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SCOPE OF MULTIPLICATION STRATEGY. Analysis and evaluation of project activities effects at the farm holding level Evaluation of environmental impact of project implementation (at regional and national level) Conceptualisation of multiplication strategy. NITROGEN LOSSES IN ORGANIC FERTILISERS.
SCOPE OF MULTIPLICATION STRATEGY • Analysis and evaluation of project activities effects at the farm holding level • Evaluation of environmental impact of project implementation (at regional and national level) • Conceptualisation of multiplication strategy
Up-to-date advancement of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
CONCLUSIONS Estimates as to the reduction of nitrogen losses in rural areas thanks to the activities undertaken under this project indicate that the potential reduction scale ranges from 17 to 28 kg/N/ha and from 500 to 800 tonnes of N in the whole area included in the project activities. As for the current environmental effect of the project estimated as the reduction of nitrogen losses, it amounts to 17,2 kg/N/ha.
Strong points of the project • Project activities have been comprehensive (being a hierarchically structured package). • Inclusion of social partners (farmers organisations, agricultural chambers and local self-government authorities). • Clear implementation procedures, • Transparent and fair procedures and criteria to select farmers to included in the project, • The project enhances expertise and experience of local extension services • Development and implementation of appropriate technical standards with regard to investment in manure storage facilities. • Financial support to objectives to be achieved thanks to the project. • High didactic performance of model solutions that exert influence on farmers in a positive and permanent manner.
Weak points of the project • High share of farmers own resources and lack of sufficient funding capacity in most farms, which hindered the implementation of environmental investment. • Limited financial resources of local authorities and institutions operating in agricultural environment. • Insufficient farmers qualifications, which did not ensure rational use of production inputs, especially in line with Good Agricultural Practices and economic efficiency. • Lack of tradition in respect of agri-environmental projects implementation.
Project opportunities • Environmental legislation in Poland, including Sustainable Development Strategy for Poland till 2025, Act on fertilisers and fertilisation, which provides conditions conducive to the implementation of agri-environmental projects. • Expected accession of Poland into the EU and the need to adjust in line with the EU directives accompanied by the possibility of using pre-accession aid and structural funds of the EU. • Increasing role of the National Fund for the Environmental Protection and Water Management in the activities of agri-environmental projects. • A growing number of institutions is involved in the implementation of the environmental projects, including many NGO’s that are set up with a view to take action in this field. • Increasing environmental awareness of the public opinion in Poland, including the representatives of local authorities and farmers. • Environmental measures and activities can be supported and co-financed by foreign institutions and funds.
Project risks • Low profitability of agriculture production and rather unfavourable outlooks for the near future, which will not facilitate the implementation of agri-environmental investment projects. • Unfavourable farm structure in terms of acreage and considerable fragmentation of farm plots (small acreage of fields). • Many self-government authorities lack development strategy and even if they are available not all of them are sustainable or environmentally friendly. • No system is in place to prepare agricultural advisors to deal in all the aspects of specialised farm holdings from the viewpoint of a code of Good Agricultural Practices in a comprehensive manner. • Demographic tendencies, • Limited capacity of local authorities to provide funding for agri-environmental measures.
Assumptions of a multiplication strategy • Public funds should be used to ensure financing of agri-environmental measures in animal production farms, • level of financial support for agri-environmental measures in agricultural holdings should range between 50-75%, • The sources of agri-environmental measures financing should be varied - private sector, local self-government authorities (at gmina, poviat level), public funds, foreign aid (loans and assistance funds etc.), • Clear and transparent procedures ensuring public accountability.
Aim of multiplication strategy Farm holdings specialising in animal production shall adopt a package of measures to ensure the protection of environment in rural areas (Code of Good Agricultural Practices)
PACKAGE OF MEASURES • Agricultural extension services will work on environmental aspects basing on the Code of Good Agriculture Practices • Farmers will be supported when developing nutrient management plans • Financial support for ecological investments on farm holdings • Financial support to purchase agri-environmental machines to be used collectively • Tree planting and other agri-environmental activities in agricultural production space.
TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR STORING FACILITIES • Manure pad area - 3,5 m2/LLU • Capacity of a liquid manure tank - 3 m3/ LLU • Capacity of a slurry tank - 11m3/ LLU
ESTIMATED COST OF NECESSARY INVESTMENT • Assumptions: • Total number of livestock in Poland - 7,5 million LLU (2001) • In commercial farms: about 75% of the total livestock • Bedding system: 75%; without bedding - 25% • Area of manure pads - about 14 million m2 • Capacity of liquid manure tanks - about 12 million m3 • Capacity of slurry tanks - about 14 million m3 • Construction cost - PLN10.600.000.000 (in IV quarter of 2001, excluding VAT) EUR2,650,000,000
CRITERIA BASED RANKING LIST OF VOIVODSHIPS: environment-nature group - G1 economy farming group - G2 Scale based on growing suitability
Implementation criteria for PSC Number of farm holdings that apply GAP Farmers’ GAP expertise level, Nutrient Management Plans, Use of agri-environmental machinery, Number of contacts with agricultural extension advisers, Demand for advisory service.