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ESE Grants Management Payment Center. How to request funds and submit final reports for grants from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Overview.
ESE Grants Management Payment Center How to request funds and submit final reports for grants from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Overview • The Grants Management Payment Center (http://doegrants.wji.com) displays all active grants and their payments for each grant recipient. • Two users per organization have rights to request funds for the grants each month and to submit the final report. • All other users in an organization can view current and past (FY08 or later) grants and payments information at any time.
Reviewing Grants • To review grants, go to http://doegrants.wji.com. Enter your email and assigned password, then select “Active Grants”. • The grants list contains all grants that have been approved by the state Comptroller’s office since FY08. • Grants stay on the “Active Grants” list until the signed final report is received by Grants Management, then they are moved to “Past Grants”.
Reviewing Grants • The Grant Amount column is the amount that has been approved by the state comptroller. Amended amounts aren’t displayed until they are approved. • For some federal grants (Title 1, Special Education, and Title II-A) the initial Amount will be lower than what was submitted, because these grants pay a partial award at the start of the grant year and the initial award amounts on the grants must reflect the reduced allocation. Once the balance on these awards arrives in October, the grant amounts are automatically adjusted.
Reviewing Grants • Amount Paid to Date is the amount that has been approved for payment or actually paid to the grant recipient for this grant • The MTRS Amount is the amount paid or to be paid to the MA Teachers Retirement System by ESE on behalf of this grant. • Available to Draw is the balance that has not yet been paid to the grant recipient.
Reviewing Payments • Click on View in front of a grant to see the payments for that grant. • A line appears under the grants list and the payments are displayed under it. • The grant project number is shown above the payment list, along with a date that indicates when this information was uploaded from ESE.
Reviewing Payments • Payment Type is either Payment, which is made to the grant recipient, or MTRS which is made directly to the MA Teachers Retirement System. • Amount is the amount of the payment. • Request Date is the date the Request for Funds was submitted. This date is not filled in for the first payment, which is paid automatically when the grant is approved.
Reviewing Payments • Projected Payment Date is the date it is anticipated that the Comptroller’s office will make the payment. This date is empty until Grants Management submits the request for payment to the Comptroller’s office.
Reviewing Payments • Click on the word Display in front of a payment to see the information that was submitted to ESE to request that payment.
Basic Payment Information • As in the past, the first payment for a grant is sent when the grant isapproved by the state comptroller’s office. • The remainder of the funds are requested monthly by the grant recipient, using the Request for Funds Internet form.
Basic Payment Information • Grants up to $5000 are paid in full when the grant is approved. • The payment schedule for all other grants is determined by the following formula: grant amount minus MTRS payment made by ESE (if any), divided by the number of months in the grant
Basic Payment Information • The exception to the payment formula occurs when a grant is approved after the grant start date: If the grant is approved by the state Comptroller after the grant start date and after the 15th of the month, the first Request for Funds will not occur until the next month. The number of payments is reduced by 1. Because there are fewer payments, the amount of each payment is increased.
Basic Payment Information • The dollar amount of the first payment is the amount that can be requested monthly (i.e. amount of grant / number of months in grant). • This amount remains constant each month, even if additional funds are requested or funds are not requested for one or more months.
Basic Payment Information • The monthly amount is changed only if the grant amount is changed by amendment. When that occurs a new monthly amount is calculated using the formula: new grant amount – amount already paid – MTRS paid by ESE / number of months left in the grant
Request for Funds • Two users per organization are assigned rights to submit the Request for Funds for the ESE grants. • Funds can be requested between the 20th and the last day of the month. • During this time period, an extra line is displayed at the bottom of the payment list for those who have submission rights.
Submitting a Request for Funds • The Request Funds line at the bottom of the list of payments is displayed only for users who have rights to request funds and only between the 20th of each month and the last day of the month. • The Request Funds line indicates the dates in which the request can be submitted, the month the payment is for, and the default amount that can be requested.
Submitting a Request for Funds • To process the Request for Funds, click on the Request Funds text in front of the proposed payment info. • The Request for Funds form is displayed.
