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Climate Change Enabling Activitiy

Climate Change Enabling Activitiy. PROJECT STRATEGY The immediate objective of the project is to assist the Republic of Turkey in implementation of obligations under UNFCCC by preparation of Initial National Communication ( INC) strengthen technical and institutional capacities

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Climate Change Enabling Activitiy

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  1. Climate Change Enabling Activitiy

  2. PROJECT STRATEGY • The immediate objective of the project is to assist the Republic of Turkey in implementation of obligations under UNFCCC by preparation of InitialNational Communication( INC) • strengthen technical and institutional capacities • mainstream climate change concerns into sectoral and national development priorities. • INC will include research made during preparation of this proposal and the results of new research.

  3. PROJECT STRATEGY • Strategies, programs and plans of implementation will be developed, and projects on adaptation to climate change and strategy of GHG emissions reduction will be prepared on the basis of the planned activities. • This will provide to bring the climate change issue onto the level of political decision-making and integrating the outputs

  4. Turkey’s Ratification Period before the ratification A brief report on the emissions of the country had been communicated with the Secretariat through the document FCCC/CP/1997/ MISC.3. Raising public awareness and development of national capacity to fulfill the commitments of UNFCCC The inter-ministerial NationalCoordination Board on Climate Change, initially established in 2001, was revised in early 2004 decision 26/CP.7 of COP7 in 2001, which placed Turkey after becoming a Party, in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex I to the Convention.

  5. Ratification of UNFCCC Republic of Turkey ratified UNFCCC on 24 May 2004. benefiting from GEF funding Turkey startedinitiationsforbenefiting from the GEF funding for the preparation of the national communication since the country eligible for climate change related GEF funding pursuant to Article 9.b of GEF Instrument.

  6. Climate Change Enabling Activityself-assessment exercise Implementing Agency:UNDP Executing Agency:Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry Duration : 3 months Started on : 3 January 2005

  7. Stakeholders • Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Ministry of Environment and Forestry • Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources • Ministry of Public Works and Settlement • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs • Ministry of Industry and Trade • Ministry of Transport • Ministry of Health • State Planning Organisation • State Institute of Statistics • Environmental NGOs • Associations of private sector • Municipalities

  8. What were the project targets? • research and collection of available data • preliminary assessment of the reliability of available data • identification bottlenecks and priority areas • consultations with key stakeholders • prioritization of the human and institutional capacity needs and identification of specific areas in all relevant sectors that research/modeling studies required • synergizing with relevant completed and on-going programs or projects

  9. What are the achievements? • Synergies with TUBITAK-MRC and Universities, NGOs and private sector (ongoing) • Archived portfolio of more than a 100 experts(ongoing) • Project Proposal Document for “Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Turkey's Initial National Communication” • Improvedinteractive communications and info-sharing

  10. Relevant Projects • The National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) • Turkey’s Commitments at the International Level-(Treaties and Conventions) • Agenda 21 • UNDP Initiative for Sustainable Energy (UNISE) • Mediterranean Action Plan • Declaration of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on the Environment • Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea • National Sustainable Energy and Atmospheric Protection Initiative • National Action Programming (NAP) Process for Combating Desertification • National Desertification Fund (NDF) • Forestry Master Plan (OAP) • National Plan for in-situ conservation of plant Genetic Resources • Combating Desertification National Action Plan (Under preparation) • South Eastern Anatolia Development Plan (GAP) • Eastern Anatolia Development Plan (DAD) • Eastern Black Sea Development Plan (DOKAP)

  11. ParallelActivities • Relevant EU projects • 9th. Five Year Plan Preparation by State Planning Organization • Regional Environmental Center activities

  12. Related Regulations • National Programmer on Adaptation to European Union Legislation • Ozone (Montreal)Protocol (1990) • OECD Environment Ministers Declaration (1996) • OECD Environment Ministers Declaration (1998) • Internationally important Wetlands Convention (RAMSAR) • World Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation Convention (PARIS) • Natural Landscape Conservation Convention • Convention on international Trade for Endangered Wild Flora and Fauna Species (CITES) • Intergovernmental Forestry Panel (IPF), intergovernmental Forestry Forum (IFF), United Nations Forestry Forum (UNFF) • Policies and Regulations in Turkey • Air Quality Control Regulation (1986) • Water Pollution Control Regulation (1988) • Noise Control Regulation ( I986) • Control of Solid Waste Regulation ( 1991) • Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (1992) • Regulation on Control of Medical Waste ( 1993) • Control of Hazardous Chemical Substances and Products Regulation ( 1993) • Control of Dangerous Wastes Regulation ( 1993) • Regulation of Air Pollution Control due to heating. 13 th January 2005 • Regulation on air quality control due to industrial processes. 7 th Oct 2004

  13. Identified priorities-1 I. Minimization of GHG from Energy Sector Determination of energy scenarios by integrated system analysis of the multiple options with the assessment of costs and benefits of various energy policy alternatives shall be the main target project.

