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REPUBLICA DA GUINÉ-BISSAU SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DOS TRANSPORTES E COMUNICAÇÕES Instituto Nacional de Meteorología da Guiné -Bissau Avenida do Brasil; Cx.P. 75 1038 Cedex – Bissau; E-mail: inmgb@yahoo.frr.
REPUBLICA DA GUINÉ-BISSAUSECRETARIA DE ESTADO DOS TRANSPORTES E COMUNICAÇÕESInstituto Nacional de Meteorología da Guiné-BissauAvenida do Brasil; Cx.P. 75 1038 Cedex – Bissau; E-mail: inmgb@yahoo.frr International Workshop on data rescue and digitization of archives climatologically, countries in West Africa (Accra-Ghana, 19-23 November of 2012) Cherno Luis Mendes GUINEA-BISSAU
Outlines • Introduction • Map of Guinea-Bissau • The Climate of Guinea-Bissau • Historical information • Operational meteorological stations and rain stations observating networks • The Quality control (QC) Data • Results
Introduction • Guinea-Bissau is a country in West Africa bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, bounded on the north by Senegal, East and south by Guinea-Conakry • The capital named Bissau, and extends over 36.125 km ², including about sixty islands in the Atlantic. • Agriculture and fishing are the main activities carried out in the country they contribute to 80% the economy of the state. These activities are dependent on weather conditions.
The climate • The climate of Guinea-Bissau is tropical humid. • The average rainfall is 900 to 1100mm in the north, from 1100 to 1500 mm the central part and 1500 2000 mm for the southern parts. • Although it is almost entirely accounted for during the rainy season is between May/June and October / November. • From December to April, the country experienced drought.
The distribution of rainfall: The comparaision between normal 1961-1990 and 1971-2000
HISTORICAL INFORMATION • With the support of AGRHYMET and WMO through the Agrometeorological project in 1980 to 1990, we have over 50 rainfall station, 06 agrometeorologicaly stations and 04 climatologically stations. • Observations at these rainfall stations are made by observers working in other services during the rainy season, for reasons of lack of payment most observations,many were forsaken.
Operational meteorological stations and rain stations observating networks • 03 Synoptic stations • 28 rain stations • 04 Climatologically stations
WORKSHOP IN ACMAD-NIGER • In 2006 under the project DARE we have participate the Regional Workshop Training Climatologically data rescue for Africa (Regional Workshop on Climatologically Data Rescue in Africa) to ACMAD. • The digitized work has not been implemented because the tools (the camera and the computer) sent by WMO through UNDP did not arrive at the service.
WORKSHOP IN BANJUL • In November 2011 in Banjul we participated the seminar on the calculation of indices of climate change, for this work we have presented the results of 03 stations (Bissau Bolama and Bafata) and return home, we continued to work on 02 other stations (Gabu and Farim).
THE QUALITY CONTROL (QC) DATA • The data are collected by the field mission (GTP) in different stations and rainfall stations are concentrated in service to the Central Control to be treated before being entered on computers. We see a lot of errors on the observation sheets, due to lack of payment observers does not serious when the observation
Précipitations totales annuelles divisée par le nombre de jours de pluie dans l'année
Conclusion • In conclusion we can say RClimDex is very important tool for the Quality Control data.We ask WMO and ACMAD to make available to NMHSs with other tools for example (CLIDATA, Climsoft etc.) for databases because we use these Excel for database makes much of the work when there is a demand from users.