شركتطرح و ساخت بنام در راستای سبک سازی و مقاومسازی ساختمانها در برابر زلزله با استفاده از استانداردهای بین المللی وتوصیه های آئین نامه2800 ایران ، در جهت کاهش خسارات جاني و مالي و همچنین بهینه سازی مصرف سوخت و انرژی ، با توجه به نياز داخلي کشور بهتكنولوژي جدید و مدرن در زمینه سیستم های پيش ساخته سبك ، از سال 1384 بخشي از فعاليت خود را در اين حیطه آغاز كرده است. امید است بتوان با استفاده از مصالح ساختمانی سبک و مقاوم و کارا،تحول بزرگیدر بخش ساخت و ساز ایجاد نمود .
مصالح ساختمانی مورد استفاده در این سیستم هابا طراحی ویژه سازه ای ، اجرای سریع و اقتصادی پروژه های انبوه سازی وعمرانی با کاربری های مختلف منجمله مسکونی (آپارتمانی و ویلائی)، اداری ، آموزشی ، بهداشتیو ... متناسب با هر سلیقه ای و بدون هیچ گونه محدودیت زیربنایی رابا رعايت مشخصاتفنی عملی می سازد.
پايداري و دوام ساختمان هاي پيش ساخته اين شركت در مقابل عوامل طبيعي و غير قابل پيش بيني همچون طوفان ، زلزله ، آتش سوزي موجب شده تا نام ساختمان هاي پيش ساخته با كلماتي چون : اطمينان ، آسايش ، دور انديشي ، صرفه جويي در وقت و هزينه ، دقت و انتخاب صحيح در جهان مترادف شود. با توجه به این که مصالح و مواد اولیه مورد مصرف در این بخش برای اولین بار در ایران استفاده شده است ، لذا تمامی آزمایشات فنی لازم توسط مشاوران تراز اول ایران انجام گرفته و موردتائید می باشد .
مزايای ساختمان پروفابريک : • یکپارچگی وراحتی در جابجائی و نصب. • آزادی عمل در طراحی و اجرای طرح های متنوع و خاص.
فضای مفیدو غیر قابل تصوردر داخل ساختمان • صرفه جوئی در هزینه های ساختو ساز به دلیل سبکی، در پی و اسکلت ساختمان. • سبکی و مقاومت بالا در مقایسه با مصالحساختمانی متداول مانندآجر، بلوک، سفال و ... • افزایش عمر مفیدساختمان تا 40 سال.
این سازه ها به خاطر وزن فوق العاده کم ، بی نیاز از مصرف پروفیل های سنگین در ساخت اسکلت فلزی و میلگرد و بتن ریزی در حجم بالا در شناژ و سایر جاهای مورد نیاز، میباشند. • ساختمانهای تولیدی این شرکت قابل اجرا در زمینهای سست ، کناردریا ، باغها ، مکانهای صعب العبورکه امکان حمل مصالح جهت ساخت و ساز مقدور نمی باشد ، میباشد.
با توجه به این که مصالح و مواد اولیه مورد مصرف در این بخش برای اولین بار در ایران استفاده شده است ، لذا تمامی آزمایشات فنی لازم توسط مشاوران تراز اول ایران انجام گرفته و موردتائید قرار گرفته است.لازم به ذکر است که تمامی محصولات مذکور به خاطر گستردگی مصرف در دنیا استانداردهائی نظیر DIN-ISO9000 - - TSEEAACA- و ... را دارند . • تمامی مصالح مورد استفاده در این سیستم ازمواد معدنی ساخته شده اند و هیچ ماده آلی در فرایند ساخت و مونتاژمصرف نشده است.
Betonpanel • What is Betonpanel ? Betonpanel is trademarkof the fibercement planks of high quality used by this company (B-T-A co. ) with smooth or cedar textured surface . Depending on the request , they are used in two different widths of 180 & 210 mm , and two different thickness of 8 & 10 mm .standard length is 2500 mm for the moment and will be produced in longer dimension soon .