  14. Identified priorities-2 • II. Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessing national vulnerability and mitigation measures on the basis of regional impacts in socio-economic area (economical growth, technology, population and governance) and searching for appropriate climate change adaptation measures shall be investigated.

  15. Identified priorities-3 • III. Land use, Land Use Change and Forestry Assessment of physical and economic impacts of climate change on LULUCF, development and strengthening of existing models

  16. Identified priorities-4 IV. Capacity Building • Capacity building in the areas of scientific and technical potential andinstitutional relations (identification and removal of jurisdictional, organizational and informational obstacles and conducting streamline among the institutions). • Infrastructure and data network for information and data acquisition needs to be strengthened.

  17. IV. Capacity Building-2 • Mobilization of scientific and technical creation of institutional arrangements to test the effectiveness, reliability, availability and competence of the experts. • Capacity enhancement by providing short-term courses, workshops, seminars and other training services will be arranged where necessary. • Continuous utilization of existing capacity, which is associated with theaccumulation of experience by Training of trainees, will be the key issue for sustainability of national communications.

  18. What are the expected outcomes of the proposed INC project ? • an inventory of greenhouse gases for the year 1990-2003 • analysis of potential measures to abate the increase in greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey • an assessment of potential impacts of climate change in Turkey and adaptation measures

  19. What are the expected outcomes of the proposed INC project ? • assessment of cost and benefits of various energy policy alternatives on climate change • capacity building in the areas of scientific and technical potential and institutional relations infrastructure and data network for information and data acquisition to enable the development of national communications in Turkey on acontinuous basis

  20. What are the expected outcomes of the proposed INC project ? • Preparation of the INC of Turkey and submission to the COP • Public awareness activities and stakeholder cconsultations to enhance general awareness and knowledge on climate change-related issues in Turkey and help into taking them into account in the process of national planning and policy.

  21. Work Plan INC Start date:expected by mid May Project duration : 1 year (10 months implementation + 2 months GEF reviewing)

  22. Work Plan Output 4.0. Preparation of self assessment activity plan for Technical Coordination Committee and TechnicalExpert Group (TEG) Output 4.1.1. Identification and evaluation of the “special circumstances” of Turkey in accordance with social, economic and geopolitical indicators, i.e.

  23. Work Plan Output 4.1.2. Identification of policy making tools and modeling various scenarios in terms of potential adaptation programs with outputs of cost-benefit analysis Output 4.2.5. Building IT capacities of the emission inventory working group

  24. Output 4.2.6.Collection and estimation of the inventorydata related to the gases of HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , CO, NOx,NMVOCs and Sox Output 4.2.7. Enabling studies for emission estimation in the areas where bottlenecks Encountered: Uncontrolled solid waste-waste water- Fugitive emision-enteric fermentation – LULUCF for continuous data collection,

  25. Output 4.2.8. Enabling inventory studies in terms of producing reliable database used as basis in the course of estimations of energy efficiency projections of industry and building sectors Output 4.2.9. Improvement of present emission calculation techniques and methodology, and conducting evaluation studies in order to define quality and uncertainty status of data values produced

  26. Output 4.2.10. Perform a model in order to ensure necessary modifications and adjustments in accordance with Turkey conditions (specifically include energy efficiency) for making use of the most recent industrial energy and production data available from the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey and the Annual Survey of Manufacturing

  27. Output 4.2.11. Process a model for estimation of energy demand in households Output 4.2.12. Use available model producing inventory outputs for fuel, vehicletype, size, class and technology.

