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Stuart Little pp10,11. B92330010 黃聖峰 Reference: http://www.oup.com/oald-bin/web_getald7index1a.pl. I think it might embarrass Stuart to hear mice mentioned in such a belittling manner. Embarrass (v) to make sb feel shy or ashamed, especially in a social situation
Stuart Little pp10,11 B92330010 黃聖峰 Reference: http://www.oup.com/oald-bin/web_getald7index1a.pl
I think it might embarrass Stuart to hear mice mentioned in such a belittling manner. • Embarrass (v) to make sb feel shy or ashamed, especially in a social situation 使某人感覺到羞愧或不好意思,特別是在公共場合 Example: It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night. Other words: Adventure Adventurer
It was decided that louse was the best substitute for mouse • Louse(n) a small insect that lives on the bodies of humans and animals 一種寄生在動物身上的小型昆蟲 Example: Steve had let her down; she should never have trusted the louse.
The thing that worried Mr. Little most was the mousehole in the pantry. • Pantry (n) a cupboard/closet or small room in a house, used for storing food 食品儲藏室 Synonym: larder
He didn’t know where the hole led to, and it made him uneasy to think that Stuartmight some day feel the desire to venture into it. • Venture (v) 冒險 to go somewhere even though you know that it might be dangerous or unpleasant Example: This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production. Synonym: adventure His life was full of adventures.