What is Fibercement? • PRODUCT CONTENT: Our fibercement planks are produced from all materials and the content is as follow: • PORTLAND CEMENT • MINERAL FILLER (SILICA) • NATURAL FIBER(CELLULOSE) • ADDITIVES
APPLICATION : These boardes are cladding material for exterior facades of new building as well as renovation of old buildings.The most popular method of application is fastening the plankes on to either wood or steel construction fixed on to façade. Fibercement siding are very popular today as façade cladding materials due to their decorative look , homogenious texture made of all natural materials , durability against extremely hard climatic conditions and easy installation.
Technical Specification : • Density : ~1300 kg/m3 (full dry ) • Density : 1400 kg/m3 (medium moisture ) • Bending strength : 15.0 N/mm2 • Pressure strength : 30.0 N/mm2 • Modulus of elasticity : 5000 N/mm2 • Tensile strength : 2.0 N/mm2 • Porosity : %30 • Hygrical movement (ASTM C 1185 ) : 0.5 mm/m • Thermal expansion coefficient : 4.25 * 10 ^ -6 m/mk • Thermal conductivity coefficient : 0.19 W/mk • Reaction to fire (DIN 4102/2 ) : incombustible (A2 class DIN 410/2 ) • Water permeability : impermeable (EN 12467 ) • Asbestos content : Non-asbestos (NT type ) • Minimum bending radius : 12 m • Water absorption rateio : <%25(including medium moisture ) • Moisture in stock : < %10
Advantageous properties 1 : • Composition of completely natural materials . • Environment , natural & human friendly . • Contains no asbestos , PVC , or any other material harmful to human health • Long life . • Easy maintenance . • Not affected by insects harmful to woods,not inhabitable for unsects . • Safely used in humid climates, very low reaction ratio against water . (max. 0.5 mm/m when kept in water for 24 hours . ) • Fire resistant . • Can be painted with acrylic external paint and plastic .
Advantageous properties 2 : 10 Warm & comfortable appearance because of the wooden effect , but physically more advantegeous than wood . 11. Resistant against sea water moisture , so it can be used safely as external wall of seaside buildings . • Water resistance , water absorption ratio is lower than concrete buildings • Resistant against ultraviolet rays . • Can be easily processed by hard wood tools . • Easy to install. • light , can be easily handled ( weight of 8 mm thick sheet is 11.2 kg/m2 ).
Specifications ofBetonpanel : • Resistance to moisture • Sound insulation • Heat insulation • Fire insulation • Resistance to weather conditions • Resistance to biological waste • Physical specified • Responses to moisture and heat • Weight distribution table
Resistance to Moisture • When Betonpanel board is soaked in water for 28 days, the swelling is <1.8% ,Due to this feature , it is far superior to similar products such as chipboards. MDF and plaster boards!
Sound Insulation • Due to its high density , BETONPANEL provides better sound insulation to similar products. The graphics below show insulation values 10-18 mm thick BETONPANEL boards. (the boards used in the test were 1.875 m^2 and the sound frequency selected was 500 to 2000 Hz.)
Heat Insulation 1 • A BETONPANEL board with a thickness of 1 cm provides heat insulation equal to 10 cm concrete wall! • Two surfaces covered by 10 mmBETONPANEL and 8cm thick sandwich panel wall is equivalent 39 cm ,hollow brick isolated wall.
Heat Insulation 2 • 8.5 cmBETONPANEL outer wall provides heat insulation of a 39 cm brick wall .The graphics below show the K value of 8.5 cm thick sandwich wall made of 12 mmBETONPANEL boards.
Fire Insulation • BETNOPANEL boards are fire- resistant.A 60 mm thick partition wall sandwiched between 12 mm BETONPANEL boards are insulated with glasswool in between resist fire for 1 hour . This specification makes BETONPANEL far superior to similar materials within its category!
