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Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Speaker: R. L. Cruz (University of California, San Diego) GSRs: Manish Amde,* Eric Wong, ** Yoav Nebat, *** Bongyong Song ***. *Additional support from Cal IT2 ** Not supported by MURI *** Partially supported by MURI. Outline.

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Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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  1. Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks • Speaker: R. L. Cruz (University of California, San Diego) • GSRs: Manish Amde,* • Eric Wong, ** • Yoav Nebat, *** • Bongyong Song *** • *Additional support from Cal IT2 • ** Not supported by MURI • *** Partially supported by MURI

  2. Outline • Design of Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks • Analysis of Random Mesh Networks using CSMA MAC Protocol (preliminary) • Routing, Cooperative Transmission and the Relaying Bound: the Effect of Multi-User Diversity (CISS 2005) • Network Duality and its Application to Multi-user MIMO Wireless Networks with Minimum SINR Constraints (ICC 2005) • Design of a Wireless Transceiver for Ad-Hoc wireless networks (Mobiquitous 2005, preliminary)

  3. Link Monitored TX/RX pairs Design of Adaptive MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

  4. Example Problem: • Optimization of Link Length in CSMA Network with Spatial Re-use • Users randomly scattered throughout 2-dimensional plane (Poisson point process) • Users listen before transmitting to become eligible to transmit. Condition for eligibility: total received power < Tidle • Eligible users wait an exponential distributed amount of time (with mean 1/) before transmitting • Transmissions assumed if SINR at receiver is above a threshold Tdetect

  5. Preliminary Result: Throughput vs Tidle for various values of 

  6. Incorporate Forward Error Correction into model • For a given user density, jointly optimize idle threshold Tidle, mean back-off delay 1/ , transmission power, link length, and coding rate to optimize throughput -meters per unit area

  7. Efficacy of Cooperative Transmission in Network Context CSI Known to all TX, RX Find Best Relay Destination Source Y. Nebat and R. L. Cruz, “Routing, Cooperative Transmission and the Relaying Bound: the Effect of Multi-User Diversity,” Proc. 2005 CISS

  8. Network-wide Beam-Forming • Find TX and RX antenna weights at each node so that total TX power is minimized, subject to minimum SINR constraint on each link • B. Song, R. L. Cruz and B. D. Rao, "Network duality and its application to multi-user MIMO wireless networks with minimum SINR constraints," in Proc. IEEE ICC'05, Seoul, Korea, May 2005.

  9. Problem Statement (P1) • Solved for SISO, SIMO and MISO cases • MISO problem is solved by using virtual uplink concept • The MIMO problem is still open. • There only exist several heuristic approaches. (centralized, decentralized)

  10. Experiment 1. LOS Case (optimal solution is known)

  11. Experiment 2. NLOS Case (optimal solution is not known)

  12. “Design of a Wireless Transceiver for Ad-Hoc wireless networks,” by Manish Amde, Joel Marciano, Sushil Singh, Cahit Akin, Rene Cruz, Kenneth Yun, Demo Session at Mobiquitous 2005, July, 2005

  13. “Design of a Wireless Transceiver for Ad-Hoc wireless networks,” by Manish Amde, Joel Marciano, Sushil Singh, Cahit Akin, Rene Cruz, Kenneth Yun, Demo Session at Mobiquitous 2005, July, 2005

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