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This open day event discusses the capacity building efforts related to the implementation of MEAs in ACP countries, with a focus on promoting environmental sustainability and enhancing enforcement. The event also covers the specific objectives and activities of different regional hubs and components. Additionally, it highlights the Climate Change-Risoe CDM sub-component and its impact on ACP countries' participation in the global carbon market.
CAPACITY-BUILDING RELATED TO IMPLEMENTATION OF MEAS IN ACP COUNTRIES Department of sustainable Economic Development and Trade Open day - ACP Secretariat ,11 october 2011, Brussels (Belgium)
Introduction • Four year (2009-2013), multi-stakeholder, €21.45 M EDF 9th Intra ACP-funded • Overall and Specific objectives: Promote environmental sustainability in ACP countries (MDG 7) Enhance capacity of ACP countries to implement and enforce MEAs • Component 1: Three Regional Hubs • African Hub: African Union Commission • Caribbean Hub: Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat • Pacific Hub: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) • Component 2: Implementation of specific MEAs • CDM: UNEP Risoe Centre • Combating Desertification: UNCCD GM • Sound Management of Chemicals QSP: SAICM Secretariat • Obsolete Pesticides: FAO
UNEP Mission • Overall Coordinator and facilitator • Assist partners in planning and implementing activities • Liaison mission between project partners and components • Budgetary responsibility for UNEP components • Visibility of ACP MEAs project in major EC and ACP Secretariat events • Programme Steering Committee Member
Climate Change – Risoe CDM • UNEP Risoe Centre – Clean Development Mechanism (emission reduction) • Overall Objective: Enable ACP countries to fully participate in global carbon market • Specific Objective: Enable host ACP countries to identify, design, approve, implement & monitor CDM projects that both address their sustainable development priorities and offer cost-effective option for carbon credit buyers to comply with their obligations under Kyoto Protocol
Climate Change – Risoe CDM • How does it work in practice? • UNEP Risoe Centre (URC) engages with ACP countries’ stakeholders to promote and use the CDM • Project activities are implemented by URC with a local Project team anchored to the DNAs, using when necessary national experts as consultants, to enhance DNA capacities and functionality – including design of sustainable development criteria for selection of projects and to revise and improve national project approval procedures • Through national and sectoral workshops, URC together with the local project team, provides training and knowledge on specific issues of the CDM project cycle • Through those workshops, URC and local project team identifies CDM project ideas to further elaborate them into PINs and PDDs, developing in that way the national CDM project portfolios
Climate Change – Risoe CDM • How does it work in practice (cont)? • The national CDM project portfolios are promoted through: • national project websites, linked to a multi-lingual, multi-country Project website • organization of regional Carbon Forums by URC – project teams participate in the Forums (both in Africa and Latin America) by showing their national project portfolios to potential CERs buyers and CDM investors • Project teams are supported technically and financially to participate in a yearly organized Carbon Forum, to show and promote national CDM project portfolios • URC provides analytical support to the Project through development of guidebooks and web-based tools, which are widely used and distributed in national and sectoral workshops • URC facilitates country teams information regarding the carbon market development and financing opportunities for CDM projects
Risoe CDM – Results & Impacts RESULTS • Result 1: Twelve ACP countries identified for capacity building to improve access to carbon market established DNAs (Angola, Belize, Botswana, Cuba, Fiji, Ivory Cost, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, T&T, Vanuatu). National and regional activities on-going • Result 2: Technical capacity of national experts and consultants in CDM project identification, design and implementation (in progress) • Result 3: Establishment of CDM-friendly regulatory and business environments (in progress) • Result 4: CDM project appraisal skills and capacity of local financial institutions (in progress)
Risoe CDM – Results & Impacts • Result 5: Promotion of 12 ACP countries as CDM destination through development of national portfolios of potential CDM projects (in progress) • Result 6: Operationalization of a knowledge and information exchange platform for ACP countries to raise awareness about CDM IMPACTS • To date, achieved results contribute to implementation of Overall and Specific objectives of ACP MEAs - CDM sub-component • Demonstrated interest of ACP countries for CDM (CC mitigation) • Contributes to GCCA mitigation objective in ACP countries
Link Risoe CDM – GCCA • GCCA main objectives: • Deepening policy dialogue between EU and developing countries on CC, in particular in context of international organisations for post-2012 climate regime • Stepping up to target countries to implement priority adaptation & mitigation measures and to integrate CC issues into development strategies • GCCA priority is: Enhancing participation in CDM
Link Risoe CDM – GCCA • Complementary to eachother, ACP MEAs CDM iscontributing to achievement of GCCA CDM through: • Covering ACP countries (LDCs and SIDS) as well as Non-LDCs • Encouraginginvestment of industrialized countries in developing countries in buyingCERs • Building capacities and providingtechnical support to promote a more equitablegeographic distribution of CDM projects • Potential to buildfurther on existingcomplementaritythrough identification of additional linkages in view of engagingwith more ACP countries Sustaining ACP MEAs CDM afterprojectclosure (Feb.2013)
Merci Thanks for your attention! Make a break and visit http://www.acpmeas.info For more information: Marko Berglund (Marko.Berglund@unep.org) Sandrine Marquès (Sandrine.Marques@unep.org)