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ROLE OF CITIZENS IN ADDRESSING CORRUPTION IN BANGLADESH: CREATING DEMAND (draft) Iftekhar Zaman Executive Director Transparency International Bangladesh -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROLE OF CITIZENS IN ADDRESSING CORRUPTION IN BANGLADESH: CREATING DEMAND (draft) Iftekhar Zaman Executive Director Transparency International Bangladesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presented at the “Conference on Good Governance” organized by the American Embassy, Dhaka 25-26 June, 2006.
Bangladesh: Remarkable Social Progress • Steady economic growth (5-6 %) since 1990s • Population growth: 2.5 in 80s to 1.7 in 1990-2004 • Gross primary enrollment: 72% in 1980 to 98% in 2001 • Infant mortality: 145 in 1970 per 1000 live births to 46 in 2003 • Child mortality: 239 to 69 per 1000 in the same period • Share of population in poverty: 59% in 1990 to 50% in 2000 • Food security markedly increased – near self-sufficiency All these - inspite of widely acknowledged governance failures and widespread corruption.
Corruption – a global problem • Corruption – more than bribery - Abuse of power for private gain - power in the government & outside; economic, political and social power. • Taking, giving and seeking of favours thanks to holding public office – conflict of interest; • Buying or using political influence, taking kickbacks, bribing officials, extortion; • Subverting public good - embezzlement, fraud, nepotism, negligence of duty, misuse of public or institutional fund and extortion; • Promoting vested interests - financial, political or otherwise
Corruption • Leads to policies and decisions not in public but private interest • Breeds and increases poverty and injustice • Prevents development and rule of law • Undermines democracy and governance, and encourages secretiveness in decision-making • Leads to political costs including loss of legitimacy, public trust and support • Distorts market, stifles economic growth, discourages honest living, deters investment and leads to competitive bribery • Breeds crimes, social frustration, discontent and insecurity
IMPLICATIONS OF CORRUPTION IN BANGLADESH: Bias against the Poor • Corruption - a key challenge against development in Bangladesh, and a major political issue. • More than international ranking per CPI - Pervasiveness acknowledged and impact experienced by all. • Opportunity Cost – about 3 percent higher growth was possible (World Bank, 2000). • Diverts investment and discourages development partnership - Exclusion of Bangladesh from US MCA attributed to corruption. • The poor are directly affected - access to essential services such as education, health, justice and individual safety has become a function of the capacity to make unauthorized payments. • Corruption is a key impediment to the realization of PRSP and MDG.
Corruption: Preventing Access to Education(Source: Secondary analysis of TIB Surveys & Research)
Corruption: Preventing Access to Public Health Service(Source: Secondary analysis of TIB Surveys & Research)
Corruption: Preventing Law Enforcement(Source: Secondary analysis of TIB Surveys & Research)
Ratio of Household Income lost to bribery(Source: Secondary analysis of TIB Surveys & Research)
FIGHTING CORRUPTION Highly challenging because of links of corruption with power. • Complete eradication of corruption is not a realistic proposition. • Needed a comprehensive strategy having 3 key inter-related elements: • Political will – without fear or favour; • Strengthening the national integrity system; and • Citizens awareness and demand.
Anti-corruption Edifice(adapted from: www.transparency.org) Sustainable Development Qualityof Life Rule of Law N a t i o n a l I n t e g r i t y S y s t e m Legislature Executive Judiciary Auditor General Election Commission Watchdogs - ACC Public Service Media Civil Society Private Sector Procurement System Public Awareness & Demand Core Values - Democracy, Justice, Integrity, Courage …
National Integrity System (Contd) • Like a Greek Temple – it rests on public awareness & demand and society’s values – the stronger are these, the firmer is the foundation. • At the roof is the nation’s integrity held by a series of mutually reinforcing pillars. • The three balls on the roof emphasize that the roofmust be kept level, failing which they can roll off. • Pillars are interdependent, but may be of differing strengths from society to society. There can be trade-offs. In Singapore restricted media freedom is compensated by efficient civil service and intrusive anticorruption bureau. • Each pillar needs some core tools, e.g., media must be backed by freedom of information law, civil society must have the legal space to organize itself and articulate its demand.
National Integrity System – Pillars and Basic Rules & Practices • Parliament: Fair Elections, Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Rules, Effective Committees. • Executive: Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Rules. • Judiciary: Independence, Integrity. • Auditor General: Independence, Public Reporting. • ACC/Ombudsman: Independence, Capacity, Enforceable Law. • Election Commission:Independence, Integrity, Capacity. • Public Service: Non-partisan, Professional, Code of Ethics. • Media: Freedom ofInformation Law, Integrity. • Civil Society: Freedom of speech, Conducive Environ. • Private sector: Competition, Integrity - PWYP, CSR. • Procurement System:Transparent & accountable Procurement Law, including Conflict of Interest rules
FIGHTING CORRUPTION IN BANGLADESH: ROLE OF CITIZENS • Corruption cannot be addressed overnight without comprehensive efforts and fullest commitment of those in positions of power. • The Government has to take the lead, and the NIS must be allowed to function effectively. • In the absence of the above and/or when they are rendered ineffective – citizens’ awareness and demand become crucial for catalyzing change.
Creating Demand for Policy Reform and Institutional Change: Some Tools • Awareness through Measuring, Communicating and Advocacy • Surveys • Diagnostic Studies • National Integrity System Monitoring • Engaging Citizens • Information & Awareness • Local level Citizens Watchdogs
Citizens Watchdogs can: • Lead public awareness & participation campaign to say NO to corruption and demand change. • Inform & advise the public about rules/entitlements. • Take specific initiatives for service sector transparency – Citizens Report Cards – monitoring & campaigning for “Islands of Integrity”. • Involve public officials & representatives in motivational and specific action-oriented activities. • Engage other stakeholders, especially the youth through information, education, motivation, cultural and other programs.
In lieu of a Conclusion The Key Problem is that Leadership & Politics have been redefined as: • Profitable Business & investment • Abuse of power with impunity • Politicization and damaging of institutions to promote partisan interest • Prevention and undermining of rule of law • Habitual disregard for commitment and negligence of duty • Zero-sum game - mutual mistrust, hatred, ego and intolerance • Erosion of values
In lieu of a Conclusion (contd) • To fight corruption requires highest level political commitment for courageous action without fear or favour. To deter corruption it must be punished, not protected/rewarded. • Where the political commitment is weak, and institutions are not functioning independently and effectively – create demand: inform, communicate and campaign for a social movement. • Trust in power of the people and collective strength of stakeholders.
“On this earth there is enough for everyone’s need, not enough for their greed”. M.K. Gandhi