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Classified ads are a type of advertisement that is generally common in newspapers or pamphlets. Every day, there are numerous classified ads being printed in newspapers, and we are hardly able to recognize any difference between them and an advertisement being printed by giving proper cost.<br><br>Source: https://www.apsense.com/article/benefits-of-classified-ads-in-newspaper.html
Benefits of Benefits of Classified Ads in Classified Ads in Newspaper Newspaper Classified ads are a type of advertisement that is generally common in newspapers or pamphlets. Every day, there are numerous classified ads being printed in newspapers, and we are hardly able to recognize any difference between them and an advertisement being printed by giving proper cost. While some people think that classified ads are not beneficial and just a cheap source of marketing, many on the other side have successfully achieved high levels of profit through classified ads in the newspaper! There are many types of classified advertising, like property, matrimonial, business, etc. If you look in deep, there are many benefits that one can gain by giving classified advertisements in newspapers.
• One of the most prominent benefits of classified advertisements is their cheap cost. The cost of these types of ads is very pocket- friendly and negligible. Many newspapers even provide the service of classified ads free of cost! These ads are thus, regarded as the best option for startup owners and emerging businessmen to promote their brand and services. • The time needed to design any classified ad is almost insignificant and can be designed by any person. So, giving classified ads in newspapers require almost no time as compared to the time required in giving a full-fledged poster in a newspaper. • Newspapers enjoy a huge reader base across the country! People still prefer to read newspapers over television news channels or any other source! A large percentage of people still include reading a newspaper as an important part of their daily routine. So, ads published in newspapers reach to a larger than life audience that automatically results in better profit and progress levels. Thus, if your resources are limited, then giving classified ads in newspapers should be given higher priority than any other marketing strategy!
• The popularity of newspapers in India has resulted in the opening of a countless number of advertisement agencies. This offers a wide range of options to the customer while choosing an advertising agency. One can effectively compare the facility and fee structure of different agencies and choose one accordingly. • The parameters of classified ads are ever extending! One can give a classified advertisement on almost any topic or occasion. Ads on subjects like property, investment, business, deaths, etc. can be seen every day in almost every newspaper. Thus, one needs not to worry about the subject of ad or content and can freely give classified ads in any newspaper.
Hence, classified ads are a very smart and efficient source of marketing without making a huge hole in the pocket! They are the emerging source of promotion and representation of startups or even individual artists. Many ad agencies in India are promoting the concept of classified ads in various regions of the country. SOURCE https://www.apsense.com/article/benefits-of-classified-ads-in- newspaper.html