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Respiratory Physiology

Explore the intricate structure of the respiratory system, focusing on conducting and respiratory zones, alveoli, and lung physiology. Learn about physiological dead space, gas exchange, and ventilation dynamics in the lungs.

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Respiratory Physiology

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  1. Respiratory Physiology

  2. heart

  3. heart circuitry

  4. heart circuitry tissues

  5. lung heart circuitry tissues

  6. lung heart circuitry tissues cell

  7. STRUCTURE of respiratory system • Conducting zone • Respiratory zone

  8. STRUCTURE of respiratory system • Conducting zone • (nose, larynx, trachea, • bronchi, bronchioles) • The walls conducting airways • contain smooth muscle • Sympathetic • Parasympathetic • 2 receptors • relaxation, dilatation of the airway

  9. STRUCTURE of respiratory system • Conducting zone • Anatomic dead space • V of the conducting airways • Physiologic dead space • V of the lungs that does not • participapate in gas exchance

  10. STRUCTURE of respiratory system • Conducting zone • Physiologic dead space (VD) • V of the lungs that does not • participapate in gas exchance • PaCO2 – PECO2 • VD = VT x ---------------- • PaCO2 • VT – tidal volume • PaCO2 – PCO2 of arterial blood • PECO2 – PCO2 of mixed expired air

  11. STRUCTURE of respiratory system Respiratory zone Alveoli Lung ~ 300 x 106 alveoli

  12. diaphragm inspiration expiration

  13. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi

  14. expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  15. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  16. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  17. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  18. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  19. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  20. inspiration – mm. intercosales externi expiration – mm. intercosteles interni

  21. pleura parietalis diaphragm inspiration expiration

  22. pleura visceralis diaphragm inspiration expiration

  23. pleura parietalis transmural pressure pleura visceralis diaphragm inspiration expiration

  24. pleura parietalis pleura visceralis transpulmonal pressure diaphragm inspiration expiration

  25. pleura parietalis pleura visceralis intrapulmonal pressure diaphragm inspiration expiration

  26. pleura parietalis transmural pressure pleura visceralis intrapulmonal pressure transpulmonal p. diaphragm inspiration expiration

  27. pleura parietalis transpulmonal p. pleura visceralis diaphragm inspiration expiration

  28. PNEUMOTHORAX pleura parietalis transmural p. pleura visceralis bránice - diaphragma inspirace expirace

  29. alveoli pleura parietalis transmural p. pleura visceralis intrapulmonal pressure transpulmonal p. diaphragm inspiration expiration

  30. ventilation V

  31. Physiologic dead space Is the volume of air in the lungs that does not participate in gas exchance (i.e.e it is dead) Anatomic dead space – is the volume of conducting airways Functional dead space volume – which is made up of alveoli that do not participate in gas exchance (alveoli that are ventilated, but are not perfused by pulmonary capilary blood)

  32. Physiologic dead space PaCO2 – PECO2 V D = VT x ----------------------- PaCO2 VD – physiologic dead space (mL) VT – tidal volume (mL) PaCO2 – PCO2 of arterial blood (mmHg) PECO2 - PCO2 of expered air (mmHg)

  33. Physiologic dead space PaCO2 – PECO2 V D = VT x ----------------------- PaCO2 40 - 30 VD = 500 x -------------- 40 = 500 x 0.25 = 125

  34. Alveolar ventilation VA = (VT – VD) x breasths/min VA - alveolar ventilation (mL/min) VT - tidal volume (mL) VD - physiologic dead space (mL/min)

  35. Alveolar ventilation VA = (VT – VD) x breasths/min VA = (500 – 125) x 16 = 375 x 16 = 6000 mL/min

  36. lung heart circuitry tissues cell

  37. diffusion

  38. perfusion

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