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VISION SERVICES. Saint Paul Public Schools Program for the Blind/Visually Impaired. Our Population. Vision students are considered a “low incidence” population.
VISION SERVICES Saint Paul Public Schools Program for the Blind/Visually Impaired
Our Population Vision students are considered a “low incidence” population. St. Paul Public Schools Vision Program currently serves approximately 200 students in 15 school districts throughout the east metropolitan area, ages birth through 21.
Service Model • The itinerant service model permits the Vision Program to adjust staffing to accommodate changing vision needs within the districts. • Resources can be pooled to meet the need for Braille, specialized equipment and assistive technology. • Assistive technology devices can follow students across district lines to those districts served by St. Paul’s Vision Program. • All districts benefit from the collection of skills brought to the team by the 14 licensed vision staff and the 4 additional support staff, including 2 full-time braillists. • Itinerant services are designed to support students in the least restrictive environment. • Vision Teachers do not have building assignments, but are assigned based on the enrollment sites of the students.
Vision Teacher Responsibilities Vision Teachers provide both direct and indirect service specifically related to the student’s vision needs.
Direct Service Direct service instruction is provided when appropriate in the “expanded core curriculum areas” (ECC) identified by the National Agenda for Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Youth. These instructional areas encompass but are not limited to: Braille reading and writing, abacus, slate and stylus, assistive technology, tactile discrimination skills, organizational skills, independent living, social skills and self-advocacy. These are generally provided within the individual classroom setting.
Indirect Vision Program Services Indirect services are also provided to students, including assistance with the adaptation of curriculum materials, assisting student, staff and parents in understanding the functional implications of the visual impairment and self-advocacy strategies, and the provision and maintenance of assistive technology devices. These students do not require direct instruction in the expanded core curriculum areas.
In addition…. • Vision Teachers participate in screening, referral and evaluation of students identified as having a possible qualifying visual impairment • Participate in child study meetings • Conduct evaluations to determine eligibility • Write evaluation reports in a collaborative manner with other team members. • Attend the IFSP/IEP Team meetings • Participate in the writing of goals/objectives, adaptations, testing accommodations and progress reporting • Ensure all state and federal mandates are met on the IFSP/IEP in regard to vision regulations • Participate throughout the year in team meetings to address the ongoing needs of the student as they relate to the visual impairment. • Assist in ensuring the correct form of tests are available to the student at testing time. • Proctor standardized tests for Braille users.
Related Services In addition to services from a Teacher of the Blind/VI, the Vision Program also provides Related Services of Orientation and Mobility and Personal Management.
Orientation and Mobility • Orientation and Mobility is the process of teaching children who are blind, deaf-blind or have low vision to travel as independently as possible, using safe and efficient techniques, beginning with familiar environments and expanding to community settings later on. • Services begin in late infancy (reaching for toys, pulling to stand, etc.) and are offered through age 21. O&M Instructors remain involved throughout the student’s educational experience, particularly during periods of transition from one school site to another. • O&M Instructors join the educational team through a request from the Vision Teacher. • O&M Instructors evaluate students for travel needs and participate in writing the IFSP/IEP. • They provide direct instruction in all relevant areas of travel including pre-cane and cane use, orientation to new learning environments, indoor and outdoor travel skills, route planning and use of public transportation and/or other means of transportation (e.g. Metro Mobility, local circulars.) • O&M Instructors also provide indirect instruction to students which includes in-service to staff and peers on sighted guide techniques, consultation with staff and parents, and assistance in efforts to obtain a Minnesota ID and/or limited mobility card, etc.
Personal Management Instructor The Vision Program also provides assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) through a Personal Management Instructor.
Personal Management provides… • Evaluation and instruction to meet the student’s needs in areas of independent living including skills in eating, cooking, self-care, dressing, organization and labeling of clothes, use of time/calendar, money identification and handwriting. • Direct instruction in classes such as Industrial Arts, Creative Arts and Family and Consumer Science (FACS).
Transition Specialist A Transition Specialist is also on the Vision Program staff to assist with transition needs in the areas of independent living (recreation/leisure, community participation and home living) jobs and job training and post-secondary options.
The Transition Specialist… • Evaluates students in the areas of transition and participates in the development and writing of the IEP. • Assists the student, family and educational team in transition planning including the development of appropriate goals and objectives specific to vision needs, including providing opportunities for students to explore the areas of transition. • Assists in touring new programs that would meet individual needs. • Assists in developing mentors, summer work-sites and job shadowing. • Serves as a liaison with counselors from State Services for the Blind.
Support Staff The Vision Program also receives the support of a Clerk Typist, an Educational Assistant and 2 on-site, full-time Braillists.
UNDERSTANDING VISIONWhy do we need those eye reports? • DIAGNOSIS/PROGNOSIS: The cause of the visual impairment and the likelihood it will improve or worsen. • ACUITIES: The clarity with which the student sees with each eye, both eyes together, at distance and at near. This is represented in fraction form, e.g. 20/20, 20/60, 20/200… • VISUAL FIELDS: Does the student have a visual field loss?
Criteria in Item AMN Rule 3525.1345 Medical Documentation Medical documentation of a diagnosed visual impairment by a licensed eye specialist (preferably an ophthalmologist) which establishes one or more of the following conditions: 1) VISUAL ACUITY of 20/60 or less in the better eye with the best conventional correction; a) estimation of acuity is acceptable for difficult-test- pupils; and b) for pupils not yet enrolled in kindergarten, measured acuity must be significantly deviant from what is developmentally age-appropriate. 2) VISUAL FIELD of 20 degrees or less, or bilateral scotomas; or 3) CONGENITAL OR DEGNERATING EYE CONDITION including, for example, progressive cataract, glaucoma, or retinitis pigmentosa; and
Criteria in Item B Functional Evaluation …functional evaluation of visual abilities conducted by a licensed teacher of the visually impaired that determines that the pupil: • has limited ability in visually accessing program-appropriate educational media and materials including, for example, textbooks, photocopies, ditto copies, chalkboards, computers, or environmental signs, without modification; • has limited ability to visually access the full range of program-appropriate educational materials and media without accommodating actions including, for example, changes in posture, body movement, focal distance, or squinting; • demonstrates variable visual ability die to environmental factors including, for example, contrast, weather, color, or movement, that cannot be controlled; or • experiences reduced or variable visual acuity due to visual fatigue or factors common to the eye condition.
ReferralProcess Prior to making a referral to the Vision Program: • the School Nurse obtains the eye information from the eye care specialist. The Vision Program’s Lead Teacher is generally the initial contact for referrals. • the Vision Teacher cannot begin evaluation until the vision report/information is received. It is possible that after receiving the information, the student will not meet eligibility and will not proceed into evaluation. • Obtaining the eye report information takes an unspecified amount of time. Therefore, avoid moving the student into evaluation until the Vision Teacher has the ophthalmologic information and has indicated the student meets the medical eligibility criteria. If the evaluation procedures are initiated before this time, the evaluation process could extend beyond the 30 day limit.
Review of most recent ophthalmologic information Interview of student, parent and teacher(s) Learning Media Assessment. Evaluation of print size capabilities and focal distance at the near and intermediate ranges, using standardized and non-standardized assessment tools. Evaluation of distance capabilities Need for Assistive Technology, including low vision aids. Evaluation includes…
Determination • Upon completion of the functional vision evaluation the student will be identified as: • 1) ineligible for vision services • 2) eligible for vision services. Direct/indirect, and a vision teacher assignment will be made accordingly.