tailor –Made workshops which meets your requirements. Take a look…
OUR TRAININGS • CREATIVE MEMORY PROGRAM – FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS • Concentration • Multiple Intelligence • Advanced Memory Techniques • Brain Food • Speed Reading • Smart Map • Alpha State • Neurobics • Accelerative Learning • IQ Music • Duration: 18 Hours (6 Days x 3hrs)
OUR TRAININGS • TRAINED GURUS WORKSHOP – FOR SCHOOL / COLLEGE TEACHERS • Advanced Memory Techniques • Boost Brain Power • Smart Map • Alpha Technique • Multiple Intelligence • Neurobics • Peak Performance • Duration: 6 Hours (1 Days)
Different types of counseling • Creative and therapies • Eating disorder • Suicide • Anger management • Children/adolescents • Depression • Group work • Stress management • Veterans • Career development • Vedic maths
Creative and therapies • an integrated and creative approach to counseling using art to express thoughts and feelings that are put into words.
Eating disorder • counseling is apart of behavioral disorder, to guide them through right track and approach for their health.
Suicide • them moral boosting and positive approach towards life and making them self dependable.
Anger management counseling to control stress and all the other aspect that cause anger.
Children/adolescents • counseling to understand children through their psychology.
Depression • counseling helps depressed people to start seeing and accepting relation and other things in positive approach.
Group work • counseling helps people to work in group and makes one self comfortable in group.
Stress management • counseling to manage stress in day to day life.
Veterans • counseling to motivate people to stop having drugs or any other harmful addictions.
Career development • counseling for teenagers to choose the right career for oneself.
Vedic mathematics • Vedic mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a list of 16 basic sūtras, or aphorisms. They were presented by a Hindu scholar and mathematician • In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. Pupils can invent their own methods, they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils.
CONTACT US Pune Office: ShyamGarg | Brain Mark Pune,1, Aparnali, Opp.BMCC (Gate-2), Deccan, Pune 411004.Tel: 020-41227474, 65214249. Mobile: 9822268333, 9371009398. Email: shyam@brain-mark.comSkype: garg.shyam Head Office: TEJAS DESAI 14- Sarela Shopping Centre Ghod Dod Road, Surat – 395007 Corporate Office HETAS PANDYA 309, Galaxy Mall, Nr Bima Nagar, Shivranjani-Nehrunagar Road, Ahmedabad – 380015.