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1, 2 Buckle my shoe …

7. 9. 4. 5. 8. 6. 1, 2 Buckle my shoe …. Mathematical project for children of 3 -6 years. https://twinmath.wikispaces.com/. http://moodlepp5.webhost.pl/ moodle / course /view.php?id=8. Project Team. Poland Ewa Kurzak & pedagogical staff PP5 Malta : Marianne Schembri

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1, 2 Buckle my shoe …

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 7 9 4 5 8 6 1, 2 Buckle my shoe… Mathematical project for children of 3 -6 years

  2. https://twinmath.wikispaces.com/

  3. http://moodlepp5.webhost.pl/moodle/course/view.php?id=8

  4. Project Team • Poland Ewa Kurzak & pedagogical staff PP5 • Malta: Marianne Schembri • Spain: Maria Piedad Avello Fernandez  • Scotland: George Glass,Margaret Hay • Lithuania:  Jurate Stakeliuniene • Iceland:  Fjola Thorvaldsdottir • Romania: Mihaela Nita • England: Tricia Pitcher, Owain Richards New Participants: • Italy : Patricia Cau • Scotland: Dorothy Ostacchini • Italy : Anna Maria Campo • Canada: Linda Lapointe

  5. Process of work • Together we made plan of work and it was accepted by all partners. • Each month a common topic would be carried out by all partners. • Lesson plans were discussed and results of work were exchanged at the end of each month. • Videoconferences: the children participated in common online lessons about colours, numbers, shapes. • We created Wiki-webpage and Moodle platform to publish and share the outcomes. • The pupil created content presented online for all the European school communities

  6. Aims ICT tools Topics Resources

  7. Aims • Children will master pre-mathskills • Children will fosteressentialskillslikecriticalthinking, observation, problem-solving, and communication. • Childrenfrom partner schools will motivateeachother. Logicalthinkingskills will be encouraged • Goodmathematicalexperiences will be providedPedagogicalissues will be exchanged • Children will developtheirskillsin ICTChildren will becomeaware of differentEuropeancultures and languages. • Children will havefun!

  8. Topics 2007-2008 • Enumeration – Counting • Comparing and ordering numbers • Adding and subtraction • Measures • Space • Shapes and patterns - 2d and 3d shapes • Comparisons • Classifications • Sharingourcultures

  9. ICT tools We publish on: • Wikispace, Moodle, Twin Space, Comunication : • e-mail, You Send It, • video-conferencing, Flash Meeting, Skype, Interactive Whiteboard We prepare the matherials: • PowerPoint, Stop Motion Animation, video editing, Hot Potatoes, JClic, eXe-1.03.0, Virtual Dub, GIMP, Inkskape, computer, digital camera, scanner, etc.

  10. Resources Children's activities

  11. Thechildrenuse computers They enjoy it very much 

  12. Communication between children

  13. Videoconference

  14. Computer session puzzles, games, memory games, stop motion, task with gap, drag-drop, magnifying glass

  15. We have Digital Resources on theMoodle WOW! TwinMouse TwinKlick

  16. The national clothes of different countries we sharing cultures

  17. Stop motion animation

  18. "Oink- Oink" story from Malta by Trovor zahra

  19. BACICIN TRIBORDO the green seaweed man Genovese fable

  20. Math Around Us Maths and our toys (October)Maths in the Shops (November)Maths at Christmas time ( December)Maths in the streets (January)Maths in the kitchen (February)Maths in the garden (March)Maths in the school yard or gym (April)Maths and Water (May)

  21. Conclusions: • The teachers presented their recent practices of each topic, above all with the possibility of being used by the other partners. • Pupil and teacher created content shared across schools has provided interesting and effective learning resources for all participants. • Publication of the project on the web has increased parental involvement in their child's education and community interest and support for the school. • The teachers developed the own potential as well as they improved the skill and levels of the children's skill.

  22. Conclusions: • We discovered, that many free software can be used at kindergarten: JClic, Hot Potatoes, eXe1.03.0, Flash.Page.Flip.com Web Photo Gallery, iSpringFree3, PhotoStory3, Moodle platform’ , etc. • We showed, that at kindergarten it was possible to connect the traditional methods of teaching of mathematics with new technologies. Both methodologies strengthen efficiency of the teacher's work. • We know, that subjects and activities which we used can be applied in all the European kindergartens. • Besides European partners a teacher from Canada, USA has joined us by iEARN net.

  23. Thank You! 1,2 Buckle my Shoe… Project Team 7 9 4 5 8 6

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