Request for Funds Form • The Grant Total is the amount that has been approved to date by the MA Comptroller’s office. Recent amendments may not be reflected in this amount yet. • Funds Paid to Date is the total paid to you to date. Payments that you have not yet received are included. If there is an MTRS line item, the MTRS payment that ESE makes to MTRS is not included here.
Request for Funds Form • Available to Draw is the amount of this grant that has not yet been paid to you. • <Month> Allocation is the total grant amount divided by the number of months in the grant. This is the starting amount that can be requested each month.
Request for Funds Form • Fill in Funds Expended with expenditures from inception to date for this grant. Include expenses that will be paid by the end of this month. • Press the <Enter> key. • Cash Balance on Hand is automatically calculated and filled in. This is the cash you have received but have not yet spent.
Request for Funds Form • Compare Cash Balance on Hand to Maximum Cash Allowed on Hand, which is 10% of one month’s allocation. • You are not allowed to carry more than 10% of one month’s payment from one month to the next. • If the cash balance is more than the maximum cash allowed, the difference is automatically entered into Cash Balance Adjustment and deducted from this month’s allocation.
Request for Funds Form • If more has been spent for the grant than has been received so that Funds Expended are more than Funds Paid to Date, the overspent amount is reflected in Overexpenditure Amount and is added to the monthly allocation.
Request for Funds Form • If Funds Expended is less than Funds Paid to Date and no more than 10% of the default monthly allocation is unspent, the allocation for this payment is unchanged.
Request for Funds Form • Allowable Adjusted Allocation is the maximum amount you can request without supplying justification of need for requesting additional funds. • Fill in the amount that is required to meet next month’s expenses. • Request only what you need for the next calendar month.
Request for Funds Form • If the amount you enter is more than the Allowable Adjusted Allocation amount, a box will drop down. • Enter the reason why you need additional funds next month in the box. • Examples: • Major supply purchase next month • Computer equipment purchase • Three payrolls rather than the usual two
Request for Funds Form • Click the Submit button. • A summary screen is displayed. Review the information.
Request for Funds Form • Click the Edit button to return to the Request for Funds form and change information. • Click the Submit button to send your request to Grants Management.
Certification • By submitting a request the grantee certifies that the request is in compliance with the "Cash Management Act" (31CFR part 205) and EDGAR regulations (34 CFR part 80.20 and 80.21), which allow for cash advances provided grantees maintain procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the receipt and disbursement of grant funds. Additionally, the grantee certifies that the obligations incurred under this project for which funds are requested, were made within the period of availability (project duration) stated in the grant award notice. The grantee further certifies that they will have complete and current records in support of each request, in sufficient detail to properly substantiate all claims for payment and expenditures made under the grant. The grantee understands that these records must be maintained for audit purposes and made available upon request.
What Do I Do Next? • Click Active Grants on the menu to go back to your list of grants. • Click View in front of the grant you just processed to display the payments. • The RequestFunds payment will now say Display. This is the record of the information submitted to ESE for that payment. • If it still says RequestFunds, don’t click it again! Slower networks may take longer to process. Don’t send a duplicate request.
Final Report Overview • A final report is due for a grant 60 days after the grant ending date. • All final reports (FR-1) are now submitted on the Internet via the Grants Management Payment Center. • After submission, the FR-1 must be printed, signed, and sent to ESE along with the check for unspent funds, if any.
Final Report Overview • If a Final Report is not submitted for a grant on a timely basis, funds may be held up for the grant recipient’s currently active grants. • The grant recipient will be notified of this action before it is taken.
Submitting a Final Report • After a grant has ended, Complete Final Report will appear above the grant’s payment list. • Click on the words Complete Final Report to access the report form. • Final Reports can only be filled in by those with control user rights, but the completed form can be viewed by all users.
Click Complete Final Report above the payments list to fill in and submit the final report form for the selected grant.
Submitting a Final Report • The form is populated with the current approved budget information. • For each line item, fill in the Funds Expendedcolumn with the total amount spent. • Press the Tab key to move to the next line.