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CompTIA 220-901 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Exam Information Number of questions : Maximum of 90 Types of questions : Multiple choice and performance-based Length of test :90 minutes Recommended experience :Six to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or field Passing score :CompTIA A+ 220-901: 675 (on a scale of 900) https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
About the Exam Candidates are encouraged to use this document to help prepare for CompTIA A+ 220-901. In order to receive the CompTIA A+ certification, you must pass two exams: 220-901 and 220-902. CompTIA A+ 220-901 measures the necessary skills for an entry-level IT professional. Successful candidates will have the knowledge required to • Assemble components based on customer requirements • Install, configure and maintain devices, PCs and software for end users • Understand the basics of networking and security/forensics • Properly and safely diagnose, resolve and document common hardware and software issues • Apply troubleshooting skills • Provide appropriate customer support • Understand the basics of virtualization, desktop imaging and deployment https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Exam Description CompTIA A+ Certification Exam is a coveted IT certification so with being demanded it is hard to pass too. You cannot pass this exam without a proper study material for preparation. Realexamdumps.com is offering 220-901 braindumps to help you in this regard. It is a very compact study material which bundles expertly selected questions and answers and concisely deals with all aspects of the field. Our experts have appraised this short dumps material. It will not take much time to cover your syllabus while preparing from 220-901 dumps. You can get free demo questions before you buy a full genuine PDF file. Don’t forget to claim your money back in case of your dissatisfaction with the material. You can survey by yourself about the usefulness and effectiveness of this handbook. https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
They provide updated and actual exam questions with answers, with 3 months free updating. So if you need best dumps then visit this site and download your exam dumps PDF file now. https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Question No 1 Which of the following is a benefit DHCP over static addressing? A. Every device will automatically be given a default gateway B. It eliminates the possibility of duplicate MAC addresses C. The device can be identified by a friendly name D. The technician can monitor every device on the network Answer: A https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Question No 2 A technician is securely accessing a remote router to check the running configuration. To do so, the technician need to an application that utilizes which of the following protocols? A. Telnet B. RDP C. LDAP D. SSH Answer: D https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Question No 3 A remote employee has called the help desk asking how to print double-sided pages on a small office printer Which of the following should the help desk technician have the employee configure in the printer settings? A. Collated printing B. Duplex printing C. Print spooling D. Page orientation Answer: B https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Question No 4 A user would like to set a public network for a DMZ server. Which of the following is a public IP subnet? A. B. 64 64.65.128/24 C. 172 16.1.0/24 D. 192.168.1O.0/25 Answer: B https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
Question No 5 Which of the following mobile connection types has the LOWEST data transmission rate? A. Bluetooth B. NFC C. 802.11ac D. IRE Answer: D https://www.realexamdumps.com/comptia/220-901-braindumps.html
2018 CompTIA 220-901 Questions-CompTIA 220-901 Dumps PDF Realexamdumps.com 220-901 Question Dumps PDF 220-901 Exam Questions Dumps