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Breaking News English. www.breakingnewsenglish.com. Breaking News English. Presents News Items in British and American English both in written and in spoken format. Every item is presented in an audio file as well as in a written newspaper article .
BreakingNews English www.breakingnewsenglish.com
BreakingNews English Presents NewsItems in • British and • American English both in • written and in • spoken format. Every item is presented in an • audio file as well as in a written • newspaperarticle.
BreakingNews English For everynews item therearearound 30-40 different kinds ofexercises for the learnerstoengage in. Theseexercisesareofmany different kinds and presented in different formats. The feedback the learner gets is thereforealsoof different kinds, butmostofit is in the form or a right/wronganswer.
BreakingNews English The site addresseslearnersof English at an intermediate level and over the age ofapproximately 13. Someof the content on the site is addressedtoteachersof English, and someof it is addressing the students directly. Someof the exercisesaremeant for teacherstoorganize and lead, otherexercisesare for students toengage in directly online on theircomputerswithdirect right/wrong feedback from the ”machine”.
BreakinNews English • Thesetwo alternatives consistoflesson materials for teachers. Theycontain all kinds ofactivitiestouse in a classroom situation.
BreakingNews English All ofthese alternatives are for the student tochoose from him- or herself. Most oftheseexerciseswillgive an automatic right/wronganswer.
BreakingNews English • Thereareseverallistening options, but all of the exercisesarebased on youlisteningto (or reading) the newsarticle. • Listen and spellas well as the Dictationareautomaticallycorrected by the programme, so the student gets instant feedback.
BreakingNews English • Speed reading is part of the readingexercises for everyarticle. • Someof the readingactivitiesthat students canchoosethemselvesseem less didacticallywell designed…
BreakingNews English • The grammarexercisesare the same for everyarticle. • Theyarealsobased on the specificarticle and againyouareworking on exactly the same text.
BreakingNews English In the Spellactivities as well as in the Word activities, the student worksagainwith the very same article and the same vocabulary. There is instant feedback on howmanywordsarecorrectlyspelled and howmanywordsarecorrectly chosen for the different exercises.
BreakingNews English • Interesting short news articles. • Loadsof different exercisestochoose from. • Good for introducing and working on in the classroom and thenasking students to go on working on theirown. • At the bottomofevery page thereare lots ofmoreactivitiestochoose from.
BreakingNews English • Difficulttonavigatebecauseof all the ads!
BreakingNews English • The twolatestnewsitems: