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INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Lecture: Yonis Ahmed Nor MBA & MDS. WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION?. Administration is a goal-oriented, a purposive and cooperative group effort to accomplish some common goal or goals. For instance, two men cooperate to roll a stone to built a house.
WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION? Administration is a goal-oriented, a purposive and cooperative group effort to accomplish some common goal or goals. For instance, two men cooperate to roll a stone to built a house.
WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION? • Administration excludes non-purposive and non-cooperative group activities such as a man watching a stone. • Administrative activity is as old as organized social life. It is a universal process which is carried on in a variety of public and private organizations
ELEMENTS OF ADMINISTRATION • A group activity • Influence and cooperation • Purpose(s) • Material and human sources (tools, people, money etc.)
FEATURESOFADMINISTRATION • It is a process consists of planning, organizing, budgeting, directing (steering), coordinating and controlling. • Administration is occurred in formal organization in the form of hierarchy (arrangement of items –objects, names, values, positions etc. in which the items are represented as being above-below, superior-subordinate) • Ordered and coherent activities.
SOME DEFINITIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Public administration is the study of the management of the public agencies that carry out public policies in order to fulfill the state purposes in the public interest. • Public administration is the activities of the executive branches of the national (central) and local governments. • Public administration comprises the activities that are involved in carrying out the policies and programs of governments.
SOME DEFINITIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Public administration describes the structure and the functions of the power of the public. It is a procedural and operational instrument of the state. In this sense, public administration encompasses every type of public service and organization. • Public administration is an organizational execution of administration, together with provision of public services and activities. (Kapucu, Palabıyık: 105)
WHAT IS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? • FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION: • Production and delivery of goods and services to meet fundemental neccessities of the people. • Activities that contain desinging and implementation of public policies. • Processes and procedures related to the execution of laws and administrative regulations including activities and operations of public organizations.
WHAT IS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? • STRUCTURAL DEFINITION: • Organizations and structures which are responsible to deliver public goods and services. • Administrative organizations of government as opposed to the legislative and judicial sides
MODERN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • is co-operative group effort in a public setting, • focuses on the executive branch of the state, but not excludes legislative and judicial branches, • has an important role in the formulation of public policy, • is different in significant ways from private administration (or management), • is closely associated with the people in providing public services • is interdisciplinary in nature as it draws upon other social sciences like political science, economics and sociology.
THREE EXPLANATIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Public administration as an academic discipline, a science • Public administration as a profession • Public administration as an art
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS AN ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE • THE EUROPEAN ROOTS OF THE SCIENCE: CAMERALISM • This marked the beginning of the academic development of cameralism as sciences to be trained to future state officials.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS AN ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE • THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE SCIENCE: WOODROW WILSON • Woodrow Wilson, “The Study of Administration”, Political Science Quarterly, 1887. • Public administration became to be seen as an independent academic discipline, apart from political science after Wilson.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS A PROFESSION • The word profession means an occupation that includes a systematic knowledge or theory. • Main elements of a profession is knowledge and competency. • Universities and professional schools have played a vital role for public administration to become a profession. • People get the necessary knowledge in universities to become a civil servant, socializing with professional norms and in one sense improve a professional identity. • Specialists of public administration use these professional information to serve citizens in an impartial and competent manner.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS AN ART • Public administration is an art of getting things done. • Administration as an art, consists of deeds and acts with a practical end. • Like all arts, it must be based on science, that is a knowledge of all that will make for good administration.
SCOPE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS AN ACTIVITY • Traditionally, the scope of public administration is restricted only to the executive branch. • In this sense, public administration covers primarily the organization, personnel, practices and procedures essential to effective performance of the executive branch of government. • Public administration is an instrument of government for carrying on its activities. It includes all operations of government ranging from the social care to sweeping the streets.
SCOPE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS A DISCIPLINE • Administrative functions/Processes of administration • POSDCORB (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Direction, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting • Substantive concerns (matters of administration) such as defense, health care, education, social security and welfare, police, fire protection, agriculture, industry and so on. • Public personnel administration • Public financial administration • Comparative public administration • Public policy (the process of policy-making, the contents of policy, its implementation and the policy outputs.
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • As a co-operative group activity, administration is truly universal and operates in all types of public and private organizations, and also non-governmental organizations. • But on the basis of the nature of institutional setting, public administration can be roughly distinguished from private administration. • Public administration is governmental administration concerned with achieving state purposes. • Private administration relates to administration of private/business organizations which are more concerned with the achieving of its own purposes.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Political direction • Public administration takes place in a political context, work under political direction and analysis. It carries out the policies made by the elected members of the legislature and political executive (prime minister, ministers). • Business administration, on the opposite, is not subject to political direction, instead, it functions largely under the influence of market economic conditions.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Absence of profit motive • The primary purpose of governmental organizations is to provide services to the people and promote social good, not making profits for the government. Government usually has to provide even unprofitable and costly services. The major aim of private business organizations is o make profits for their owners. • The main beneficiary of public administration activities is the entire community (communal ends), whereas that of the business is the owner of the business itself (personnel ends).
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Legal framework • The activities of public administrators are fixed by a set of constitutional practices, laws, rules and regulations. Government officials must always act within their legal powers. • By contrast, the behavior of business organizations and the activities of business administrators are subject to less legal constraints.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Consistency of treatment • The government official is required by law to maintain a high degree of consistency in his dealings with the public. He has to observe the principles of equity and fairness of treatment in serving the people. • On the other hand, the business administrator is not legally obliged to treat the small and big customers alike.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Public accountability • In a democracy, public administration is held accountable for its activities through legislative oversight and judicial review. (and in modern approach directly to the public) • But public accountability is not a value affecting business administration. Business administrators are only accountably for their shareholders.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Essentiality of some public services • Certain public services such as national security, law and order, health care, transport and communication are vital to the existence of community itself. Such kind of services, inherited in their nature, can only be carried out by the government. • Public services are different comparing with the private goods and services. • It is not possible to find out the consumption level of a service • Financed by the taxes • No one is excluded
SIMILIRATIES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION • Both public and business administrators rely on common techniques relating to planning, organizing, budgeting, control, coordinating and like. Both make use of common skills such as accounts-keeping and maintaining files. • On the one hand the business organizations developed a sense of community service (social responsibility approach), and on the other hand, public organizations try to adapt business methods and practices such as performance management, strategic planning and human relations into public administration
PUBLIC-PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP • Public and private administration are becoming more and more alike in many respects.