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Design of High Speed Craft – The human factor

Design of High Speed Craft – The human factor. Dominic A. Hudson School of Engineering Sciences, Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. 17 th Annual Engineering Conference, Malta 17 th April 2008. High Speed Craft Applications .

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Design of High Speed Craft – The human factor

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  1. Design of High Speed Craft – The human factor Dominic A. Hudson School of Engineering Sciences, Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. 17th Annual Engineering Conference, Malta 17th April 2008

  2. High Speed Craft Applications • Planing craft (up to ~80 kts) – now often RIBs • Life-saving (e.g. RNLI in UK) • Leisure • Excursions, dive boats • Personal • Racing powerboats • Military and para-military • Offshore industry – variety of roles

  3. What is the Problem?

  4. What is the Problem? • Repeated shock impacts lead to: • Lower back damage • Knee injuries • Depends on: • Waves • Hullform • Boat speed • 20 Kts • Sea-state 3

  5. What is the Problem? • Crew effectiveness reduced: • Physical performance • Cognitive ability • Factors: • Day/night • Temperature • Sound • Smell • Everyone is different! • 12 subjects • 8.5m RIB, 40 kts, 1hr 40 min • Sea-state 0-1

  6. Solutions? • Currently design boats for: • Speed, strength, range, weight, cost, etc. • Consider people later……… • EU Physical Agents Directive enforced 2010 • Can we design for people from the start? • Or mitigate problems by • Structural design? • Seat design?

  7. Research Effort • ~₤1 million EPSRC grant • Univ. of Southampton – SES (Ship design) • Prof. R. Shenoi, Prof. J. Xing, Dr. D. Hudson, Dr. S. Turnock, Dr. D. Taunton, Dr. J. Blake, S. Lewis, T. Coe. • Univ. of Southampton – ISVR (Signal Processing) • Prof. R. Allen, Dr. D. Allen • Univ. of Chichester (Sports Science) • Dr. R. Dyson, Prof. T. McMorris, Dr. T. Dobbins, S. Myers • Additional funding: Royal Academy of Engineering, School of Engineering Sciences

  8. Full-scale Tests • Measurement techniques • Quantify/characterise • Motions • Vibration dose values • Physiological data • Person in ‘real’ situation Very difficult

  9. Full-Scale Results

  10. ~10 mins Results – VDV ‘action levels’

  11. Results – Spinal health risk (ISO 2631-5)

  12. Full-scale Results

  13. 2D strip theory (after Zarnick) Wedge-impact model Non-linear, time domain Regular or irregular waves Well-known ‘conventional’ hulls Work on Validation Front-end GUI Limits hull form (RIB, VSV)? speed? Numerical Modelling

  14. Model Tests • Validate numerical code • 2 models tested • Wave-piercing RIB ‘Kali’ • RNLI Atlantic 21 RIB • Limitations • Only head seas • V. short run time (~3 sec)

  15. Results - comparison

  16. Current Work Human spine model Flow simulation + Design optimisation, ongoing model, full-scale testing

  17. See the Posters!

  18. Future Aims • Design boat to comply with EU directive • Test boat = 21 mins • ‘best’ planing hull = ~1 hour • Target = 8 hours • Co-operate with designers, builders, operators, MCA • Understand human – boat interface • Trusted design and simulation tools • Tailor solutions to applications

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