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WP1 – Project coordination and management. Guglielmo Tamburrini. Outline of the presentation. Structure of project management and people in charge Financial management Timeline of events. Structure of project management (from section 6.1 of the Technical Annex).
WP1 – Project coordination and management Guglielmo Tamburrini
Outline of the presentation • Structure of project management and people in charge • Financial management • Timeline of events
Structure of project management(from section 6.1 of the Technical Annex)
Components of the boards: proposals • Project coordinator: Guglielmo Tamburrini • Project manager: to be identified (provisionally Guglielmo Tamburrini) • WP2 coordinator: Thomas Christaller • WP3 coordinator: Guglielmo Tamburrini • WP4 coordinator: Rafael Capurro • WP5 coordinator: Fiorella Operto • Quality assurance board: • 3 science&technology members: • Robotics ? • Bionics ? • Artificial intelligence ? • Moral philosopher: ? • Antropologist: ? • Psychologist: ?
Timeline Months 0-6: • joint preparation and discussion of three tutorials on technological states of the art • The three internal reports will constitute deliverable D1 (Fraunhofer).
Timeline Months 7-12: M1: workshop (to be held in Italy), whose aims are • to set-up a common language and a methodological framework for the joint analysis of techno-ethical issues that will be carried out in WP3; • to start the definition of the methodology for the joint identification of techno-ethical issues • to identify an initial set of ethical issues to be analyzed during the project; • Tutorials. to present the states of the art in the three broad technological areas considered (AI for communication and information, robotics and bionics), in the form of tutorials; • to present and discuss the timeline of events (workshops and public events) to be carried out, as previously planned by the Scientific Board;
Timeline Months 13-18: • An internal meeting will be held with the following aims: • to start task T3.3 (Analysis of techno-ethical issues), and to jointly contribute and finalize deliverable D2; • to collect and discuss materials related to WP4 activity (Proposal of standards and recommendations for the EU); • to validate the internet-based public access information system; • to define a plan for refresher courses (T5.2). • Public events with interest groups, journalists, policy makers will be organized. Some of these public events may take the form of multimedia streaming events, supported by the internet-based public access information system.
Timeline Months 19-24: • M3: organization of the second workshop (to be held in Germany), which aims at presenting and discussing the major WP results achieved so far. Notably, • the proposed methodology for the joint identification and analysis of techno-ethical issues (T3.1) • the set of techno-ethical issues identified in the framework of task T3.2 • the ongoing analysis of the identified techno-ethical issues • the analysis of national and international ethical regulations identified in the framework of T4.1, and the status of advancement of the ongoing activity of task T4.2 • the status of the dissemination activities. • Other public events, as in the last six-months period, will be organized. • Organization of 1 internal meeting (towards the end of the project), to which the whole consortium is invited to participate, for the organization and discussion of deliverable D10, “Roadmap for techno-ethical research”.
Timeline of the next 6 months Kick-off meeting (November 26th 2005) • preparation of the three tutorials on the technology states of the art • setting-up of the internet-based communication system • plan for dissemination Deadline for checking progress(February 1st 2006) • finalization of the three tutorials on the technology states of the art First Workshop (date to be defined)
Plan for using resources • the Coordination Unit, composed by 1 secretary for project management (ETHICBOTS Project Manager) and collaborators, if necessary; • Collaboration contracts for components of the Quality Assurance Board; • 1 secretary for each meeting (from the responsible participant group); • Technicians for the internet-based public access information system set-up; • 1 responsible for the internet-based public access information system management; • Additional funds for hiring people releasing necessary certifications (including auditing).
Contribution • Total contribution: € 420.000,00 • A pre-financing of € 157.500,00 within December 15th • The rest is allocated according to the Article 8 of the Contract, and to the estimated breakdown included in Annex I
Distribution of budget among participants • For each of four six-months period, the number of total person-months for each partner (comprehensive of the 5 WP) is calculated • The total contribution to each partner is distributed on the four periods according to the person-months calculated at step 1
Example: DSF 24 months = 6 pm = 1 pm = 3 pm = 1 pm = 2 pm
Pre-financing • Pre-financing: € 157.500,00 within December 15th • Total contribution for the first 2 periods: € 160.929.12 • The remaining 160.929.12 - 157.500,00 = 3429,12 are equally subtracted to each partner (€ 342,91 )
Distribution of the pre-financing rounded-up
ETHICBOTS website • http://www.cibernetica.unina.it/ETHICBOTS