  28. Output 4.3.1. Investigation of future energy types of GHG and determination of technical implementation on energy scenarios under an integrated system analyzing model Output 4.3.2. Energy sector development scenarios for GHG reduction

  29. Output 4.3.3. Developing national energy policies based on costbenefit evaluation of energy alternatives Output 4.3.5. Policy identification in terms of GHG abatement measures and preparation of an activity schedule including monitoring phase for policy implementations and estimation of potential GHG reduction values based on current policies and alternative scenarios on the Industry, Building, Waste Management and Service sectors

  30. Output 4.3.7. Determination of a method for estimation of emission reduction rates for an average railway and highway construction and rehabilitation project in order to identify national transport policies Output 4.3.6. Conduct the model analyses ‘total energy cycle’ in order to estimate per mile energy cycle emission and energy use of both near and long-term transportation technologies

  31. Output 4.3.8. Assessment of physical and economic impacts of climate change on LULUCF and also adverse effects of LULUCF to climate change, development and strengthening of existing Models Output 4.3.9. Establishment of bio-physiologic and economic models for improvement of agriculture, forestry and water management, expansion of applications of the existing models

  32. Output 4.4.1.Identification of impacts on human and natural systems based on three global climate scenarios Output 4.4.2.Assessing national vulnerability and abatement measures on the basis of local and global impacts in socio- economic area

  33. Output 4.4.3. Formulate and promote an overall system to provide long-term systematic data and information Output 4.5.2. Designing an active climate change web page and enabling sustainability of info-flow for continuous updating Output 4.5.4.Establishment of Climate Change Library Room

  34. Output 4.5.5. Organization of a workshop between institutions and industrial unions as to ensure capacity building in the areas of scientific and technical potential and institutional relations Output 4.6.1. Prepare a project proposal for ‘National Climate Plan’ and activate the project on national scale

  35. Output 4.6.7. Organization of informative meeting series and updating for the responsibilities and obligations of Turkey and targeted for members of decisionmaking bodies Output 4.6.8. Organization of a contest with a theme of Contest with a theme of “Methods for Building Public Awareness in Climate Change” among students ofFaculty of Communication and awarding 3 top applicable projects

  36. Output 4.6.12. Maintaining synergy with other relevant projects and programs on combating desertification, preservation of biodiversity, energy efficiency, and energy saving, expanding use of renewable energy sources

  37. Output 4.6.1. Preparation of project progress reports and final project reports presenting progress of the activities(lessons learned, action plans to prepare national communications continuously Output 4.6.2. Economical evaluation and reviewing of the past indicative years varying with increasing and decreasing emission values

  38. Output 4.6.3. Development of an integrated calculation model for overall projections synthesizes all sectors under same model structure Output 4.6.6. Development of public awareness and respective educational program methods and determination of activity schedules in short and long term periods

  39. Revised Institutional Framework Coordination Board on Climate Change MoEF UNDP Project CoordinatorUndersecretary of MoEF Steering Committee MoEF Secretariat MINISTRIES TOBB National Project Team Technical Activity Group INDUSTRY Technical Coordination Committee UNIONS* International Experts I. Researching the Effects of Climate Change (TSMS) LOCAL AGENDA 21s* II. Emission Inventory of GHG (SIS) National Experts III. Mitigation of GHG from Industry, Building, Waste Management & Service Sector(EIE) MUNICIPALITIES TUBITAK-MRC IV. Mitigation of GHG from Energy Sector (MENR) EU * V. Mitigation of GHG from Transportation (MoT) ACADEMIA VI. Land use, Land Use Change and Forestry (MoEF-R&D department) WB* VII. Development of Policies and Strategies (MoEF) VIII. Education and Public Awareness (MoEF)

  40. İKLİM DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ ULUSAL BİLDİRİMİŞBİRLİĞİ ÜNİVERSİTELER ve Araştırma Kurumları • Uzmanlık alanlarına göre işbirliği • Ulusal Bildiri çalışmalarının sürekliliğini sağlamak için işbirliliğinin sürekliliğinin sağlanması almada geçerli kılınması • Uluslar arası Platformda IPCC/UNFCCC /COP tebliğler sunmak • Araştırmacıların mevcut olan veri ihtiyacını karşılayacak mekanizmalar oluşturmak

  41. FINANSMAN İMKANLARI Eğitim, kapasitelerin geliştirilmesi konularında Ulusal Bildirim çalışmalarına finansal destek alınması için EU uyum çalışmalarından kaynak yaratma • TÜBİTAK KAMU KURUMLARI AR-GE Destekleme Propramına KAMU-ÜNİVERSİTE işbirliği ile müracaat • Çalışmaları sürekli kılmak için 9. Kalkınma Planında İklim Değişikliği Politika ve Stratejilerine destek sağlamak için işbirliği • GEF projeleri oluşturmak ( Özel Sektör+üniversite+Kamu)

  42. UZMAN HAVUZU • UZMANLIK ALANI • CV • REFERANS ÇALIŞMALAR ulusalbildirim@superonline.com iklim@cevreorman.gov.tr

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