Resistance to Weather Conditions • BETONPANEL has subjected to DIN-EN 321 wear test. This test consisted of three stages: The boards were soaked in water for 72 hours. Then they were dried at 12c for 24 hours. Under this test ,BETONPANEL showed remarkable resilience to normal weather conditions. There was no bending ,straining ,breaking or swelling of he material. The results of this test showed consistent and effective resistance to normal weather conditions according to DIN 68800 part 2.
Resistance to Biological Waste • Due to high alkalinity (ph 12-13) and density, BETNOPANEL is highly resistant to biological waste. • In high moisture area, its sensitivity to fungoid and mold both above and underground have been tested. In boards above the ground no fungoid and mold were observed. • Some mold was observed in boards that were kept underground for 8 years .Yet molding remained limited to 0.9 mm thickness on the surface. • The tests showed that the boards are insect-proof.
Responses to Moisture and Heat : • As we all know ,wood expands according to the moisture in the environment. Similarly cement and concrete also expand when the humidity level changes. • The expansivity of Betnopanel is less than that of the wood or timber ,and more than dried cement .As BETONPANELs structure is more homogenous than wood or timber ,the expansivity 1% humidity should be expected to lead to an average 0.1 mm/m shrinking. In applications, BETONPANEL boards should be painted with paints that would block air and resistant to alkali.
The painting would decrease linear expansivity ,but would not completely prevent it. For this reason the boards should be installed so as to allow for linear expansivity .By this way on surface concave and convex would be completely prevented.
More Qualities About BETONPANEL: • Elasticity: BETONPANEL boards have an elasticity modulus of 4500 N/mm^2 . A circle of 6 meter in diameter may be formed without fracture. • No hazardous materials, such as asbeston and formaldehyde.Odiuries. • Environment friendly. • Perfect sound insulation (31-35 db as panel, 45-50 db as a sandwich wall). • Preferred in earthquake resistant building because of its lightness. • BETONPANEL is light material (a 10 mm thick BETONPANEL board weights only 13 kg/m^2) • Capable to bear high static loads . • Resistant to chemicals and animal waste. • Resistant to gasoline and oils.
Machinability: BETONPANEL board is suitable for perforating, cutting, mortising, and tenoning . • Impact Resistance: BETONPANEL has the highest impact resistance among similar materials.
Fire resistance : BETONPANEL boards is completely fire-proof and classified in A2 (DIN 4102-1 ) • Insect – proof : BETONPANEL board is absolutely insect – proof because of its cement content.
Non – molding features : As a result of resistance to moisture BETONPANEL boards will not develop mold. • Non – Swelling Features: When BETONPANEL board is soaked in water as much as 28 days, the swelling is negligible. (< 1.8%)
Resistant to Earthquake & Impact • The wood material BETONPANEL makes it resistant to bending , pressure and impact.
All these figures demonstrate BETONPANELs resistance to earthquake and impact . In resistance to impact BETONPANEL is superior to gypsum board!
The advantages of Dashpanel: • It’s not plastic and it is odourless. • It has relief stone pattern. • It does not block water vaporization of structures. • Enables easy and quick installation. • Fire resistant(A2 DIN 4102 – part 1 )
It is long lasting and durable ,gets more durable with sunlight and rain. • Perfect for sound and heat insulation. • It can be painted by any finishing paint. • Does not contain any hazardous material.
Which sizes are available? • 171 mm x 346 mm • 346 mm x 521 mm • 171 mm x 696 mm • 1250 mm x 3000 mm
Installation The advantage of this system is in the direct installation over an existing wall by the usage of PVC screw pin fastener 8/120 mm. The holes and the milling for the screw heads are made in the factory. The corners are formed with a special angle profiles made from the same material. The boards are cut with a grinder with stone grinding disc or with a circular saw with blade with diamond tips. The boards are arranged horizontally and vertically and a 5-mm joint should be formed. This joint is filled with polyurethane jointfiller HYPERSEAL-15LM. The heads of the screw pin fasteners are covered with putty for metal. If heat insulation is needed the system could be made in combination with extruded polysthirol URSA.