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Christian Faith: Endurance, Redemption, & Eternal Reward

Delve into the essence of Christian faith, exploring topics such as challenges faced, enduring trials, redeeming time, and the promise of eternal reward. Discover the significance of deepening fellowship with God, strengthening faith, and embracing prayer. Embrace hope for eternal salvation, standing before God, and avoiding the judgment of condemnation. The Christian life may present challenges, but the ultimate reward makes it all worthwhile.

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Christian Faith: Endurance, Redemption, & Eternal Reward

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  1. What it means to be a Christian

  2. In this study we will notice: • What is a Christian? • Becoming a Christian • What hinders me from becoming a Christian? • Growing as a Christian • What hinders me from growing? • The Christian and the body of Christ • The Christian and others • Am I done yet? What it means to be a Christian What it means to be a Christian?

  3. Am I Done Yet?

  4. NO! We have much left to do.We cannot quit until our time here is done! • Hebrews 10:38-39 • 1 Corinthians 9:24 • Acts 20:24 • Luke 9:62 Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  5. We need to endure • ὑπομονή, (hypomonē), to bear up under, to remain standing even after trying circumstances • Cf. California and retrofitting • Hebrews 10:36-39 • James 1:2-4 • Matthew 10:22 Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  6. We need to endure • ὑπομονή, (hypomonē), to bear up under, to remain standing even after trying circumstances • Cf. California and retrofitting • Hebrews 10:36-39 • James 1:2-4 • Matthew 10:22 We cannot control everything in life, but we CAN endure it! Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  7. We need to redeem the time • Colossians 4:5, Ephesians 5:16 • Redeem means to buy up something. To work with urgency and intensity • To take full advantage of an opportunity and be wise with our time Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  8. We need to redeem the time • What if you were given $1440 a day to spend? But there was a catch! Spend it or lose it. • How would you spend your day? Would you be more responsible with your time? • Consider this: We have 1440 minutes a day, how are you using them? Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  9. We need to redeem the time • Time is a valuable commodity. In a sense, everything in life is measured with time.Wasted time = wasted opportunity • We are stewards with our time! 1 Peter 4:10, Cf. Matthew 25:18, 26 • James 4:13-17 Am I done yet? Am I Done Yet?

  10. It Is Worth It?

  11. With maturity comes greater appreciation of our fellowship with God Matthew 5:8, 1 John 1:3, 5-7, 4:19 – we love Him because He first loved us • With maturity comes strengthened faith – like Abraham, in time our faith grows; 2 Timothy 1:12, Psalm 37:25, 1 John 5:4 When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  12. With maturity comes greater confidence in prayer – 1 Peter 3:12, 1 John 5:14-15- we know He answers our prayers- we are better prepared to accept His answers cf. 2 Cor. 12:7-9- we know that He knows what is best, cf. Matthew 6:10, 26:42 • Philippians 4:6-7 When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  13. We have hope of eternal reward • We are ready to stand before God • Hebrews 11:13-16, Joseph – 11:22, Moses – 11:26 • 2 Timothy 4:8, 2 Peter 1:112 Corinthians 5:1-8 When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  14. We have hope of eternal reward • We are ready to stand before God • Hebrews 11:13-16, Joseph – 11:22, Moses – 11:26 • 2 Timothy 4:8, 2 Peter 1:112 Corinthians 5:1-8 If you miss heaven, you miss all that matters! When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  15. We avoid the judgment of eternal condemnation • Teaching about hell is not popular, and rejected by many. • The tragedy is that such gives cause to reject God and live with no real consequences When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  16. We avoid the judgment of eternal condemnation • We cannot ignore the Bible’s teaching about hell! • Matthew 18:8-92 Peter 2:20-22 • Everlasting - Matthew 25:46, Revelation 20:10, 14-15, 21:8, Matthew 25:41 When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  17. We avoid the judgment of eternal condemnation • A place of eternal torments • 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9Matthew 8:12 (13:42, 50, 24:51, etc.), Mark 9:43-44Luke 16:23-24, 27-28 - the rich man (and Lazarus) When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  18. We avoid the judgment of eternal condemnation • A place of eternal torments • 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9Matthew 8:12 (13:42, 50, 24:51, etc.), Mark 9:43-44Luke 16:23-24, 27-28 - the rich man (and Lazarus) Such descriptions:Hell is a place to avoid at all cost!Hebrews 10:31 When we obey the gospel and grow: Is it worth it?

  19. Yes, the life of a Christian is a challenge. But if we take it seriously and endure, surely the reward will be worth it all! Revelation 14:13

  20. Are you a Christian?

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