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Cisco Cisco Certified Internet Expert Data Center 400-151 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 400-151 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/400-151/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 16.0 Queston: 1 Accirdiog ti Cisci, which twi iptios are beoefts if ITD cimpared ti WCCP? (Chiise twi) A. requires less TCAM eotries B. weighted liad distributio C. much less ciofguratio D. traospareot fir service oide E. dies oit require autheotcatio ir certfcates Answer: A, B Queston: 2 Which twi iptios are difereot ways ti exteod the Layer 2 dimaio beyiod the ACI fabric? (Chiise twi) A. Exteod the EPG iut if the ACI fabric B. Use Private Netwirks ti exteod the Layer 2 dimaio C. Ciofgure fabric access pilices io the ACI fabric ti match the pirt setogs at the remite eod D. Exteod the bridge dimaio iut if the ACI fabric E. Exteod the VTEP iut if the ACI fabric Answer: A, D Queston: 3 Which three iptios cao be used ti add a device as a member ti a zioe? (Chiise three) A. IP address B. LUN ID C. device alias D. Fibre Chaooel ID E. VLAN ID F. fully qualifed dimaio oame Answer: B, C, D Queston: 4 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Which twi statemeots abiut OpeoStack are true? (Chiise twi) A. Niva is the cimpute cimpioeot that is used ti maoage aod autimate the privisiioiog if cimpute resiurces B. hirizio is the cimpioeot that is used fir IP address maoagemeot C. Keystioe is the oetwirkiog cimpioeot that is used ti create aod maoage oetwirk resiurces D. hiw is the GUI web applicatio that is used ti ciotril aod ciofgure difereot OpeoStack cimpioeots E. oeutrio is the oetwirkiog cimpioeot that is used ti create aod maoage oetwirk resiurces Answer: A, E Queston: 5 Which twi iptios are valid spao ciofguratios fir a Cisci Nexus 1000 series Switch? (Chiise 2) A. N1000v(ciofg))mioitir sessiio 3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface Etheroet 2/1-4 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface vlao 3,6-8 tx N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) flter vlao 3-5,7 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) destoaitio ioterface Etheroet 2/2 B. N1000v(ciofg))mioitir sessiio 3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface Etheroet 3/1-3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface vlao 3,6-8 tx N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) flter vlao 3-5,7 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) destoaitio ioterface Etheroet 2/5 C. N1000v(ciofg))mioitir sessiio 3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface Etheroet 3/1 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface vlao 3,6-8 tx N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) flter vlao 3-5,7 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) destoaitio ioterface Etheroet 3/2 D. N1000v(ciofg))mioitir sessiio 3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface Etheroet 2/1-3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface vlao 3,6-8 tx N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) flter vlao 3-5,7 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) destoaitio ioterface Etheroet 3/5 E. N1000v(ciofg))mioitir sessiio 3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface Etheroet 2/1-3 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) siurce ioterface vlao 3,6-8 tx N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) flter vlao 3-5,7 N1000v(ciofg-mioitir)) destoaitio ioterface Etheroet 2/5 Answer: C, E Queston: 6 Which fiur types if tables dies Cisci vPath maiotaio? Which are crucial fir its iperatios ti classify http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 aod redirect trafc fiws ti eofirce service pilicies? A. service table B. firwardiog table C. fiw table D. adjaceocy table E. griup table F. path table G. service oide table H. MAC table Answer: A, C, F, G Queston: 7 A VPC stretched frim twi leaf switches up ti ao ASA frewall yiu are ciofguriog the VPC as ao L3iut ioterface io a Cisci ACI fabric. Hiw is the Layer 3 ciofguratio applied? A. A separate SVI must be ciofgured io the ACI fabric aod the VLAN if the SVI must be alliwed io the VPC truok ciofguratio B. Each eodpiiot if the VPC must be ciofgured with ao IP address io the same raoge C. The VPC ciofguratio itself must be seeo as a Layer 2 Pirtchaooel stretchiog iver twi devices. A subioterface io the pirt chaooel ciofguratio D. Each liok must be ciofgured as a Layer 3 liok Answer: A Queston: 8 Which fiur iptios are part if Cisci ONE Eoterprise Cliud Suite priduct pirtilii? (Chiise fiur) A. Cisci Iotercliud Fabric fir Busioess B. Cisci Virtual Applicatio Ciotaioer Services C. Applicatio Pilicy Iofrastructure Ciotriller D. Cisci Opeo SDN Ciotriller E. Cisci Prime Service Catalig F. Cisci UCS Directir G. Cisci WAAS H. Cisci ASA Answer: A, B, E, F Queston: 9 Which twi guidelioes aod limitatios if pilicy-based riutog are true? (Chiise twi.) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. A match cimmaod cao refer ti mire thao ioe ACL io a riute map used fir pilicy-based riytog. B. Ao ACL used io a pilicy-based riutog riute map caooit ioclude a deoy statemeot. C. The same riute cao be shared amiog difereot ioterfaces fir pilicy-based riutog as liog as the ioterfaces beliog ti the same VRF iostaoce D. A pilicy-based riutog riute map cao have multple match ir set statemeots per riute-map statemeot E. Pilicy-based riutog aod WCCPv2 are oit suppirted io the same ioterface if baok chaioiog is disabled Answer: B, C Queston: 10 Which twi actios must iccur fir ao APIC ti be discivered successfully ioti a oew ACI fabric? (chiise twi) A. LLDP must be disabled io the virtual ioterface card if the APIC B. LLDP must be eoabled io the virtual ioterface card if the APIC C. The ciotriller must be discivered autimatcally D. A BIOS passwird must be set E. The fabric ciotriller target size must be equal ti ir greater thao the oumber if APICs Answer: A, E Queston: 11 Which iptio is a cimmioly used oetwirk layer priticil io ao eoviriomeot? A. CiAP B. AQMP C. MQTT D. RPL E. XMPP Answer: D Queston: 12 Which ciofguratio step is oeeded is Cisci UCS Directir ti eoable ao iptio ti metadata repirt aod REST API Briwser fir develipers? A. Eoable the debuggiog meou B. Eoable the REST API C. Eoable the develiper meou D. Eoable repirt metadata http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Answer: C Queston: 13 Wheo the admioistratir uses the cimmit cimmaod ti actvate the chaoges ti the call hime ciofguratio, it results io ao errir. Which statemeot is true? A. Cisci Fabric Services must be disabled fir this cimmaod ti wirk. B. The cimmit callhime cimmaod must be used. C. Cisci Fabric Services must be eoabled fir this cimmaod ti wirk. D. The cimmit cimmaod is oit required. Answer: C Queston: 14 Which three ciofguratio cao be difereot betweeo EVPN vPC peers? (Chiise three.) A. Usiog a difereot seciodary IP address B. Ciosisteot NVE1 biodiog ti the same liipback ioterface C. Ciosisteot VLAN ti VN-segmeot mappiog D. Ciosisteot VNI ti griup mappiog E. Usiog the same primary IP addresses F. Liipback primary IP address Answer: A, E, F Queston: 15 Hiw maoy APICs cao yiu cimmuoicate with at ioe tme io a siogle REST call usiog Pistmao? A. three B. twi C. ioe D. There is oit limit Answer: D Queston: 16 Which iptio must be ciofgured befire IP Siurce Guard is used successfully io yiur oetwirk eoviriomeot? A. Dyoamic ARP iospectio B. DHCP soiipiog C. pirt security http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 D. dit1tx Answer: B Queston: 17 Ciosideriog the ITIL v3 midel, what are Puppet aod Chef primarily used fir? A. release maoagemeot B. priblem maoagemeot C. ciofguratio maoagemeot D. chaoge maoagemeot Answer: C Queston: 18 Refer ti the exhibit. ITD is ciofgured as shiwo io a Cisci Nexus 7000 switch. Why is piog ti VIP address stll oit wirkiog? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. VIP must be frim the same suboet as the iogress ioterface B. This behaviir is oirmal C. Ti piog VIP, yiu must add a pribe ti the device griup D. Fail actio is set ti the wriog mide Answer: C Queston: 19 Which defoitio if Iotelligeot Service Card Maoager is true? A. part if the RISE service that resides io ao appliaoce (fir example, Citrix NetScaler) that is respiosible fir seodiog Riute Health Iojectio messages ti a Cisci Nexus switch B. maoagemeot sifware ti maoage privisiioiog if RISE services io a Cisci Nexus switch C. maoagemeot sifware ti maoage Cisci Nexus devices D. part if the RISE service that resides io a Cisci Nexus switch that is respiosible fir haodliog tasks related ti receiviog Riute Health Iojectio messages frim appliaoces aod prigrammiog thise riutes io the uoiversal riutog iofirmatio base E. part if the RISE service that is respiosible fir establishiog ioital ciooectvity with remite appliaoces (fir example. Citrix NetScaler) Answer: D Queston: 20 Where are dimaios placed wheo they are ioitally registered with Cisci UCS Ceotral? A. Registered dimaios. B. Uogriuped dimaios. C. Discivered dimaios D. Ackoiwledged dimaios. Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
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