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A guide to chronic back pain

Is back pain getting you down? Does it hinder your daily activities and affect your quality of life? It can be incredibly frustrating when dealing with chronic pain. So, we have tailored this comprehensive guide for people seeking to overcome their back pain in Parramatta and regain their active lifestyle.

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A guide to chronic back pain

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  1. A Guide To Chronic Back Pain Is back pain getting you down? Does it hinder your daily activities and affect your quality of life? It is time to take control of your situation and start your journey to better health. And the best place to start is through education - so let’s learn a little more about chronic back pain. It can be incredibly frustrating when dealing with chronic pain. So, we have tailored this comprehensive guide for people seeking to overcome their back pain in Parramatta and regain their active lifestyle. What is chronic back pain? While most instances of back pain are temporary, lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, chronic back pain is a persistent condition that lingers for 12 weeks or more. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), approximately 20% of individuals experiencing back pain will see their condition progress into chronic back pain with ongoing symptoms. Also, in terms of the burden on Australians, chronic back pain ranks third among the most troublesome health issues. So, you’re not alone. Distinguishing between chronic and acute back pain People often confuse the terms acute and chronic. Hence, it is crucial to distinguish between acute and chronic back pain in Parramatta, as the two conditions require different treatment approaches. Acute back pain is typically the result of an injury or overexertion, and may be resolved within a short period. On the other hand, chronic back pain is a long-term condition with various potential causes.

  2. Causes and symptoms of chronic back pain Causes ● Poor posture: Sitting in an inappropriate position or slouching for extended periods can strain the muscles and ligaments in your back, leading to chronic pain. ● Muscle and ligament strains: Lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, or engaging in repetitive activities can strain the muscles and ligaments in your back. Thus causing chronic pain. ● Herniated discs: The discs situated between the vertebrae serve as natural cushions for the spine. When one of these discs ruptures or bulges, it can press on the nerves in your back, causing pain and discomfort. ● Arthritis: Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis arthritis are just two examples of arthritis that can affect the spine. Overall, arthritis may cause chronic back pain as the joints and cartilage deteriorate. ● Spinal abnormalities: Conditions like scoliosis can lead to chronic back pain, where the spine curves abnormally. Also, spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal, can also be a catalyst for ongoing pain. Symptoms ● Dull or aching pain: Chronic back pain is often characterised by a persistent, dull ache in the lower or upper back, accompanied by stiffness. ● Shooting or stabbing pain: On the other hand, some individuals experience shooting, sharp, or stabbing pain that goes down the legs or arms, indicating nerve involvement. ● Limited mobility: Chronic back pain can restrict your range of motion, making it difficult to perform daily activities or engage in physical exercise. ● Muscle stiffness and tightness: The affected area may feel tense, and the muscles surrounding the spine may become tight and inflexible. ● Fatigue: Constant pain can lead to sleep disturbances, leaving you feeling tired and exhausted during the day. Diagnosing Chronic Back Pain Consulting a Chiropractor If you suspect that you may be suffering from chronic back pain, it is essential to consult the best chiro in Parramatta for a thorough evaluation. This will typically involve a discussion of your medical history, a physical analysis, and possibly diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs.

  3. Identifying the Underlying Cause Your chiropractor will work to pinpoint the specific cause of your chronic back pain, as this will inform the most effective course of treatment. Treating chronic back pain The role of a Chiropractor When it comes to finding relief, one option to consider is chiropractic treatment from Better Backs - Better Living right here in the heart of Parramatta. Chiropractic care is a hands-on method that focuses on the spine and nervous system. Chiropractors are highly skilled practitioners who use their hands or specialised tools to make adjustments to your spine and other joints. They believe that misalignments in the spine, called subluxations, may cause pain and interfere with the body's natural healing abilities. During your session, your friendly chiro at Better Backs - Better Living will perform a thorough assessment to comprehend the root cause of your chronic back pain. They may then use specific techniques to manipulate your spine to correct misalignments and restore proper movement. These adjustments may help to reduce inflammation, relieve nerve pressure, and improve overall spinal function. But chiropractic treatment is not just about spinal adjustments. Chiropractors adopt a comprehensive approach to health, considering the overall well-being of their patients. For example: ● They may advise on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes to support your spinal and overall health. ● They might recommend strengthening exercises, stretches, or even ergonomic adjustments in your work space or home environment. This approach addresses the underlying causes of your chronic back pain, not just treating the symptoms. Additional treatments for chronic back pain Passive treatments include ultrasound, TENS units, ice and heat therapy, electrical stimulation, and stabilisation techniques. These treatments aim to reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area. The experienced chiropractic team at Better Backs may use a selection of additional treatments during your session, depending on your individual needs.

  4. Preventing chronic back pain Lifestyle changes and self-care Adopting a healthier lifestyle and practising self-care techniques can greatly lower the risk of developing chronic back pain. Some suggestions include the following: ● Maintaining a healthy weight by including nutrient-rich food and avoiding processed sugary items. ● Engaging in regular physical activity. For example, swimming, jogging, or cycling. Be sure to start with low impact and intensity and increase as needed. ● Practising good posture. Whether sitting or standing, make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are relaxed, and your feet are firmly planted on the ground. ● Using proper lifting techniques. When lifting, bend from your knees, keep your core engaged, and keep the item close to your core. Keep your back straight and supported as you lift (and don’t forget to breathe!) ● Investing in a supportive mattress and pillow can provide adequate support to your spine while sleeping. It can also support your neck and reduce discomfort overall. If you experience persistent back pain, do not hesitate to seek help from the best chiro in Parramatta. Early intervention may prevent the progression of acute back pain into a chronic condition and ensure a faster recovery. Book your appointment at Better Backs - Better Living Chronic back pain can be a debilitating condition that significantly impacts a person's quality of life. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and available treatments, you can take control of your situation and work towards a pain-free future. Do not hesitate to seek help from a chiro and explore all possible avenues to effectively manage your chronic back pain. To get started, book your appointment at Better Backs - Better Living today.

  5. Contact Us Company Name: Better Backs - Better Living Address: Level 1, 1A / 410 Church Street, Parramatta (Entrance via Church St) Phone : (02) 9890 7111 Email id: admin@betterbacks.com.au Website: https://betterbacks.com.au/

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