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Flight Times to Anchorage

Flight Times to Anchorage. North America Seattle 3 hours Salt Lake City 5 San Francisco 4.5 Los Angeles 5 Chicago 5.5 New York City 8 International London 7 Zurich 9.5 Tokyo 6.5 Seoul 8.5. Anchorage Physical Data.

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Flight Times to Anchorage

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  1. Flight Times to Anchorage North America Seattle 3 hours Salt Lake City 5 San Francisco 4.5 Los Angeles 5 Chicago 5.5 New York City 8 International London 7 Zurich 9.5 Tokyo 6.5 Seoul 8.5

  2. Anchorage Physical Data International Airport 61.07 deg. N, 150.02 deg. W 40 meters (131 ft.) above msl Typical May 11-15 Conditions Daylight 17 hours 18 minutes Temperature range 4 - 13 deg. C (39 - 55F) Precipitation (month) 1.7 cm. (0.7 in.) Snow depth Zero


  4. Technical Program Framework • May 11 & 15 • Tutorials (4 parallel sessions/day or 4-8 tutorials/day depending on number of whole- and half-day tutorials) • Workshops (2, half-day) • May 12-14 • 16 tracks/day, 4 sessions/day (General Conference, Symposia, PBAS) • Plenary Sessions part of General Conference/Symposia/PBAS

  5. SYMPOSIA – 1 Optical Networking Chairs: • Mounir Hamdi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, hamdi@cs.ust.hk • Chunming Qiao, State University of New York Buffalo, qiao@ieee.org • Mohsen Guizani,University of West Florida mguizani@cs.uwf.edu

  6. SYMPOSIA – 2 The Next Generation Internet Chairs: • Mario Gerla, University of California Los Angeles, gerla@cs.ucla.edu • Marjory Johnson NASA Ames Research Center, mjj@riacs.edu • Horst Besier, T Systems, Germany, horst.besier@t-systems.de

  7. SYMPOSIA – 3 Broadband Wireless & Satellite Communication Systems Chairs: • Tony Ephremides, University of Maryland, tony@glue.umd.edu • Zoran Kostic, AT&T Research, zoran.kostic@att.com • Satchandi Verma, TRW, satchandi.verma@trw.com

  8. SYMPOSIA – 4 Communication Theory Chairs: • Steve McLaughlin, Georgia Tech University, swm@ee.gatech.edu • Urbashi Mitra, University of Southern California, urbi@usc.edu

  9. SYMPOSIA – 5 Personal Communications and Wireless LANS Chairs: • Chatschik Bisdikian, IBM Watson Research Center, bisdik@watson,ibm.com • Sajal Das, University of Texas Arlington, das@root.uta.edu

  10. SYMPOSIA – 6 Advanced DSP for Multimedia Chairs: • Jaafaar Elmirghani, University of Wales, Swansea, UK, j.m.h.elmirghani@swan.ac.uk • Yucel Altunbasak, Georgia Institute of Technology, yucel@ee.gatech.edu

  11. SYMPOSIA – 7 Communication QoS, Reliability, and Performance Modeling Chairs: • Koichi Asatani, Kogakuin University, Japan, asatani@cc.kogakuin.ac.jp • K.S. Kuo, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, gskuo@mail.com • Nelson Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil, nfonseca@ic.unicamp.br

  12. SYMPOSIA – 8 Global Services and Infrastructure for NG Networks Chairs: • Seshadri Mohan, Comverse, seshadri.mohan@comverse.com • Fawzi Daoud, GMD, daoud@gmd.de • Heinrich Stuttgen, NEC, stuttgen@ccrl.nec.de

  13. TUTORIALS Physical Layer Communication Chair: • John Barry, Georgia Tech University, barry@ee.gatech.edu Networking Layers Chair: • Catherine Rosenberg, Purdue University cath@ecn.purdue.edu

  14. PANELS AND BUSINESS APPLICATION SESSIONS Chairs: • Mehmet Ulema, Manhattan College, m.ulema@ieee.org Panels Chairs: • Edwin Chong, Colorado State University, echong@engr.colostate.edu • Feng-Wen Sun, Hughes Network Systems, fsun@hns.com

  15. Technical Program Matrix

  16. Technical Program Committee (TPC) • Consist of about 200 experts in different areas of communications • Handle ICC’03 submissions (coordinate review process) • Organize and chair sessions

  17. Workload for TPC Members • Number of submissions: 1200 – 2000 (1600 for Globecom’02) • Number of papers for each TPC member: 10 -15

  18. Paper Submission Authors must • chose • general conference, and • one of 8 symposia, • specify their priorities. Examples: • 1st priority: Symposia 6, 2nd priority: General conference  acceptable • 1st priority: General conference, 2nd priority: Symposia 2  acceptable • 1st priority: Symposia 7, 2nd priority: Symposia 2  not acceptable • 1st priority: General conference, 2nd priority: General conference  not acceptable

  19. Paper Assignment to Symposia Chairs According to • author’s choice, • distribution of submissions. Example: Sessions in Symposia X need 45 paper Chairs of Sym. X need to handle 100 submissions (assuming 45% acceptance rate)  • 80 submissions with Sym. X as 1st priority and 40 submissions with Sym. X as 2nd priority  80 1st priority + 20 from 40 2nd priority to Sym. X • 120 submissions with Sym. X as 1st priority and 30 submissions with Sym. X as 2nd priority  100 from 1st priority to Sym. X

  20. Final Decisions on Papers • TPC of general conference or each symposia accepts top 1/3 papers and rejects bottom 1/3 papers. (The results should not be released to the authors yet) • All TPC members of general conference and 8 symposia discuss and shuffle the middle 1/3 papers, and make final decisions on those papers at Globecom’02 in Taiwan. • The decisions of all papers will be released to authors.

  21. Summary of Review Process • Everything is done electronically • Each paper should have at least 3 qualified reviews • Each TPC member determines top 1/3 (accepted) & bottom 1/3 (rejected) papers according to review results • TPC will discuss the middle 1/3 papers at Globecom’02 and make decisions according to the reviews.

  22. Rules for TPC Members • Rules of thumb for review process of ICC’03: • No TPC member handles his/her own or colleague’s paper(s). • TPC members should not contact authors directly regarding his/her paper review. • Contact technical program or symposia chairs immediately if you feel uncomfortable to handle some papers due to any reasons.

  23. Time Table for Paper Review • Deadline for paper submission: Aug. 1, 2002 • Papers assigned to different symposia: Sept. 1, 2002 • Papers assigned to different TPC members: Sept. 15, 2002 • Feedback from the TPC members for top 1/3 & bottom 1/3 papers: Oct. 27, 2002 • Final decisions (Globecom’02): Nov. 17, 2002

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