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European Non-Food Agriculture Introduction

European Non-Food Agriculture Introduction. Uwe Schneider Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change Hamburg University 23 April 2008. FP6: Policy-oriented research. Sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources. Task 1: Non-Food Crops.

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European Non-Food Agriculture Introduction

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  1. European Non-Food AgricultureIntroduction Uwe Schneider Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change Hamburg University 23 April 2008

  2. FP6: Policy-oriented research Sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources Task 1: Non-Food Crops 1.2 Tools and assessment methods for sustainable agriculture and forestry management

  3. Task 1: Non-Food Crops • "use available research data" • "evaluate the true market and economic prospects" • "integrate non-food crop production with traditional food production systems" • "assess the energy and environmental balance of non-food crops"

  4. ENFA - Objectives • To assess the competitive economic potentials and major environmental impacts of major non-food options in the European forest and agricultural sector • To provide decision support to EU and international policymakers

  5. True Costs of Non-food products? • Direct costs • Opportunity costs • External costs • Welfare distribution • Environmental qualities • Food security • Energy security

  6. 13 ENFA Partners Sweden Wales Ireland Netherlands Poland Germany Austria France Greece

  7. ENFA Advisory Board • Petr Havlik, IIASA • Mac Callaway, UNEP • Maarit Kallio, Metla • Sonja Peterson, IfW Kiel • Bruce McCarl, Texas A&M • Marie Walsh, Oakridge

  8. ENFA Links to Non-Food Projects • European Miscanthus Improvement (EMI) • Switchgrass as an alternative energy crop in Europe • Clear Views on Clean Fuels; Data, Potentials, Scenarios, Markets and Trade of Biofuels (VIEWLS) • Poplars - A multiple-use crop for European arable farmers

  9. ENFA Links to Non-Food Projects • Reed canary grass research project • Hemp as Raw Material for Novel Industrial Applications • Southern Europe: BEAVER, ACE, BIOCHAINS, ACICA, MULTISEES • Dissemination of results concerning the integrated production and exploitation of biological materials for non-food uses (BioMatNet)

  10. ENFA Links to GHG Projects • Integrated Sink Enhancement Assessment (INSEA) • Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases from managed European grasslands and mitigation strategies (GreenGrass) • Multi-Source Inventory Methods for Quantifying Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in European Forests (CarboInvent)

  11. Project Management WP 1x Non-food WP 2x Food WP 4x Forestry WP 5x Environmental impacts WP3x ENFA Model WP 6x Non-Food Potentials WP 7x

  12. Results • Microeconomic analysis of individual non-food supply chains • Establishment of a bottom-up, dynamic, macro-economic land use model • ENFA-model = EUFASOM

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