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Higgs , July 4th, 2012 Finland, Helsinki Institute of Physics , University of Helsinki.
Higgs, July 4th, 2012Finland, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki • Media coveragewas a total and qualifiedsuccess. Scientists in Helsinki shared the live programmefrom Cern at the University with representatives of all main media in the country. Alsodirectanswersfromlocalexperts. Main daily paperspresent: • Aamulehti, Helsingin Sanomat (major), Hufvudstadsbladet (main Swedish) • TV present: • YLE TV1 (news in Finnish), YLE Fem (Swedish), MTV3, Nelonen • - In the endmost of the media cutoff the Finnishinvolvement in the experiment. • Interviewsbyphone:STT, main news agency2 afternoonpaperswehave: Iltalehti and Ilta-SanomatVasabladetUusi Suomiradio stations: Yle Radio andRadio Nova • Alsopresent Press Officer of Academy of Finland. Minna Meriläinen-Tenhu, minna.merilainen@helsinki.fi