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Name. Learning Objective. We will use end punctuation marks for sentences. What are we going to do?. CFU. Activate Prior Knowledge. Which sentence has a question mark? ____ Which sentence has an exclamation mark? ____ A The dog was hungry. B When did you feed the dog?
Name Learning Objective We will use end punctuation marks for sentences. What are we going to do? CFU Activate Prior Knowledge Which sentence has a question mark? ____ Which sentence has an exclamation mark? ____ A The dog was hungry. B When did you feed the dog? C I want to feed the dog! Students, you already know what question mark and exclamation mark are. Now, we will use end punctuation for sentences. Make Connection
Concept Development • End punctuation marks show where a sentence ends. • End punctuation marks tell how a sentence is used. End Punctuation Marks in a Sentence I need to sharpen my pencil To tell something period To ask a question (who, what, where, when, how) How sharp is your pencil? question mark To show strong feelings (happy, sad, angry) The sharp pencil poked me! exclamation mark CFU How do you know where a sentence ends? Why is there a question mark at the end of this sentence? Where is the restroom? In your own words why do we use end punctuation marks? We use end punctuation marks ______.
Skill Development/Guided Practice 1 • End punctuation marks show where a sentence ends. • End punctuation marks tell how a sentence is used. Use end punctuation marks for sentences. Read the text carefully. Select1 the correct end punctuation mark for the sentence. (circle) Hint: Think how the sentence is used. 1 a Aardvarks 1.What is an aardvark . ? ! 2. They are nocturnal2 animals that spend the day sleeping underground . ? ! 3. What is an aardvark’s favorite food . ? ! 4. Insects called termites are an aardvark’s favorite food . ? ! 28 words 1 pick 2 sleep during day, awake at night Vocabulary How did I/you select the correct end punctuation mark for the sentence? CFU 1a
Skill Development/Guided Practice 2 • End punctuation marks show where a sentence ends. • End punctuation marks tell how a sentence is used. Use end punctuation marks for sentences. Read the text carefully. Select the correct end punctuation mark for the sentence. (circle) Hint: Think how the sentence is used. 1 a Lost Puppy 1. Sophie took her puppy to the park . ? ! 2. She looked for her puppy and could not find him. 3. Her puppy was lost . ? ! 4. She sat on a bench to rest. 5. She heard a noise from under the bench. 6. It was her puppy . ? ! 7. He was sleeping under the bench . ? ! 46 words How did I/you select the correct end punctuation mark for the sentence? CFU 1a
Relevance • End punctuation marks show where a sentence ends. • End punctuation marks tell how a sentence is used. Using end punctuation for sentences will help you write your own stories. 1 “Ouch!” yelled Jill. “Why did you push me down the hill?” “Sorry, I did not mean to,” said Jack. Does anyone else have another reason why using end punctuation marks for sentences is relevant? (Pair-Share) Why is end punctuation marks for sentences relevant? You may give me my reason or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU
End punctuation marks show where a sentence ends. • End punctuation marks tell how a sentence is used. Skill Closure Use end punctuation marks for sentences. Read the text carefully. Select the correct end punctuation mark for the sentence. (circle) Hint: Think how the sentence is used. 1 a Word Bank tell ask show Different People 1. The Earth has many different people . ? ! 2. Not everyone speaks the same. 3. Some people speak English. 4. Other people speak Spanish. 5. What do you speak . ? ! 23 words Access Common Core The sentence below has a incorrect end punctuation mark. Write the correct mark below. Where is the end of a rainbow. ___ Summary Closure What did you learn today about using end punctuation marks for sentences? (Pair-Share) Use words from word bank.
Name Guided Practice 1 Food 1. Plants need sunlight to live. 2. Their leaves turn sunlight into food . ? ! 3. Humans cannot make food from sunlight. 4. What do humans use for food . ? ! 23 words We played on the swings in the park? Yes No Access Common Core How do you add numbers? Yes No Do these sentences have correct end punctuation marks? I am very sad. Yes No Yes No Dogs are the best pets.
Name Guided Practice 2 Snow Day 1. Victoria loves the snow . ? ! 2. She hopes it will snow this winter. 3. One morning, Victoria woke up and looked out her window . ? ! 4. It was snowing . ? ! 5. She played in the snow all day. 31 words Draw a line to match each sentence to the correct end punctuation. . My favorite color is red Access Common Core Flowers make me happy ? Who is the teacher Andy kicked the ball hard !
Name Guided Practice 3 Staying Dry 1. It rains a lot in the state of Washington. 2. People there wear special clothes to stay dry . ? ! 3. They also wear rain boots to keep their feet dry. 4. How do you stay dry when it rains . ? ! 35 words Write one sentence about the weather today. Write another sentence that asks a question about school. Use the correct ending punctuation mark. Access Common Core ________________________________________ ________________________________________