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Knowledge Issues. TOK. Ways of knowing – process Area of Knowledge – product Knower and knowing at the center Linking Questions are vehicles of inquiry (linking it all together). Knowledge Issues (previously problems of knowledge) are key!!.
Knowledge Issues TOK
Ways of knowing – process • Area of Knowledge – product • Knower and knowing at the center • Linking Questions are vehicles of inquiry (linking it all together)
Knowledge Issues (previously problems of knowledge) are key!! • “Knowledge Issues are questions that directly refer to our understanding of the world, ourselves and others, in connection with the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of knowledge.” • IB Theory of Knowledge Guide 2008
“These issues are intended to open to inquiry and exploration not only problems but also strengths of knowledge. Students sometimes overlook the positive value of different kinds of knowledge, and the discriminatory power of methods used to search for knowledge, to question it, and to establish its validity. Knowledge issues can reveal how knowledge can be a benefit, a gift, a pleasure and a basis for further thought and action, just as they can uncover the positive uncertainties, biases in approach, or limitations relating to knowledge, ways of knowing, and the methods of verification and justification appropriate in different areas of knowledge.”
What are Knowledge Issues? • “What is the value of distinguishing between what we know and what we don’t know?” • Knowledge issue – • The reasons we have to maintain the legitimacy and usefulness of the distinction.
What are Knowledge Issues? • “Is there one way of knowing that is best for acquiring knowledge?” • Knowledge issue – • Reasons for relying on or trusting ways of knowing.
Knowledge Issues Key to Essay and Presentation • “Does the essay demonstrate understanding of knowledge issues that are relevant to the prescribed title?” • “Does the essay demonstrate an awareness of the connections between knowledge issues, areas of knowledge and ways of knowing?”
Sample Essay Question: • “Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks; but an accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a house” (Henri Poincare). Discuss in relation to science and at least one other area of knowledge.
Knowledge Issues: • What is the nature of a scientific ‘fact’ or a scientific ‘theory’? • In what ways are scientific facts connected and combined to ‘build’ science? • How do scientists and the institutions of science cope with ‘facts’ and ‘explanations’ that change or are falsified over time?
When should we trust our senses to give us truth? • Knowledge Issues: • To what extent do our senses give us the truth? • What is the scope, and what are the limits of sensory information in different areas of knowledge?
“In expanding the field of knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance” (Henry Miller). Is this true? • Knowledge Issues: • How do we ‘expand the field of knowledge’ using reason and sense perception? • If a historian and a scientist were to say that they were ‘ignorant’ about an event, to what extent would they mean the same thing? • What does it mean to ‘expand’ knowledge in ethics as opposed to knowledge in art?
“The knowledge that we value the most is theknowledge for which we can provide the strongest justifications.” To what extent would you agree with this claim? • Knowledge Issues: • What does it mean to say that a belief is justified in different areas of knowledge? • What constitutes a strong justification in any given area? • What makes a knowledge claim valuable?