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The Evolution of Chemistry: From Ancient Philosophers to Modern Discoveries

Explore the history of chemistry from Democritus' atomic theory to John Dalton's groundbreaking discoveries, including Aristotle's elemental qualities and J.J. Thomson's electron identification. Discover key figures like Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier and their contributions to the field.

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The Evolution of Chemistry: From Ancient Philosophers to Modern Discoveries

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  1. The History of the World From a “chemist’s” view

  2. The Father of Atomic Theory? • Democritus • Atoms • ~400’s BCE

  3. Aristotle • Earth • Wind • Fire • Water

  4. All substances were combinations of elements and elemental qualities. The elements are: fire, water, earth, and air. (Aristotle added later another "element" - Ether which was a perfect substance an what the heavenly bodies are composed of) The qualities are: hot, cold, wet, dry. The qualities define the character of "elements". Fire was seen as ideal mixture of hotness & dryness. One element could be changed into another like mixing solutions.

  5. What is this guy’s occupation?

  6. Something went wrong!click here to explore Alchemy

  7. Copernicus

  8. Galileo

  9. George Stahl • Charcoal leaves little residue upon burning because it is nearly pure phlogiston. • Mice die in airtight space because air saturates with phlogiston. • When heated, metals are restored because phlogiston transferred from charcoal  to calx • Metals get heavier when heated because phlogiston has a negative mass..

  10. Joseph Priestly • Discovered dephlogisticated air • Contemporary of Franklin and Jefferson • Isolated eight kinds of “airs.”

  11. "Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed." Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier • Law of Conservation of Matter • In what historical event did he die? • FATHER OF MODERN CHEMISTRY!!

  12. John Dalton • elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms. • all atoms of an element were identical and that in particular they had the same mass. • atoms of each element were different from one another; in particular, they had different masses. • compounds consisted of atoms of different elements combined together. • Compounds have constant composition because they contain a fixed ratio of atoms • chemical reactions involved the rearrangement of combinations of those atoms.

  13. Law of Multiple Proportions When two elements form two different compounds, the ratio of the mass one element in compound A to that of the same element in compound B, will occur in small whole numbers.

  14. Goldstein

  15. J J Thomson • Cathode Rays • Cathode Rays are electrons

  16. J.J. Thomson in his study (1899) JJ at 78


  18. Earnest Rutherford How can we describe the inside of an atom?

  19. Robert Millikan The Oil Drop Experiment

  20. The END NEXT How are the electrons arranged?

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